Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

Six hundred and eighty five angels? No, bastards!

Jin Si beat a few gangsters away again.

Purses on them are being searched.

At this moment, a voice came from behind Jin Si.

"You shouldn't."

Jin Si looked back, isn't this Peter Parker?

"None of your business." Jin Si threw the empty wallet in his hand at Peter Parker.

But Peter Parker tilted his body, avoiding the wallet that Jin Si threw over him.

"Huh?" Jin Si was a little surprised.

Jin Si picked up the stones on the ground and flicked them casually.

In an instant, a voice told Peter Parker in his mind, danger!

Peter Parker jumped up in a strange way.

The stone skimmed below and hit the body of a car listening outside the alley.

Peter Parker glanced back, the body of the car was completely shot through.

And what makes Peter Parker feel incredible is that.

How did you make that kind of action?

The jump I just made must have taken off at least two meters vertically.

Just when Peter Parker was shocked by his inhuman actions just now.

Jin Si suddenly appeared in front of Peter Parker.


Peter Parker was taken aback.

With a distance of seven or eight meters, why did this fat man suddenly appear in front of him?

Jin Si suddenly grabbed Peter Parker by the collar.

Although Peter Parker's little spider danger warning kept telling him of the danger.

But after all, Jin Si's actions cannot be avoided.

Jin Si threw Peter Parker into the alley.

Peter Parker hit the wall directly.

The wall was smashed into a large shape, but Peter Parker was unscathed.

Stand up again.

Jin Si walked towards Peter Parker step by step.

"You look different."

Jin Si walked towards Peter Parker step by step.

Peter Parker was terrified.

His little spider danger warning kept harassing him.

But at this moment Peter Parker still doesn't know how to use his abilities.

There is no way, just after playing the game, the system directly gave him a full-level number.

It's enough to deal with street gangsters, or school bullies.

But it's useless to Jinsi.

Subconsciously, Peter Parker jumped to the wall next to him.

Jin Si stretched out his hand and tore Peter Parker off.

Peter Parker turned over and at the same time raised one leg and kicked Jin Si's chin.

But the next moment, Jin Si grabbed his calf again.

Jin Si slapped Peter Parker heavily on the ground and raised his right fist.

Slow down for three points and hit it down.

Peter Parker hastily rolled and avoided.

Look at the position where you were lying down.

Leave a hole.

Peter Parker swallowed.

If I was hit by him just now, I am afraid that my head will be blown off.

Jin Si clenched his fists and looked at Peter Parker with a smile: "Next, you have to avoid every attack from me, will die."

"Wait...wait...we can talk."


Peter Parker squatted down, then looked back, Jin Si smashed the wall behind him with a punch.

At this moment, Jin Si made another fat leg sweep.


Peter Parker avoided it again.

Jin Si attacked again, and Peter Parker hid again.

Gradually, Peter Parker became more and more proficient in his abilities.

"Okay, the game is over, hand over your wallet, and get out."

"Hehe... Fatty, you can't do anything about me now."

Peter Parker said confidently.

Although this fat man is extremely strong.

But the movement is not very flexible.

I can completely deal with him by virtue of flexibility and speed.

With his physique, he won't last long.


Peter Parker lost consciousness instantly.

"Bah..." Jin Si spat, went up and stripped Peter Parker naked.


Only ten dollars, really poor. "


After an unknown amount of time, Peter Parker finally woke up.

He also discovered his situation.

He was stripped naked and hung up.

It didn't take much effort for Peter Parker to break free from the rope.

It's just that I'm naked now.

I can only wait until it gets dark before going home.

"That bastard."

After Peter Parker returned home.

I feel that I need to strengthen my own strength.

This time he lost, but Peter Parker felt that it was because he was not familiar with power.

After I am thoroughly familiar with it, I will never lose to that guy again.

Harry had taken him to an underground boxing match once.

Maybe that's a nice place.

In addition to being able to exercise your own strength, you can also make some money.

Peter Parker casually put on a hood and found the person in charge of the underground boxing match.

The person in charge lacked a cannon fodder and arranged a boxing match for Peter Parker without hesitation.

And it's still in the closed cage mode, which is the endless mode.

Peter Parker was a little flustered at the beginning.

Being beaten by the boxer, I can't find my teeth all over the floor.

But soon he got his teeth back.

Peter Parker, who had regained his form, ended the fight soon.

But when it came time to calculate the money, he only got one-tenth of the agreed reward.

This made Peter Parker very upset. When he left, he happened to find that a robber broke into the office of the person in charge.

And snatched the money away, Peter Parker didn't stop it.

When the robber left, he was very grateful to Peter Parker for making way, and even thanked him.

Peter Parker left the boxing ring, only to find that there were policemen surrounding him.

When pushing away the crowd, he found that it was his uncle lying on the ground.

Peter Parker rushed up immediately: "Uncle..."

"What happened?"

The policeman next to him said: "There was a robber who came to steal the car, and Ben happened to meet him, and he was shot by the robber."

Peter Parker looked at his dying uncle, angry from the heart.

Instead, he rushed out of the crowd, he was going to chase the robber who hurt his uncle.

Rushed into the alley, suddenly a light fell from the sky.

A figure emerges from the beam.

A figure with wings.

"My poor child, what is it that makes you look so angry?"

Peter Parker stared blankly at the figure.

"Angel? Wait... No, you're that bastard."

Peter Parker recognized it, isn't this the fat bastard who beat him up during the day?

Also, what the hell are those apparently amateur handicraft wings?

Why is it still shedding hair?

"I am an angel, I came to the world to save the world." Jin Si opened his arms.

"Go away, don't stop me." Peter Parker didn't want to pay attention to Jin Si.

"Hey, do you hear me clearly? I am an angel. I am here to save the world. Do you have any wishes?"

"Don't waste my time." Peter Parker shot a spider web and wanted to leave.

In the end, he was dragged back directly by Jin Si: "Why don't children listen to people nowadays?"


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