Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

Six hundred and forty, I can only help you here

Jin Si came forward and patted Zhiqiu Yiye.

"It's okay, little leaf." Jin Si said comfortingly: "Think about it better, let's find a few more wives and have another litter. As long as you have enough births, rebuilding the holy land will not be a problem at all. It’s the old ancestor, and the patriarch.”

" don't have time to rebuild the Holy Land." Xiong Ba laughed and said.

"Why don't you have time?" Jin Si looked at the group of demons.

"Of course it's because you're about to die here."

All the monsters showed mocking expressions.

"Old monster, even you can't face it alone now, we must cooperate sincerely." Yan Chixia said: "If we don't work together, no one can escape."

"Xiaoyan, you underestimated me again."

"At this time, you still insist on being so proud." Yan Chixia became angry for no reason.

"Come to my side, stand closer." Jin Si looked back at Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi: "Daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, you also stand closer."

"what are you going to do?"

"Magnify your move." Jin Si said, opening the eyes of reincarnation.

Everyone was a little curious when they saw Jin Si's opened third eye, but they were not too surprised.

After all, everyone knows the identity of the Jin Si monster.

"Kill him!" The group of monsters rushed towards Jin Si in an instant.

Darkness, God Luo Tianzheng!


A terrifying black ripple spread out in all directions.

In an instant, the few monsters rushing to the front were disintegrated instantly.

First the flesh and blood, then the bones, and then the soul.

It's like peeling off the cocoon, layer by layer.

In an instant, half of the monsters died.

Disappeared with more than half of the big monsters,

There is also the entire palace, and there are tens of thousands of little demons in the palace.

Everyone, all monsters are all in place.

Those monsters who were not dead, all of them were in disbelief.

They didn't expect Jin Si to be able to wipe out nearly half of the monsters in an instant.

You know, they are all peerless monsters, and they are all overlords.

Any two fighting to eliminate each other for decades or hundreds of years may not be able to tell the winner.

But at this moment, more than a dozen peerless monsters were wiped out in an instant.

This terrifying strength made them all unexpected.

The rest of the monsters were all wounded as well.

Yan Chixia, Zhiqiu Yiye and old monk Baiyun were also shocked.

They all know that Jin Si is very strong,

Jin Si spat out blood.

"How are you?" Fu Qingfeng quickly supported the crumbling Jinsi.

"Qingfeng... I'm sorry... I can't protect you until the end..."

Fu Qingfeng's heart twitched, he bit his lower lip, and almost cried.

Tears are in the eyes, ready to fall at any time.

At this time, the undead monsters also slowed down.

"Let's go together, this traitor must die!"

A group of monsters rushed up again.

God Luo Tianzheng!

At this moment, the group of monsters suffered the same attack again.

Jin Si released the second wave of Shenluo Tianzheng.

In an instant, another ten monsters were vaporized on the spot, their bodies smashed to pieces.

The scene fell silent.

Everyone looked at Jin Si in astonishment.

Jin Si spat out another mouthful of blood.

Looks weaker.

"Qingfeng...I...I can only...can only help you..."

"You don't want to die, you don't want to die." Fu Qingfeng finally couldn't hold back anymore, and cried bitterly while hugging Jin Si.

Yan Chixia, Zhiqiu Yiye and old monk Baiyun looked at me and I looked at you.

They didn't expect that Jin Si would risk his life to save them.

There are four monsters left, including the slow-moving sea monster behind.

But at this moment, they suffered two Shenluo Tianzhengs in succession.

At this moment, his vitality has been greatly weakened.

However, they saw that Jin Si could no longer stand up.

Lying in Fu Qingfeng's arms, dying.

At this time, the four big monsters had nowhere to retreat.

If you can't eradicate Jinsi at this time.

Once Jin Si recovered, they must be the ones who died.

This great enemy must be eradicated.

Yan Chixia, Zhiqiu Yiye and old monk Baiyun looked at each other.

At the same time, he rushed towards the four big monsters.

At this time, the strength of the two sides is not to say the same.

At least not as disparity as before.

The four-headed monsters are due to two waves of Shenluo Tianzheng.

It was already weak by now.

For a while, the two sides were indistinguishable.

Jin Si raised his hand with difficulty, caressing Fu Qingfeng's face.


"Old demon, you said you wanted to marry me, so don't die."

"That... I didn't say I would die... I just lay down for a while..."

"Ah?" Fu Qingfeng quickly threw Jin Si on the ground, and ran away with a flushed face.


"Are you okay?" Fu Qingfeng saw Jin Si screaming, and quickly supported Jin Si's head.

"It's okay, just let me lie in your arms for a while."

Fu Qingfeng already felt that it was not a question of whether Jin Si would die or not, felt like he was not injured at all.

Jin Si also changed positions in Fu Qingfeng's arms.

"Qingfeng, after this battle is over, we will get married."

Fu Qingfeng blushed and refused to answer Jin Si's words.

Yan Chixia, Zhiqiu Yiye and the old monk Baiyun faced off against four great monsters.

It seems that they fought back and forth, but the opponents were four big monsters after all.

Although it was a serious injury to his vitality, he finally recovered slowly.

Seeing that the three of them became more and more difficult to resist.

Only then did Jin Si stand up again.

"Old demon... are you alright?"

"It's just that I haven't exerted myself for too long, and I'm a little out of strength." Jin Si replied without blushing and heartbeat: "It's almost time to end this farce."

Jin Si drew up his immortal power and wrote a rune in his palm.

A pat towards the front: "Sure!"

In an instant, the four monsters, Yan Chixia, Zhiqiu Yiye and old monk Baiyun were all captured.

"Old demon, what do you want us to do? Untie it for us quickly." Yan Chixia shouted.

"Ah... how to solve it?"

"Old Ancestor, didn't I teach you how to remove the hold spell?"

"I didn't remember, you say it again."

While Jin Si answered, he came in front of the monster.


Jin Si turned a monster's head off.

"You can't do this, we are all monsters, we are the same kind, you can't treat us like this."

"No, I can do it." Jin Si didn't hold back, and twisted another monster's head.

No matter how the remaining monsters begged for mercy, Jin Si couldn't make them pity them.

One by one, their hearts were crushed, or their heads were twisted off.

"Old demon, hurry up and undo our hold technique."

"What's the hurry, anyway, I will untie it in three hours."

Yan Chixia has already determined that Jin Si did it on purpose.

Jin Si turned around and came to Fu Qingfeng: "Qingfeng, let's visit the palace, I haven't visited the palace yet."

Fu Qingfeng looked around, except for the small river and a lake in the distance.

The entire imperial palace has been razed to the ground by Jin Si.

Visit the palace? Where to go?

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