Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

Eight hundred and seventy sixth

Text 0876 The true nature is exposed (fourth change, ask for a monthly ticket for subscription)

Varian looked at the numb faces of the group who had been ravaged by Jin Si.

As a student, I failed to restrain my teacher, and I really failed my responsibility.

However, when he saw the orc, he couldn't help frowning.

He has always been bitter about his father's death at the hands of orcs.

Even if they form a coalition with the tribe now, it is only forced by the situation.

That doesn't mean he's reconciled with the orcs.

"Xiaowa, which one do you want to see, tell me secretly, and I will send them to your room at night."

At this moment, two people came forward, Lothar and Bovar.

"Jin, you're not dead." Losa saw Jin Si's appearance, and his mood was complicated.

On the one hand, they are glad that Jinsi's arrival has given them a guarantee of high-end combat power.

But the arrival of Jinsi also means that they will add a lot of troubles that were not planned in the past.

Jin Si touched his cheek, and reasoned, since he was thinner now, they didn't say they didn't recognize him, at least they should praise him, every fat man is a potential stock.

And behind Lothar and Bolvar was a person, Ronin.

When Luo Ning saw Jin Si, he also froze for a moment.

He also didn't expect that Jin Si was still alive.

What's even more incredible is that Antonidas just came out of the portal.

"Teacher?" Luo Ning was shocked.

Suddenly, Luo Ning's face was slapped without warning.

"You unfilial son, didn't you expect me to die a long time ago?" Jin Si pointed at Luo Ning with grief and indignation.

Luo Ning was so beaten, I didn't say anything... Wait... Who are you.

"Why did you hit me?"

"Because I am the city lord of Dalaran, the chairman of the Kirin Tor Council."

Jin Si spread his hands triumphantly, with a helpless expression on his face: "The former speaker, Archmage Antonidas, in view of the firmness, bravery, perseverance, and great dedication I showed when I was fighting against the Burning Legion, and my respect for the former students I am deeply disappointed by the betrayal and evasion before the war, so I make the final decision that I will be the new city lord of Dalaran and the chairman of the Kirin Tor Council."

Rhonin didn't believe it, even though he didn't care much about succeeding Antonidas.

But he absolutely did not believe that Antonidas would hand over the positions of city lord and speaker to Jin Si.

Don't believe it, don't accept it, don't admit it...

"Luoning, now call the city lord and the speaker."

"I reject."

"Refused!? According to the decision of this speaker, some mages who fled four years ago will be sanctioned."

Everyone was speechless about Jin Si's blatant public revenge.

"Ronin, it's true." Antonidas sighed.

All he can do now is to protect his excellent students from being persecuted by someone.

Even if this guy has won the positions of city lord and speaker.

But for Luo Ning, the orthodox heir, he still cares very much.

So now he wants to seize the opportunity to take revenge on Luo Ning, and there is no surprise.

"Haha... Hearing your teacher say that, do you feel disappointed, angry, and desperate?" Jin Si laughed arrogantly: "What's mine is mine, and no one can take it away. If not, then I would rather destroy it."

Everyone around looked at Jin Si speechlessly.

Zuerjin looked stunned, and said he was a friend of justice?

Why did he just have this face when he first arrived at the camp?

"Teacher, did he force you?" Luo Ning still couldn't accept this result.

Antonidas shook his head: "No."

Silly boy, this kind of thing has to be asked face to face.

I am here to protect you.

Whenever I have a chance to choose, I will not choose him.

"I won't admit him!" Luo Ning still pointed firmly at Jin Si and said, "I,

None of the other Dalaran mages would recognize him. "

Jin Si clapped his little hands: "Please gather them together. I want to see if there are really so many people who oppose it. If more than half of the Dalaran mages refuse to admit it, then I will accept the result and abdicate."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, that's right."

"you swear."

"I swear, I swear to the God of Magic, as long as more than half of the Dalaran mages refuse to admit it, then I will accept the result and abdicate... Is this okay?"

Antonidas stood there expressionless.

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Eonar clutched her forehead, he swears to the God of Magic?

The god of magic in Azeroth is the blue dragon Malygos, and Malygos' power comes from the spellweaver Norgannon, the master of all arcane arts and knowledge.

And this Titan spell-weaver was fled into the depths of the universe by Jin Xi not long ago.

Even if he broke his promise, could Norgannon still come to punish him?

It is not certain who will punish whom.

Eonar would have liked Norgannon to come.

Better bring her man Aman'Thul with her.

Rhonin really went to gather all the Dalaran mages in the camp.

And explained the situation to them.

Because Dalaran and Antonidas disappeared for four years.

Now Ronin is planning with the remaining Dalaran mages to re-form Dalaran.

If it weren't for the reappearance of Antonidas and Dalaran this time.

They should take advantage of the opportunity of this coalition formation and start to form a new Dalaran.

The Dalaran mages were full of disbelief.

However, when they finished listening, everyone showed a silent and thoughtful look.

It is true that Luo Ning is very good, and can even be said to be the best mage of this era.

His justice, kindness, perseverance and wisdom, as well as his unparalleled magical talent.

It all means that he will be the best leader.

But there is a premise here, that is, Antonidas is really dead.

Also, that bastard Jin Si didn't come out to make trouble.

The Golden Temple is the nightmare of Dalaran.

The devil in every mage's heart.

What happened to Delandon a few years ago is still vivid in their minds.

Then there was the rampant and domineering behavior of Jinsi later.

All Dalaran mages are afraid.

The most terrifying thing is Jinsi's evil magic.

The kind of magic that is trampled on from body to mind.

To them, it is more terrifying than the most evil magic.

But now, Luo Ning actually asked them to choose between him and Jin Si.

Not to mention the battle mages on the scene, even ordinary Dalaran mages don't want to make a choice publicly.

At this time, Delandon came out, and he had an old grudge with Jin Si.

The public execution that year almost broke him.

After so many years, he still broods over that incident.

"Ronin, you should understand how narrow-minded that guy is. You let us vote openly, which is equivalent to letting us face that demon. Ask the 221 mages present, who dares to openly fight with Jin Si?" enemy?"

"Are so many of us going to succumb to his threats?"

"We have the option to vote anonymously," DeLandon said.

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