Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

Eight hundred and seventy-fourth, the former speaker of the Kirin Tor expressed regret

After more than ten days, there was no living creature in sight.

They don't have any idea of ​​protecting the ecological stability of the elemental world.

This group of people are bandits, experts in cutting leeks.

Jin Si is not as low-end as they are. Jin Si never cuts leeks, he only pulls leeks.

It's not just the elemental core that has made a lot.

There are even a lot of magic equipment.

The Fire Demon himself wears equipment, even elemental creatures wear equipment.

In the present world, dwarves have the highest level of forging.

In the elemental world, the forging level of the fire elemental world is the highest.

The only thing that made Jin Si unhappy was that he didn't find the fire cat stick.

In fact, the fire cat stick has no outstanding features, and the attribute bonus is also very general.

It's just that the special effect made Jin Si a bit fragrant.

That is, after equipping the fire cat staff, when using the Druid to transform into the panther form, it will become the fire leopard form.

In the end, Jin Si found a Morgo craftsman and made a fake fire cat stick.

Although the function is obviously not weaker than that of the fire cat stick, Jin Si still misses the original version.

"It's almost time to return to the present world."

Through the key of the worlds, Dalaran returned to the present world.

In fact, the elemental world is deep underground.

In the future, Neltharion the Great Jaw will be hiding in the core of the lowest layer of the underground elemental world.

Then broke the pillar of the world supporting the elemental world and the present world, causing a catastrophe.

Dalaran once again entered the atmosphere of Azeroth.

"Jin, it's time for us to return to the mainland of the Eastern Kingdom." Antonidas said.

"No, continue to Northrend."

My main mission has not been completed yet.

The previous items have been completed.

Now there is one last requirement missing, the formation of a ten-member team.

Then report to the camp of the Northrend Expeditionary Force.

Antonidas thought that Jin Si had a lot of resentment towards Kel'Thuzad.

Thinking about it carefully, Jin Si has been actively bullying Kel'Thuzad all along.

What do you have to hate him for.

Forget it, today's Dalaran is ruled by Jinsi.

And Kel'Thuzad's Scourge should indeed be dealt with.

Today's League of Salvators is strong.

The night elves, orcs, and tauren have a force of 150,000.

At the same time, they are also equipped with top-level equipment weapons made by Morgo artisans.

There are also many high-end combat heroes.

Even if Jin Si didn't make a move, it would be no problem to fight against the Scourge with only the strength of the World Salvation Alliance.

The area Dalaran came to this time is Crystalsong Forest.

This is one of the few areas in Northrend that is not covered by snow.

It is also the central area of ​​Northrend.

It can be said to extend in all directions, with the Icecrown Glacier to the northwest and the Storm Cliffs to the northeast.

To the south is Dragonblight, to the west is Lake Wintergrasp, and to the east is Zurak.

In the original plot, Dalaran ended up floating above Crystalsong Forest.

So Jin Si felt that it would be good to settle down here.

At this moment, more than a dozen black spots appeared in the distant sky.

After the black dot came close, everyone finally saw clearly that it was a group of Griffon cavalry.

The team of Griffin cavalry looked at Dalaran, but they didn't dare to approach, they just scouted from a distance.

They are afraid of this strange city in the sky.

What made them panic the most was that they saw a lot of demons and orcs.

Although now the Alliance and the Horde have formed an expeditionary coalition to fight against the Scourge.

But not long ago, the two were still endless enemies.

At this time, they discovered traces of the tauren, night elves and humans.

This made them wonder, what is the origin of this city in the sky.

After observing for a while, the Griffin Cavalry left in a hurry.

It didn't take long for more flying units to arrive.

What surprised Jin Si the most was that they were actually a group of death knights, and they were also Jin Si's old acquaintance Zuerjin.

Zul'jin led the people carelessly down to the ground.

Zul'jin stood outside Dalaran, looking at the Dalaran Arcane Banner flying above.

"Dalaran!! Is this the missing Dalaran?"

Many death knights behind him exclaimed.

Among these death knights, there are all races, including humans and elves.

At this time, Dalaran's magic shield opened.

Jin Si led a group of people out.

"You are welcome, my friends."

Everyone looked at Jin Si with weird eyes.

These death knights exude such a strong breath of death.

Are you sure he's not a lackey of Kel'Thuzad?

Jin Si is sure that Zul'jin and his death knight army must have joined the expeditionary force.

Because their body equipment is printed with the same expeditionary force icon as the previous Griffin Knight.

"You are?"

"I am the city lord of Dalaran, the chairman of the Kirin Tor Council, you can just call me Your Excellency the Archmage." Jin Si looked at Zul'jin with a smile.

Zuerjin tilted his head and looked at Jin Si: "I don't know why, I have a feeling of deja vu, did we know each other in the past?"

Zul'jin didn't recognize Jin Si, because Jin Si borrowed Cirvanas' body to act in the Battle of Silvermoon City.

So Zuerjin didn't know who Jin Si was.

"I don't know each other, I've never seen it before. This is the first time we've met. I've never been to Eversong Forest, nor Silvermoon City."

Everyone had no doubt that Zuerjin must have seen Jinsi.

And it must have suffered a big loss from Jin Si.

They speculated that it was possible that Jin Si was masked when he met Zuljin.

Zuljin no longer wondered whether he had seen Jinsi.

He really had no impression of Jin Si's face.

But Jin Si just gave him a familiar feeling.

"Didn't Dalaran be destroyed by the Burning Legion four years ago?"

The invasion of the Burning Legion four years ago shocked the entire Azeroth.

A large number of Dalaran mages are calling for help.

But when the reinforcements arrived, they found that Dalaran had disappeared, and so had the Burning Legion.

All that remains of Dalaran and the Hillsbrad Plains is a gigantic pit.

At that time, everyone guessed, what kind of terrible magical attack the Burning Legion launched on Dalaran.

But I never thought that Dalaran would appear again a few years later.

"It was not destroyed. The former chairman of the Kirin Tor was as timid as a mouse and wanted to join the Burning Legion, but was stopped by me and the mages of the Battle Mage Legion. We fought bloody battles with the Burning Legion and finally stopped the invasion of the Burning Legion. Then, under my leadership, we went on an expedition to the void and counterattacked the old lair of the Burning Legion. This war lasted for several years. Xerath has wreaked havoc, and once again I am leading the mages of Dalaran to our aid."

Zuljin's blood boiled when he heard this, and he looked at Jin Si with reverence in his eyes.

Only Antonidas expressed his frustration.

When did I surrender?

Can you stop slandering me in front of my face.

"If it wasn't for the former Speaker's repeated delays, our expedition would have been victorious." Jin Si sighed.

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