Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand six hundred and sixty-five Entering Miaoling

Zuo Taisui was moved and convinced.

Of course, this is reserved persuasion.

To believe a woman with cerebral palsy is no different than committing suicide.

However, her ability to control A Fei gave him an advantage in the final battle.

Of course, the premise is that you can get the Blood Sea Demonic Skill.

The premise for them to fall out is when the Blood Sea Demonic Art comes.

Then everyone is unevenly distributed.

This is almost where treasure hunters end up most of the time.

After three months of trekking, they finally arrived at the outskirts of Miaoling.

"Brother Jin, we have arrived at the border of Miaoling. What should we do now? With such a large number of people carrying so many boxes, the road may be difficult to walk." Zuo Taisui asked.

"This is simple, you guys come here." Jin Si called all the bodyguards to him.

After getting along with each other for several months, the escort chiefs generally knew what kind of person Jin Si was.

He is strong in martial arts, but vicious and despicable, and has no bottom line in life.

So they are not very willing to communicate with Jin Si.

After all, they still want to be good people.

And every time they come into contact with Jin Si, they feel that their three views have been refreshed.

You can learn all kinds of weird knowledge every time.

For example, how much can be hidden in the crotch?

Another example is how to escape the a brothel.

"We almost had to say goodbye to you here." Jin Si said, and as he spoke, he pulled out a knife from his crotch: "To be honest, we have been very happy with each other along the way. Many of you have given me I provide a lot of fun.”

Although the escort chiefs all wanted to refute Jin Si at this moment, saying that they were not happy at all.

But Jin Si's action of drawing the knife still made them wary.

"I originally wanted to kill you all. After all, crossing rivers and burning bridges is my normal operation."

The escort chiefs broke out in cold sweat.

What do you want to say? Why don't you just say it directly?

"We have made a lot of money along the way, but we can't bring this money into Miaoling, so I decided to find a place to bury these gold and silver jewelry, and then kill all of you insiders. This is not too much."

This is not called excessive, so what is excessive?

"I'm kidding, I'm scaring you." Jin Si suddenly laughed.

"Haha... Mr. Jin likes to joke."

"Yeah, yeah, I just said Mr. Jin wouldn't do that."

"How could Mr. Jin, such a good person, do such a thing?"

"Yes." Jin Si nodded: "I will kill only half of them."

Everyone's smiles froze in an instant.

"I'm still kidding, I won't kill anyone." Jin Si said.

At this time, no one believed it. There was not a word of truth in this guy's mouth.

"After all, I need to transport these treasures back." Jin Si said: "After you transport the treasures back, you can leave a box of treasures behind."

Everyone was in a daze. Is there really such a good thing?

"But if you don't carry the treasure back as I ask, then I will kill your whole family when I get back."

"No, no, we will definitely deliver the treasure to Taiyuan safely."

"Since you have such a guarantee, then my list of your family members will definitely not be used." Jin Si smiled and threw away the list in his hand.

Everyone swallowed, this guy was too vicious.

"Brother Jin, we agreed that each of us would get half of the money, right?"

"We agreed, but now is not the time to split the money. After all, we have more important things to do, right?"

"Yes...but that doesn't stop us from sharing the money."

"After the money is divided, it will be delivered to your home in batches. In this way, there will definitely not be enough manpower. It is better to send these treasures to Taiyuan first, and then divide the money after we return."

Zuo Taisui lowered his head. He was not very willing to make such an arrangement, but for a while he could not find a reason to refute.

"Besides, whether we can go back alive this time is still a question. Even if we finally get the Blood Sea Demonic Art, it is most likely that one of us will be able to go back, so it doesn't make any sense to divide now." Jin Si said frankly Said: "So I think whoever of us can go back alive will get all the wealth. Is this a good distribution plan?"

"Okay, that's it."

In fact, this allocation is winner-take-all.

The loser keeps his money and his life.

As for the group of bodyguards, everyone stared.

This guy had thoroughly investigated their entire family's identity information before setting off.

Do you want to be such a dog?

"When you have made enough money, you have to think about whether you can evade me and Mr. Zuo. Don't get greedy for money and end up losing yourself and your whole family. That would be boring, right?" Bar."

"What Mr. Jin said is that we will never make fun of the lives of the whole family. We will send you these boxes to Taiyuan safely."

"Then hurry up and set off. Be careful on the way back this time. After all, no one will protect you. Besides, if you are really being targeted and you feel like you can't deal with it, just drop the box."

No one believed that Jin Si would be so kind.

They dared to covet these treasures, and Jin Si wanted to kill their whole family.

If they lose this batch of treasures, Jin Si will let them go.

"I'm serious. Just remember who stole the money. You can also earn interest. What's wrong with that?"

Everyone shuddered, Madhu was indeed not a good person.

When we came here, Jin Si had already been killed and his blood flowed like a river, so he went back and wanted to do it again.

There are not so many green forests on this road.

Zuo Taisui had no objection to this, but felt that Jin Si was really professional in this business.

An unparalleled professionalism.

After the escort team left with the treasure.

Jin Si, Zuo Taisui, A Fei and Lin Xian'er entered Miaoling.

"Sure enough, the scenery is beautiful, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant." Jin Si breathed in the fresh air full of miasma.

Zuo Taisui, A Fei and Lin Xian'er's faces turned dark.

They have all taken medicine to avoid miasma, but even so, they cannot inhale too much miasma and need to leave here as soon as possible.

But Jin Si took a big breath without restraint.

The birds are chirping and the flowers are fragrant.

The word backcountry is no joke.

No one knows how many terrifying things are hidden in the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Miasma is the protective barrier on the surface.

Outsiders cannot set foot here, and the biggest reason is this miasma.

And miasma is just one of the causes.

There are poisonous insects and ferocious beasts all over the place, and there are culverts and gullies everywhere.

There is deadly poisonous mist hidden in the grass, and man-eating beasts lurk in the water.

Have you ever seen a centipede with thick arms? After they entered Miaoling, they saw a centipede with thick arms lying on the body of a poor buffalo, eating the flesh and blood of the buffalo.

Ah Fei's hands were weak, so he went up and chopped off the centipede, and at the same time cut open the buffalo's belly.

As a result, all of them vomited out their midnight snacks, including Jin Si.

Jin Si kicked A Fei on the butt, almost leaving him with the buffalo carcass.

"If you are mean again next time, I will stuff these bugs into your mouth."

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