Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

Eight hundred and seventy first, the teacher takes you to the restaurant

A group of people looked at Kel'Thuzad with sympathetic eyes.

Jin Si was just talking nonsense, but when you got agitated, you killed all your students.

With you like this, how can you make us give high hopes and kill Jinsi?

Kel'Thuzad killed all his students.

He looked relaxed, but Jin Si was heartbroken.

"Teacher, if you don't want to give it to me, there are so many beautiful girls..."

"Even if I kill them all, you don't even want to get them."

"Well, you are the teacher, you have the final say."

Bones are falling all over the sky, including dragons and demons.

However, whether it is the skeleton of a dragon or a demon, it can be reused.

They are the undead legion, and they have no vitality.

It is not life force that drives them, but magic.

They lose their ability to move only because their magic power is exhausted.

"Take these bones, and you can still cook soup later." Jin Si looked at everyone: "Don't look at me like that, these keel bones are really good things, as long as you use the right method, you can at least increase your strength by 20%."

"Clean them up. The bones of these giant dragons really shouldn't be exposed here. This is a blasphemy against them. Let's find a proper place to put them." Antonidas said righteously.

As for those demon skeletons, they turned into dust and dissipated directly after they landed.

"Teacher, it's almost over. Although your gift is not very good, but I have received it, return it."

However, Kel'Thuzad still doesn't seem to plan to retreat.

It wasn't just Jin Si who noticed something was wrong with Kel'Thuzad.

Others noticed it too.

Kel'Thuzad wasn't attacking at full force.

He obviously knew that he was not Jin Si's opponent.

But why is he still carrying it here?

It always felt like he was wasting time.

That's right, it's just delaying time.

"Anyone come to place a bet and guess what my teacher is up to." Jin Si looked at everyone: "If anyone gets the answer right, I will double his strength."

"Without side effects?" Eonar asked.

"No, don't worry, even if you take off your clothes, I'm not interested in you."

Eonar expressed that she was very embarrassed.

"I bet he wants to teleport Dalaran away," Eonar said.

"I think it might be a seal," Medivh said.

"Maybe it's not necessarily a forbidden spell being prepared." Antonidas said.

A group of people expressed their opinions and expressed their views one after another.

Even Agamaghan had his say.

Kel'Thuzad also expressed that he was embarrassed.

I feel like I don't get any respect at all.

A group of dogs and things must die.

At this moment, everyone felt a huge magic power reverberating in the air.

"Below, below!!" Antonidas was the first to notice.

Directly below Dalaran, a huge hole appeared.

The hole is bottomless, and endless magic power is constantly gushing out from directly below.

The colleague who is spouting magic power is also generating a huge suction force.

The hole was obviously made by magic.

It's just that everyone is confused about this.

What kind of magic is this, even Medivh and Antonidas don't know what kind of magic it is.

These two are the top figures in the wizarding world.

There was little magic that felt strange to them all.

Even if there is magic they don't know, at least they have heard of it and can recognize it.

But this magic is really forgiving their stupidity.

I really don't know what magic is.

"What kind of magic is this?"

"Is it teleportation magic?"

"Plausible." Medivh and Antonidas discussed each other.

The magic power released from that hole is dragging Dalaran.

"Jin Si, this is my big gift to you, are you satisfied?"

" have a heart, but are you sure this thing is useful to me?"

"Whether it's useful or not, we'll know soon." Kel'Thuzad was very confident in his gift.

Suddenly, Dalaran fell uncontrollably.

Dalaran is so big, if it falls from here, the Northrend continent will probably be sunk by Lu.

At this moment, Dalaran was suddenly plunged into darkness.

"What's going on? What happened?"

"Magic! It's teleportation magic!"

"What teleportation magic will open a hole in the ground?"

Although Dalaran fell into darkness.

But everyone can still feel that Dalaran is moving fast.

Just don't know where it will lead in this darkness.

Suddenly, it dissipated in an instant.

In its place is a red world.

Looking around, there is only a world like a melting pot.

"Elemental Realm!"

Medivh and Antonidas exclaimed at the same time.

This is still in Azeroth, but not in the surface world, but in the underground elemental world.

And judging from the environment here, this place should be the fire element world.

The master of the fire elemental world is the fire lord Ragnaros, referred to as screw.

The four elemental lords are the minions of the Old Gods.

Of course, the other three element lords are all relatively salty fish.

Just guard their one-acre three-point land, unless others come to their door, otherwise they don't bother to go out.

Only this flame lord screw, who has nothing to do, has to show off a wave of presence.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, a little stunned.

They didn't expect Kel'Thuzad to banish them to the elemental plane.

You must know that the elemental plane is not one that can be entered at will, unless the elemental lord is willing to open the gate, and at the same time there are people outside who are willing to open the gate, and both sides exert force at the same time to open the passage.

They are now in the Fire Elemental Realm, which means Kel'Thuzad and Screw have joined forces!

At this moment, a cloud of fire appeared in the distance.

No, not a fire cloud, but a group of fire eagles.

Those fire hawks were no smaller than the dragons, and they were more difficult to deal with than the dragons.

They are burning with hot flames all over their bodies.

The fluttering wings create a storm of flames.

A pillar of fire rose in the distance, and an Optimus Giant appeared in the pillar of fire.

The whole body of the giant giant is made of flames, holding a red giant hammer, wearing a red armor on his upper body, and walking a bird on his lower body.

"Ragnaros! Fire Elemental Lord!" Medivh said, frowning.

On the red land below, an army of thousands of fire demons began to gather.

Then there are a large number of flame giants.

Everyone looked at Jin Si involuntarily.

Then...they saw Jin Si wiping his saliva.

Sure enough, this has almost become Jin Si's instinct.

Kel'Thuzad is sending Jin Si to the restaurant.

"A lot of fire demons, a lot of fire eagles, a lot of fire giants, a lot of big screws..."

Jin Siyou looked at the giant hammer in Screw's hand, what a big orange hammer! !

The hammer in the screwhand is named: Savras Hand of the Balrog.

The Balrog's Hand may not be the most powerful artifact, but it was the first legendary artifact to exist.

As a collector, Jin Si had no reason to let the Balrog go.

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