Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

Five hundred and seventy-nine Come again, I will kill your grandson

On the way back, Jin Si slowed down, and took a rest on an island for a day on the way.

These little bastards were beaten all over on Judicial Island.

In one day, it recovered seven or seven eighty-eight.

When Jin Si returned to the capital of seven waters with the straw hat group, Espagu had already woken up.

Espagu took the lead in saying that the Straw Hats are a model of pirates in the new era, how could they harm him.

While expressing affirmation to the Straw Hats, he also verbally criticized his own boatmen.

Espagu silently put away the latest wanted reward order of the Straw Hats.

Word has spread about the Judiciary Island incident.

The entire Judiciary Island fell into the trench.

And the navy also put a new reward amount on them.

Luffy offered a reward of 300 million Baileys.

Big ass offers a reward, 500 million Baileys.

"Captain Trash, you are not as high as my reward." Jin Si ruthlessly mocked Luffy.

"This must be a mistake, why am I not the one with the highest reward? I am the leopard who defeated CP9." Luffy protested loudly holding his reward: "I'm going to the Navy headquarters, I want to protest..."

Robin was sitting in front of the bar counter, watching the quarrel between Jin Si and Luffy over there.

If you can beat his reward, you will be a ghost.

Unfortunately, none of the fleet of the Demon Slaying Order survived.

There is only news of his tie with Admiral Aokiji.

Otherwise, his reward is estimated to be over one billion Baileys.

Lena is sitting at the bar.

The bar was left by Bruno.

When he left, he gave the bar to Lina.

Now Lena is the owner of the bar.

Lina looked at the pirate in front of her in admiration.

This is the pirate she longs for.

Passionate and exciting, bravely ventured into Judicial Island to rescue his companions.

Lina ran to Jin Si: "Jin, I want to join your pirate group."

"Hello, I'm the captain..."

It's a pity that Luffy's words were ignored.

"No, it's too small." Jin Si directly rejected Lina's request.

"I'm already ten years old!"

"I'm not talking about age."


Jin Si was invited to drink again.

At this moment, Frankie came in from outside the bar.

"Luffy, I want to board your boat."

"Okay." Luffy agreed straightforwardly.

Franky feels the charm of the Straw Hats.

Of course, it is also the same kind of call.

After all, here, sand sculptures account for the vast majority.

Just then, a navy came in through the door.

Everyone entered the fighting state in an instant.

"Grandpa!?" Luffy exclaimed.

"Grandpa?" Everyone in the Straw Hats fell into madness again.

Luffy's grandfather is a navy?

It was Luffy's grandfather Garp who came.

"Grandpa, what are you doing here?" Luffy also entered the fighting state.


Luffy was knocked unconscious by Garp.

Garp looked at Jin Si: "Are you the one who Aokiji judged to be a huge threat to the navy?"

"What did Aokiji say? That bastard, in fact, I have never fought him at all. He has been slacking off. Let me tell you, Aokiji is actually a revolutionary. If you don't believe me, after you go back, tie him up and beat him three times." He will definitely confess within five days."

"Whether it's a threat or not, we'll know after one fight." Karp walked towards Jin Si.

Jin Si suddenly rushed to Lu Fei's side and grabbed Lu Fei's neck.

"Don't come here, I'll kill your grandson if you come here again."

"Is this guy a human?" Everyone asked.

Karp didn't care so much, he just punched Jin Si when he came up.

Jin Si immediately put Luffy in the first place.

"Ah... ah... ah..."

Luffy screamed again and again, and Garp couldn't hit Jin Si in a daze.

Every punch was blocked by Luffy.

" let me go, I'm going to be beaten to death by grandpa."

"Let go of you, I will be beaten to death by your grandpa, so... please die."

"Is this guy a demon?" Everyone asked.

Garp finally stopped because Luffy was literally dying.

Jin Si waved Luffy in his hand: "Come on, let's fight again, I'm just warming up."

"Σ(っ°Д°;)っ" Luffy was weak and helpless, unable to make a sound.

"Forget it." Garp has basically reached the bottom of Jin Si.

The purpose of this trip is to visit Luffy.

The other is to explore the old background of Jinsi.

"Luffy, I'm leaving." Garp came and went quickly.

"Wait...can't go." Lina suddenly stepped forward to hold Karp.

"Little girl, do you want to join the navy?"

"No, you broke something and didn't pay."

"..." Garp was speechless: "Send the bill to the Navy Headquarters."

As soon as Garp left, Jin Si immediately high-fived Lina: "We will split half of the money we earn."

Everyone was speechless again, feeling that Lina and someone were printed out of the same mold.

It is easy for Jinsi to pollute such things, especially for such minors.

"Captain, thank you for your hard work." Jin Si put Luffy flat.

The next day, Frankie brings bad news.

The Golden Merry is old and suffers from osteoporosis, so she can no longer accompany the Straw Hats to sea.

When everyone went to visit the Golden Meili.

Luffy heard the voice of the Golden Merry.

In the end, a fire burned the Golden Meili.

The ashes were scattered into the sea.

Then Nami could only take out all her belongings, and with the help of Espagu.

Built a new ship, Thousand Miles of Sunshine.

In fact, Jin Si wanted it to be called Handsome Sunshine No. 2.

The result was the unanimous opposition of the entire crew.

Everyone wants to name the new boat.

In the end, no one can convince anyone.

Esbagu said, although I am not a crew member.

But I paid the most money for this ship, so it was directly named Qianli Sunshine.

If you don't accept the money, everyone will be convinced.

Farewell to Espagu with tears.

The Straw Hats finally boarded the Thousand Miles of Sunshine and set off again.

Jin Si was lying on the roof of the Thousand Miles of Sunshine basking in the sun.

Usopp, Luffy, and Chopper below are very interested in the new ship.

Franky is showing off all kinds of weird new equipment.

Robin moved the chair to the rooftop and sat next to Jin Si.

"Are you sleeping?"

"No, I'm photosynthesizing."


"I eat the sun fruit, so I can absorb the energy of the sun."

"..." Robin picked up the book and read it, as expected this topic shouldn't be brought up.

"Robin sauce, this is the dessert I prepared for you, I hope you like it." Sanji held a plate in front of Robin.

"Sanji, where's mine?"

"Aren't you able to photosynthesize, do you still need to eat?" Robin couldn't help asking again.

"I'm not interested in making desserts for men." Sanji looked at Jin Si with disgust.

"Believe it or not, in a minute, you will kneel in front of me and confess your mistake loudly."

"Hehe... I have principles, and I will never change 100%. You can kill me, but you can't defeat me." Sanji said disdainfully.

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