Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

Six hundred and sixty carnival night

"Jin, Merry Christmas, this is a gift for you."

Jin Si was so angry that he threw the wig on the ground: "I don't want a wig."

"Don't be angry, let's go on vacation."

"No, I'm not interested."

"Let me introduce you to a beautiful big sister, a real big sister."


Jin Si was already standing in front of Katie dragging his suitcase.

"Come on, Christmas is about to have a Christmas atmosphere, and staying at home is the most boring thing."

Katie looked at Jin Si, annoyed and funny.

"Where are we going on vacation?"

"New York," Katie said.

"New York? What's the fun there, it's so cold, my hair growth hormone will freeze, I thought I was going to Hawaii."

Jin Si wanted to go to a tropical island like Hawaii, with sunshine, sandy beaches, and bikinis.

"A friend of mine who happened to be going back to New York invited me to her house."

"Friend? Boy?"

"No, it's a woman, a big beauty." Katie said.

"Then go to New York, I really like the winter in New York."

Katie took out her phone and dialed a number: "Mona, my uncle agreed, when do you plan to go back, let's go together."

After the communication, Katie hung up the phone: "It's tonight."

"Is that friend of yours a decent person?"

"Do you care about this?" Katie said disapprovingly.

"It seems to be the same." Jin Si shrugged.


Jin Si met a friend Katie knew at the airport,


He looks to be in his mid-twenties, with brown hair and a tall build.

The leather jacket she was wearing made her figure more vividly displayed.

This is the first woman who licks her lips when she sees Jin Si for the first time.

Jin Si likes her, yes.

"Is this your uncle?" Mona smiled sweetly.


"Hello, you can call me Kim."

When Jin Si shook hands with Mona, he felt his palm being scratched.

Mona exuded a seductive aura.

It seems to be looking for a spouse anytime, anywhere.

"Our flight has arrived, it's time to get on the plane."

The three seats are next to each other, and Katie seems to be yearning for New York very much.

Jin Si yearns for Mona beside her very much.

Mona didn't talk much, but she kept winking at Jin Si.

Constantly make all kinds of seductive behaviors.

"Mona, do we have anything to do when we get to New York?" Katie asked.

"My family has another party, the carnival night after Christmas, and I rushed back to participate in the carnival night." Mona said.

"Are you sure we outsiders can also participate?"

"Of course, my little cutie." Mona had a charming smile on her face: "Everyone in our family is very hospitable, especially people like you, who are very welcome."

"what about me?"

"Of course you're welcome too, Kim."

After a two-hour flight, the three of them had already landed at New York Airport.

Mona took the two into their family's special car.

The car stopped in a remote manor.

This manor is very large, you must know that this is New York.

It can be said that every inch of land is expensive.

"Your family is really big." Jin Si sighed, "I didn't expect you to be a noble lady."

"Hehe... I'm just a branch of the family, not a noble lady." Mona said with a smile: "Let's go, the carnival night is about to begin now."

But to their surprise, this carnival night was not on the ground.

After passing through the lobby, they entered a secret door, and then entered the underground through the secret door.

At this time, the grounds below the manor were crowded with men and women.

They are either caressing each other, or kissing like no one else.

Katie rushed onto the dance floor excitedly.

Mona took Jin Si and walked into a room.

Hugging, kissing, undressing, all in one go.

Under the flickering dim light in the room, Mona looked particularly crazy.

While panting heavily, Mona's figure was swaying and undulating.

The countdown to the carnival night came from outside.

Mona put her hands on Jin Si's shoulders.

Under the flickering light, Mona stuck out a pair of fangs.

When the carnival crowd outside counted down to 1, Mona suddenly fell down.

But at this moment, Jin Si reversed his posture.

At the same time, red liquid was suddenly sprayed from pipes overhead on the dance floor outside.

Dye everyone on the dance floor red.

Everyone at the scene looked crazy.

Only Katie silently took out two daggers.

A man suddenly opened his mouth to show his fangs, and rushed towards Katie.

A wild grin spread across Katie's face.

The man hadn't jumped in front of Katie yet.

Katie's blade has already passed like lightning.

At this time, the entire underground dance floor had already turned into a carnival of killing.

Before someone could understand what was going on, they were thrown down by the crazy predators around them.

The food that was tricked in fell to the ground struggling and wailing in despair.

Katie is like a harmless little white rabbit.

Quietly harvesting those predators who made her their prey.

"That girl! Kill her! She's not a prey!"

I don't know who shouted, and everyone's eyes fell on Katie.

At this time, the person whose throat was cut by Katie stood up again.

Katie tilted her head, a puzzled look on her face.

Katie was sure she had cut their aorta.

Why are they still alive.

More predators pounce on Katie.

Katie is like a little monkey, dodging around.

But it easily cut the necks of those who were chasing.

It's just that no matter how many times she kills, those who should have died can stand up again after a minute or two.

Just then, a heavily armed black man came in outside.

Katie and those who were chasing were stunned.


"It's him!?"

The crowd visibly panicked.

Katie tilted her head to look at the black man known as the Sunwalker.

The black man pulled a shotgun from behind and pointed it at the crowd.

"F***..." Katie was startled and quickly jumped away.


The shotgun hit the crowd behind Katie, and the two pursuers were shot instantly.

In the next moment, their bodies seemed to have been roasted in an oven, and it was the result of cooking failure, which quickly turned into coke, and then turned into slag.

Katie was furious and rushed directly towards the Sunwalker.

When Daywalker saw Katie rushing over, he originally wanted to raise his gun and shoot Katie again.

But Katie was faster than he thought.

It can only be changed to a leg attack, a horizontal kick.

Katie made a sudden movement and jumped up.

With the leg kicked by Daywalker, he jumped in front of Daywalker.

The blade in his hand waved towards Sunwalker.

Daywalker quickly raised his hand to resist.

The blade pierced Sunwalker's palm and slashed across his cheek.

Daywalker punched Katie with his other hand.

Katie rolled over in mid-air, dodging the Sunwalker's attack.

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