Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

Eight hundred and eighty-seven 8 o'clock family ethics drama

Grim Batol is half above ground and half underground.

If Jin Si broke in, the greatest possibility would be to let Nefarian run away.

Onyxia nodded.

Shouted: "Nefarian, come out!"

At the same time, Onyxia released her breath.

Sure enough, a huge black dragon rose into the sky.

"Onyxia, are you the one who brought these offal? Are you trying to take my research results?"

In the world of Black Dragon, there are only killings and conspiracy.

There is no emotion, only to destroy each other.

Even siblings, parents, children.

That's what their common parents taught them.

And they took it for granted.

Onyxia just got rid of Mad Blood.

So she also regained some common sense.

But this does not mean that she will give up her life for Nefarian.

In her eyes, Jin Si is the scariest one.

As far as Nefarian could see, he found that the invaders brought by Onyxia this time were not as humble and weak as he thought.

Surrounded by limbs and broken arms.

Also, his own Black Dragon Legion is actually running low.

This annoyed Nefarian greatly.

When, this incompetent sister.

Is it possible to form such a subordinate?

But these people below are not enough to make Nefarian afraid.

As long as Onyxia is killed, these people can be subdued by him.

He thinks so.

"You do it." Jin Si said.

Onyxia froze for a moment, didn't Jin Si want to devour Nefarian?

He doesn't do it himself?

"Don't show too much power, you just need to defeat him."

Onyxia roughly understood what Jin Si meant.

She is not afraid of Nefarian now.

After all, she was weaker than Nefarian in the past.

And now compared to the past, it is more than several times stronger.

It is definitely a crushing strength against Nefarian.

So she is not false at all.

Jin Si wanted her to make a move to make Nefarian feel that he still had hope of victory.

Let him summon more black dragons out.

Obviously, the one Nefarian in front of him was not enough to satisfy Jin Si's appetite.

Onyxia was also unambiguous, and immediately turned into a black dragon and rushed out of the airship.

Nefarian immediately noticed that Onyxia's form had changed slightly.

And the breath has become weird, specious.

Onyxia directly rushed into Nefarian's body.

The two giant beasts immediately fell from the sky and landed on the ground.

Then they spit at each other, and the dragon claws and dragon teeth bit and grabbed each other.

Onyxia's huge and dark power allowed her to crush Nefarian almost effortlessly.

But soon, Onyxia remembered Jin Si's words.

You can't be too strong.

Otherwise, Nefarian would lose the courage to resist.

At this time, she saw Nefarian's dragon claws slapped over.

Even though she could avoid it, Onyxia stayed where she was.

The head hit Nefarian's paw firmly. doesn't feel that painful.

Really weak... Onyxia muttered in her heart.

In other words, the current self is really strong.

Onyxia could not help but be immersed in her great power.

Black dragons are all like this, even without the blood of madness, they are still full of obsession with power.

"Impossible! This is impossible!" Nefarian couldn't believe it.

The power on Onyxia is so powerful, so dark.

Could it be that his father bestowed stronger power on Onyxia without his knowledge?

I am the child my father relies on most.

Damn, why is Onyxia so powerful?

Nefarian became more and more unwilling and angry.

But it's nothing, soon, he will be able to win back his father's favor.

Just use Onyxia's death to prove that he is the orthodox descendant of Deathwing.

Nefarian howled wildly, sending out a roar that shook the sky.

He is the leader of the Black Dragonflight, second only to Deathwing.

And in Deathwing's absence, he has the power to mobilize all black dragons and twilight dragons.

Therefore, this battle is doomed to an end.

As long as Deathwing doesn't hand over command of the Black Dragonflight to Onyxia.

Then Onyxia would not be able to win this battle.

In an instant, the black dragon in the distance began to envelope him.

The black dragons of the entire eastern kingdom felt Nefarian's call.

The closest places are Scorching Canyon, Crimson Wasteland, and Burning Plains.

There are a large number of black dragon legions stationed in these three regions.

And it's only a mountain range away from the Twilight Highlands.

The Black Dragon Legion came to support them overwhelmingly.

They swept in like the Legion of Doom.

This is an army of black dragons from Blackrock Mountain in Searing Gorge.

It is also Nefarian's relatives, collectively known as the Blackwing Legion, from Nefarian's lair, Blackwing Lair.

Nefarian also has another title, the King of Black Stone.

He occupies the Black Rock Mountain and firmly controls the entire Scorching Canyon.

This black dragon army is also the largest one.

Later, there were two sources of black dragon legions.

The three black dragon legions add up to an astonishing number of more than one hundred thousand.

This huge number also laid the capital for the Black Dragon Legion to compete with other four-color giant dragon legions.

It is estimated that the other four-color legions add up to tens of thousands.

And the current balance is because the four-color legion has four guardian dragons.

And the Black Dragon Legion only has Nesario.

The gap between the two sides is still widening.

The Black Dragonflight has now begun mass production of Twilight Dragons.

Once Neltharion felt that his dragon army was enough to sweep the world.

There will be a twilight trial for this world.

"My stupid sister, look at the stupid decisions you have made. Do you think you can defeat me with your humble strength? I am the most trusted child of my father. I control the Black Dragon Legion."

"Soon you won't be."

Seeing the arrival of the Black Dragon Legion, Onyxia showed a cruel expression on her face.

"Do you want to seize control of the Black Dragon Legion?" Nefarian sneered: "Only father has the right to decide the ownership of the Black Dragon Legion. As long as he doesn't say anything, then the Black Dragon Legion is mine."

Not to be outdone, Nefarian bit Onyxia's neck.

But Onyxia's hard scales actually broke a few of his teeth.

Damn, how powerful her father gave her.

His fangs couldn't penetrate her dragon scales.

"Control of the Black Dragon Legion? No, I'm not interested in it at all. I just want to tell you that starting today, the Black Dragon Legion will cease to exist."

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