Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

Six hundred and sixty-five gold, I have completely surpassed you now

At this time, a man came over, put one arm on the woman's shoulder, and said provocatively, "I am her boyfriend."

"Miss, when are you going to change your boyfriend?"

The woman looked at Jin Si with a smile: "Sorry, I'm not interested in fat people."

"I'm not fat, I'm just not noticeably thin."

The man took a syringe and stuffed it into Jin Si's hand: "Take it, if you are really bitten, this anti-vampire serum has a 50% chance of preventing you from being infected."

"Your girlfriend is so beautiful, let's be friends." Jin Si looked at the man sincerely.

The man gave Jin Si a middle finger: "Don't wander around on the street, if you don't want to become food for those parasites."

"I have nowhere to go, can you let me stay with you?"

The pair of men and women looked at each other with vigilance.

Jin Si probably guessed that he took the initiative to get close to them.

They may see themselves as purposeful vampires.

There are always some human beings who choose to become pets of vampires in order to live forever, that is, dependents.

They will have the vampire's family tattoo on their body.

Anywhere is possible.

The woman took out a pair of specially made shackles and bound Jin Si.

"Then as you wish."

Jin Si was roughly pushed into the back compartment of a car.

The car stopped in front of a building by the sea.

Then Jin Si was dragged out of the car.

Jin Si was brought into the building, and at this moment, a familiar figure appeared in front of Jin Si.

"You are... Jin?" Katie looked at Jin Si in disbelief.

Katie rushed towards Jin Si, and Jin Si also looked at Katie: "Long time no see,

You are still so young..."

Katie's original hug sprint was directly changed to a flying kick.

Katie directly pressed Jin Si under her body, left uppercut, right uppercut, left uppercut...

"Hey...why did you hit me as soon as we met?"

"Where did you go this year? Also, how did you become so fat?"

"A year ago, I met a friend who was so enthusiastic and invited me to his house as a guest. I was also very helpless. I stayed at his house for a year like this. The food was so good that he fed me. I'm so fat, I can't help it." Jin Si looked helpless.

"Katie, do you know this guy?" the woman asked.

"Alberta, he is my teacher." Katie said.

"Him? Your teacher?" Alberta looked at Jin Si in surprise, then at Katie.

Who is Katie? That is the strongest combat power of mankind.

During this year, Katie's record was as dazzling as the sun.

She couldn't accept that Katie's teacher would be the fat man in front of her.

Katie didn't want to explain too much, but stared at Jin Si: "Jin, I have completely surpassed you now."

"Oh, congratulations." Jin Si said disapprovingly: "By the way, how did New York become like this? Why did it become so dilapidated? It looks like a war broke out."

"You won't be staying in the deep mountains and old forests all this year, right?" Katie looked at Jin Si: "Did you never watch the news?"

"Did you see me watching the news when I was in Canton City?"

"A year ago, Fez, the leader of mixed vampires, summoned the blood god of vampires. The strength of vampires increased greatly, and they began to expand their groups unscrupulously. Tens of thousands of humans were murdered, and they tried to occupy the entire New York City. Then the human government started a war with vampires. It is New York. The final result is that the human government failed miserably, and added tens of thousands of people to the vampire forces. Originally, the government wanted to launch a nuclear bomb, but then stopped the launch. It is said that one of the nuclear submarines was controlled by vampires. If the government Launch a nuclear strike on New York, then the vampire side will also launch a nuclear bomb on the capital, and finally the government acquiesced in the existence of vampires, but the condition is that they are not allowed to develop in cities other than New York."

"Can't you handle that blood god?"

"How could human beings defeat such an unkillable monster? Brad and I once joined forces to assassinate him, but the result was that both of us were seriously injured. If Alberta hadn't led the Nightcrawler team to support me, I might have died now Or become a vampire too."

"It seems that you haven't cultivated well."

"I have never worked so hard this year." Katie said seriously.

"Then why are you so young?"

"You owe it to me again, don't you?" Katie began to squeeze her fists.

"I'm telling the truth. The blood god's strength is just that. You should be able to deal with it easily."

"Impossible. That guy is not human at all. He shattered the ground with a radius of tens of meters. No one can resist this kind of monster. Even I can't stand his blow."

"A slap shatters a radius of tens of meters? How is that possible?" Jin Si also showed surprise.

Jin Si suddenly remembered something.

I was too weak at the beginning because of the summoning magic circle.

I adjusted the position of the stone slabs of those magic circles by myself.

Used to increase the arrival of summoned objects.

Well, it was my own fault.

"Katie, since you know him, he shouldn't be a dependent."

Katie looked at Jin Si and said seriously: "No, he is the most suspect. This guy is afraid of death, greedy for money, and lustful. If a vampire gives him a little temptation, he will even abandon the bottom line, so you must carefully examine him. , see if there is a mark."

"Katie, I am very touched that you still remember my good points."

Jin Si turned to look at Alberta: "Please help me check."

Alberta's boyfriend Hannibal put on rubber gloves: "No, I'll check for you."

Three days later, Jin Si lay on the roof to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon.

Katie goes out to hunt vampires every day.

Now in New York City, human beings have become a minority instead.

A large number of citizens fled the city.

And there are countless vampires.

Humans have built a high wall around New York City.

To prevent the outward expansion of vampires.

And everyone who enters and exits New York City needs to undergo detailed and strict inspections.

The only good news is that although the blood god has come, the biggest weakness of vampires has not been overcome.

They are still afraid of the sun, the blood god himself is not afraid of the sun, but the descendants of the blood god are still afraid.

Brad climbed up to the roof and came to Jin Si's side.

"Jin, you should exercise and lose weight. You might not even be able to beat a vampire like this."

"I'm now a logistician."

"Logistics? In three days, you ate up one-third of our food reserves. Do you call this logistical support?"

"I just eat a little bit more."

"It's not a little bit for you to eat food for twenty people alone."

"Katie doesn't eat less than I do."

"She is the main combat force in the headquarters now, so it is only natural that she eats as much as possible."

"Forget it, I'd better go to the vampires, at least they can feed me."

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