Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty Seven My peach blossom eyes

Ah Fei was currently enjoying his time with Lin Xian'er.

Although there are people coming and going on the street.

But A Fei only has Lin Xian'er in his eyes.

I feel like Lin Xianer's every frown and smile can intoxicate people's hearts.

However, every time A Fei saw Lin Xian'er's sad face, he would think of Jin Si's face again.

"Xian'er, let's run away now, while that guy is not here. The Miaoling Mountains are high and the roads are far away, so that guy can't catch up with us at all. After we escape from Miaoling, we will find a place to live in seclusion in the mountains. Then No matter how powerful this guy is, he can't find us."

Lin Xianer's heart was filled with 10,000 eye rolls at this moment.

Who promised to retreat to the mountains and forests with you?

I haven't had enough of this colorful world.

Lin Xianer also had a headache at the moment.

I just threw a candy to A Fei, but in the end, he took advantage of me and wanted to run away from me.

Of course, Lin Xianer is not planning a showdown with Ah Fei yet.

My plan also needs to use Ah Fei.

"A Fei, what I want is not to hide for the rest of my life and not see the light of day for the rest of my life. What I want is for you to defeat that person upright. If you can't do that, if you don't even have the courage, then you have disappointed me so much. .”

"I...but that person is very powerful in martial arts..."

Ah Fei's face looked ugly. It was not like he had never competed with Jin Si before.

When he was in Li Yuan, he competed with Lin Shiyin and Li Xunhuan.

Needless to say, Lin Shiyin and Li Xunhuan’s martial arts skills go without saying.

But Ah Fei could at least survive a few moves in their hands.

But Jin Si is different, it doesn't give Jin Hui at all.

Every time A Fei mustered up the courage to ask Jin Si for a discussion.

As a result, Jin Si came up and slapped him.

Totally unreasonable and not given a chance.

Every time Ah Fei felt that his martial arts had improved again, he was slapped again.

Every time A Fei felt that he had a new realization, he was slapped again.

After being beaten too many times, Ah Fei completely gave up.

He didn't want to be slapped by Jin Si again.

Jin Si had already dispersed A Fei's anger.

But now Lin Xianer asked Ah Fei to muster up his courage again.

This is a bit of a stronghold on men.

However, love can give people courage, but it can also make people go crazy.

At this moment, A Fei was so overwhelmed by love that his brain was damaged.

"I know, I will defeat that person." A Fei said with courage.

"Actually, there is no need to defeat him head-on." Lin Xianer suddenly lowered her voice and said.

A Fei looked at Lin Xian'er puzzled.

"How to do that?"

"I have talked about this matter with Mr. Zuo. Mr. Zuo is a decent man, but he also dislikes that man's behavior. So if you are willing, he is willing to join forces with you." Lin Xian'er said.

A Fei frowned slightly, hearing what Lin Xian'er said.

It seems that he wants to attack Jinsi himself.

But this kind of thing goes against the moral principles of the world.

Besides, Jin Si is his master in name.

This made him hesitate.

"A Fei, don't you want to rescue me from his clutches?"

"But he is the master of you and me. I'm afraid it would be against morality to do so."

"I was forced to buy it by him, and you were also forced to recognize the master. Where did the friendship between master and servant come from? In his eyes, you and I are just objects of teasing and fun."


"I know, you are simply afraid of him and don't dare to be his enemy for me." Lin Xianer turned around and left with tears in her eyes.

"Xian'er, I didn't mean that."

Soon, A Fei was convinced.

Jin Si is a bad guy, and he is exorcizing demons and protecting the Tao, so it is not considered a violation of morality.

Thinking of this, A Fei felt comfortable.

"Xian'er, I just listen to you." A Fei said.

At this time, the two saw Zuo Taisui coming from the front.

"Brother A Fei, Miss Lin, where are you going?" Zuo Taisui came up and said hello.

"Mr. Zuo is in a hurry, but what news have you heard?"

"I heard some news." Zuo Taisui did not hide anything: "It is said that there was news in the past two days, saying that someone landed on the island in the middle of the blood sea."

Lin Xian'er and A Fei's expressions changed. They had come a long way from here.

It was for the Blood Sea Demonic Skill, but now I heard that someone had landed on the island.

This made them all very nervous.

If the Blood Sea Demonic Skill is snatched away.

Then their hopes are dashed.

"What about the Blood Sea Demonic Skill?" Lin Xian'er asked, looking even more nervous than A Fei.

"That person didn't succeed. It is said that he is missing a key thing." Zuo Taisui said.

"What's missing?"


"Woman?" A Fei and Lin Xian'er were both stunned, looking at Zuo Taisu in confusion.

"To be precise, it's the blood of a woman with Zhiyin Zhihan's bloodline. The Blood Sea Demonic Art hidden on the island in the middle of the blood sea requires the blood of Zhiyin Zhihan's bloodline to open the seal. That group of people are now I’m looking everywhere for this woman with Zhiyin Zhihan bloodline.”

"Has anyone found it?"

"No one has found her yet, but that's not surprising. There are only a few hundred people in this village. I heard that there is only one woman in a million who can be so cold. How could she be so easy to find?"

Lin Xian'er looked worried: "Then if we can't find this Zhiyin Zhihan woman, won't we be unable to obtain the Blood Sea Demonic Skill?"

"There is nothing we can do about it. The Blood Sea Demonic Skill is not an ordinary skill, so it will naturally have strict demands."

"Then you don't know how to identify a woman who is extremely cold?"

"I don't know." Zuo Taisui shook his head: "If we can't find this Yin Zhihan woman, I'm afraid our trip will be in vain."

Having said this, Zuo Taisui was quite disappointed.

After all, he came this time with some hope.

But now he couldn't do it as expected. He didn't even get through the door and was blocked from the outside. It still made him feel disappointed.

Just when the three of them were dejected, they saw Jin Si walking towards a girl from the Miao family, carefree.

Lin Xian'er snorted softly, with a bit of gloom in her eyes.

"Oh, what a coincidence." Jin Si walked over with a smile.

"Brother Jin, you are really in high spirits." Zuo Taisui smiled and said hello.

"Mr. Zuo, you are so dejected, haven't you met Miss Xinyi?"

Zuo Taisui glanced at the Miao girl Jin Si was holding in his arms: "Not as good as Brother Jin. You can meet such a beautiful girl wherever you go."

"That's right, it's all my damn charm." Jin Si laughed triumphantly and glanced at the girl next to him: "Come on, laugh too."

The Miao girl forced a smile.

"Would you like me to help Mr. Zuo find a Miao girl?"

"Then I won't bother Brother Jin."

"Really? I have peach blossom eyes. I can spot any girl very accurately. I can tell whether they are chicks or not."

Zuo Taisui's cheeks twitched slightly, I can see it, and I want your peach blossom eyes.

"Then you don't know that Brother Jin, a woman with peach blossom eyes, is so cold that she can't see it?"

"What's so difficult about this? Lin Goudan is the one." Jin Si said carelessly: "I recognized her bloodline at the beginning, so I bought her."

In an instant, the originally bustling market suddenly became quiet.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Jin Si.

Zuo Taisui, A Fei, and Lin Xian'er all had pale faces.

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