Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

Eight hundred and eighty first, the desperate black dragon princess

Text 0881 The Desperate Black Dragon Princess

"Jin, it's midnight, what the hell are you doing?"

Antonidas looked at Jin Si with a dark face.

He must be working hard, absolutely, not running away.

If it's something serious.

He will not stand here naked.

Several others also regretted their decision to come here for the rally.

Doesn't the quilt smell good?

"Let me introduce to you, Onyxia, my fiancée, who uses black magic to control me to become the speaker of the Kirin Tor Council."

"What!?" Onyxia's expression changed drastically when she heard Jin Si's words.

Immediately wanted to back away, but was firmly grabbed by Jin Si's wrist.

Everyone else was also in an uproar, looking at Jin Si and Onyxia in surprise.

"You're not under control?" Onyxia stared at Jin Si firmly.

Everyone else is rolling their eyes, which village are you from?

Using black magic to control the Speaker of the Kirin Tor Council?

Not to mention Jinsi, even Antonidas may not be able to be recruited.

"Isn't that obvious?"

Onyxia's face was livid, she pretended to be calm, and there was a forced smile on her face: "Jin...don't be kidding, I'll let my father just marry me to you."

Onyxia is threatening Jin Si.

If he dares to continue talking nonsense.

It's such a big deal, she just broke up, and she told about Jin Si's defection to her father.

When the time comes, his mission will fail, and Jin Si will not end well.

"Yeah, your father has already given you to me, but you, a damned little bitch, want to turn against the customer and control me, can I bear it?"

At this time, everyone has lost interest.

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"Jin, if it's just a small matter of this kind of family ethics drama, don't ring the assembly bell again in the future."

"A trivial matter? Do you think this is a trivial matter?" Jin Si cursed: "Do you think I am a person who is deceived by beauty? I am saving Azeroth."

Enough of your tm, it's obvious that you fell into the trap of a father and daughter.

This has a dime relationship with Azeroth.

"You don't know her identity yet. Let me introduce her identity to you again. Princess Black Dragon, Onyxia, daughter of Deathwing."

Everyone was even more surprised that Deathwing had such a beautiful daughter.

Hmm... that's right, the focus of everyone's attention is completely wrong.

Onyxia's expression changed drastically.

She did not expect that Jin Si would announce her identity in public.

This means that her mission has completely failed.

"That's right, and this guy also accepted my father's power and surrendered to my father." Onyxia decided to break the can.

Since Jin Si ruined her mission, she will never make Jin Si feel better.

She was looking forward to Jin Si's betrayal of relatives, expecting everyone to look at Jin Si with contemptuous eyes.

The scene fell silent for an instant, and everyone showed surprise.

The next moment, Luo Ning exclaimed in surprise: "Teacher, have you seen it? This is the most powerful evidence of his depravity. He is a degenerate, and he actually took refuge in Deathwing, the Destroyer of Worlds."

Onyxia looked at Jinsi bitterly, did you see, this is your fate.

Soon enough, you'll be spurned and killed by this horde of angry mages.

However, apart from Luo Ning's cheers, no one else made a sound.

Onyxia had a vague premonition that something was wrong with the atmosphere at the scene.

It's completely different from what I imagined.

Finally, Antonidas clapped his hands: "Okay, the farce is almost over here, I still need to go back to sleep."

Onyxia looked at Antonidas in surprise: "You don't believe me?"

"Do not,

We take your word for it. Antonidas said with a shrug.

"Then why don't you deal with the traitor?"

"No, he didn't betray anyone. He was a fallen person in the past, he is a fallen person now, and he will be a fallen person in the future. We have never had any doubts about this. He has always maintained a very high level of corruption. On a stable level, we have long known who he is and what he stands for, and since we have chosen him as the speaker, it means we have known it a long time ago, so why deal with it?"

"He is relying on my father, Deathwing, the King of the Black Dragon, the World Destroyer! Are you crazy? Do you know what this means?"

"Don't, Kim, do you have any plans?"

"Nesarion's taste is good." Jin Si showed his white teeth: "However, the ancient god N'Zoth behind him is even more delicious. I hope he can lead me to Ny'alotha, the awakened city."

Onyxia felt like she was going crazy.

What's going on with this Dalaran, what's going on with this group of mages?

"This little female dragon should be quite delicious." Jin Si looked at Onyxia with malicious intent: "So, you only have two choices now, either be eaten by me, or be eaten by me. "

Onyxia felt creepy, and suddenly turned into a black dragon, trying to escape from Jin Si and Dalaran.

But in the next moment, Onyxia's dragon wings were hit by a huge force.

The dragon wings showed a distorted loading, and Onyxia's huge body crashed down in front of Jin Si.

Onyxia watched Jin Si walk up, frightening her to death.

She quickly returned to her human form and curled up on the ground.

"Kim...don't kill me."

Jin Si stepped forward and stepped on Onyxia's head.

"Little female dragon, you'd better cooperate with me honestly. Once you disobey my order, then I will throw you into the frying pan. Do you understand what I mean?"

Onyxia trembled on the ground.

Everyone silently sympathized with Onyxia.

She looks really pitiful now.

But Onyxia is definitely not as pitiful as it looks on the surface.

"Jin, she is a black dragon, and she has the crazy blood of the Black Dragon King in her body. No matter how you threaten her, she will not be able to betray her father." Antonidas said.

"Just replace the crazy blood."

Jin Si smiled and lowered his head to look at the embarrassed Onyxia.

Onyxia trembled all over, she suddenly felt as if she had fallen into a wolf's den.

Jin Si mentioned Onyxia: "Let's go, my lovely black dragon princess, tonight is still a long time, I originally thought to help you complete the transformation in a few days, after all, you are so beautiful, I am a bit reluctant, But you are too impatient."

"What are you going to do to me?"

"Of course it's to help you get rid of it, to help you replace the crazy blood in your body."

"Impossible... Unless I shed the last drop of blood, otherwise, I will never be able to escape Deathwing's control, even death cannot escape him."

"You also said, as long as your blood is drained."

Jin Si's smile became more terrifying in Onyxia's eyes.

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