Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

Six hundred and eighty-seven Jinsi's respiratory distress syndrome

Peter Parker looked at Uncle Ben lying on the hospital bed in front of him, his face was full of sadness.

At this moment, Aunt Mei walked in.

Peter Parker stepped forward to hug and comfort Aunt May.

"Aunt Mei, don't worry, Uncle Ben will be fine, I assure you." Peter Parker said firmly.

Aunt May burst into tears, and Peter Parker couldn't bear it any more.

Peter Parker left the ward, and Jin Si was having sex with a beautiful female nurse.

As a result, the female nurse gently stroked Jin Si's cheek with her delicate hands.

Then leave with a professional smile.

Peter Parker stepped forward: "Where is the contract? I signed it."

Jin Si readily took out the contract: "Are you ready?"

"Yes." Peter Parker nodded.

Jin Si spread his contract and slapped Peter Parker on the face.

Peter Parker touched his cheek: "When will my uncle be well?"

At this moment, Aunt Mei ran out of the ward in a panic.

"Peter, call the doctor, call the doctor."

"What happened to uncle?"

"He...his heart stopped beating."

"What?" Peter Parker turned pale with fright. At this time, he ignored the contract and hurried to find a doctor.

Not long after, Peter Parker brought the doctor into the ward.

The doctor first looked at the heart rate monitor: "Isn't this normal?"

"No, I really saw Ben's heartbeat stop just now." Aunt Mei said excitedly.

The doctor hesitated for a moment. The injured person's injury is so serious that cardiac arrest is also possible.

The doctor began to examine Benjamin Parker.

But after some examination, he found that Benjamin's heart rate was normal, his blood pressure was normal, and his breathing was normal.

Strangely, an hour ago, when Benjamin Parker was pushed in, the situation of Benjamin Parker was very dangerous.

There is a danger of cardiac arrest at any time.

After the bullet was removed, he was still in a very weak state.

Judging from the physical signs at the time, Benjamin Parker might die suddenly at any time.

But in just an hour, he actually started to feel safe.

"Strange, did you do anything to him?"

"Doctor, what happened to my uncle?"

"He has passed the dangerous period, and he is recovering very well. His heartbeat, breathing, and blood pressure are all normal, and he is almost in the state of a normal person."

"You mean my uncle is well?"

"It's almost there. When he wakes up, he can be discharged from the hospital."

Both Peter Parker and Aunt May breathed a sigh of relief and hugged each other to celebrate.

Peter Parker saw that Jin Si was sitting on the bench at the door.

Peter Parker guessed that it must be Jin Si's ability.

However, thinking of that contract, Peter Parker had another headache.

"Peter, is that man your friend?"

Aunt Mei saw Jin Si wandering around the ward several times.

I saw Peter Parker talking to him just now.

"Well, it's my friend. He heard that Uncle Ben was injured, so he came here to see if he can help."

Aunt May heard Peter Parker's words and walked outside the ward.

"Sir, thank you for your concern, and thank you for being friends with Peter."

Jin Si waved his hand with a smile: "Aunt Mei, Parker said he has a cousin who he wants to introduce to me."

Peter Parker stood behind Aunt May, glaring at Jin Si.


"Haha... just kidding." Jin Si put his arm on Aunt Mei's shoulder.

"Aunt Mei, my friend is leaving, let me see him off."

"Go, your Uncle Ben has passed the critical period." Aunt Mei looked at Jin Si: "After Ben is discharged from the hospital, Peter, you bring your friend home."

"My friend is very busy and may not be free..."

"I'm free, I will definitely come."

At the entrance of the hospital, Peter Parker grabbed Jin Si by the collar: "What exactly do you want?"

"Did I do something? Or did you think I was going to do something?"

Peter Parker looked at Jin Si,

There is no name in my heart.

"By the way, do you have cousins? If so, introduce them to me. As long as we become a family, the contract and everything will be ignored."

Peter Parker covered his face... At this moment, he wished he could have cousins.

Just then, a car stopped.

"Peter." Harry got out of the car: "How is Uncle Ben?"

"He's fine, he's passed the critical period."

"It's fine, by the way, why are you standing at the door?"

"I..." Peter Parker looked at Jin Si.

Only to find that Jin Si had disappeared at some point.

"Take me in and see Uncle Ben."


Because Benjamin Parker was injured.

Peter Parker decides to change his face to fight criminals in New York.

Regardless of whether Benjamin Parker died or not, Peter Parker would walk on this path.

Jin Si watched Peter Parker transform into Spider-Man and shuttle between tall buildings.

Peter Parker has become more and more familiar with the identity of Spider-Man.

Fighting criminals is also getting easier.

And Spider-Man's fame is growing.

Two gangsters are blocking a young and beautiful woman in an alley.

He was planning to do something wrong with this woman.

Suddenly, a red figure landed behind the two punks.

"Hi, did I bother you?"

The two gangsters turned around in astonishment, and when they saw Spider-Man, they already had a premonition that something bad was going to happen.

The gangster was about to make a move immediately, and the result was that Spiderman's spider web was embedded on the wall.

"Beauty, it's best not to walk alone in this kind of place, this area is very dangerous."

The beauty was about to strike up a conversation, but Spider-Man had already left.

The beauty was a little disappointed, and at this moment, Jin Si came.

"Hey beauty, how about making friends?"

When the beauty saw Jin Si, she was a little scared immediately.

As soon as Spider-Man left, this guy showed up.

If this guy is up to something, will Spider-Man still be around?

"What do you want to do?"

Jin Si came to the gangsters and took out all their belongings.

Really two nice guys, it's rare to meet someone who carries so much money with them.

"I want to treat you to a meal, and also, put away the stun gun hidden behind your back."

The beauty simply took out the stun gun and said, "Don't come here."

Obviously, she has completely regarded Jin Si as a gangster with these two.


As soon as Jin Si finished speaking, the beauty shot.

"I, I, I, I..." Jin Si trembled directly.

Then fell to the ground and began to have difficulty breathing.

The beauty's face was serious, as if she had gone too far.

This guy won't die, will he?

Jin Si opened his mouth, and his face began to turn red.

The beauty was startled, she gritted her teeth, and went up to give Jin Si CPR.

However, Jin Si's symptoms did not get relieved.

"I... I... I'm out of breath."

The beauty hesitated again, looking at Jin Si who was struggling to breathe.

The beauty finally made up her mind and leaned over to give Jin Si artificial respiration.


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