Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

Eight hundred and eighty ninth, the death wing on the tip of the tongue

Jin Si grinned, the aura from his body began to radiate, and the form of a giant ape appeared.

Deathwing's pupils suddenly contracted, the breath of a titan!

Deathwing was once scared off by Medivh.

But he was not afraid of Medivh, but the remnant soul of Sargeras in Medivh's body.

As a beneficiary of the Titan's power, he also knows how powerful the Titan is.

The moment he felt the Titan breath in Jin Si's body.

He has already retreated.

Jin Si didn't show his Dharma image.

Faxiang consumes mana and is not easy to use.

Not as good as the body.

Deathwing isn't gone yet.

It was because he felt that Jin Si was not a real titan.

Maybe it's not necessarily where Jin Si obtained the power of the titan.

After all, there is no such thing as Jinsi in Taitan.

Deathwing also looked at Jin Si greedily.

Maybe I can get the power of Titan from him.

In this way, he can become stronger, and even get rid of N'Zoth's entanglement.

Don't look at Deathwing's crazy look.

In fact, he knew it better than anyone else.

He knew that N'Zoth was not a good thing.

But N'Zoth's power resides in his body.

Although it made him unparalleled and powerful, it also made him a little bit involuntary.

"Very good, now your power belongs to me." Deathwing looked at Jin Si greedily.

Everyone around was shocked.

Is Deathwing so badass?

Anyway, Pantheon ran away when they saw Jin Si.

Deathwing was the first person who dared to express dissatisfaction with Jin Si.

Deathwing raised his neck, his head was pulled back slightly, and the dragon's breath began to brew in his mouth.

Jin Si also brewed a tailed beast jade at this time.

Both parties spit out old phlegm from their mouths at the same time.

The dragon's breath collapsed in an instant, and the tailed beast jade shot towards Deathwing the moment it broke through the dragon's breath.

Deathwing instantly sensed an unprecedented danger.

He pulled his head vigorously.


The Tailed Beast Jade skimmed Deathwing's cheek and shot towards the sea.

Soon, the Tailed Beast Jade disappeared before everyone's eyes.

But everyone was still watching the direction where the tailed beast jade disappeared.

After a few seconds, an arc of light appeared beyond the limit of what the eyes could see.

Then, a sea tide like a giant screen swept towards them.

The tide was higher than Twilight Highlands.

At this moment, everyone felt suffocated.

Onyxia also couldn't believe it.

Is that attack real?

Deathwing broke out in a cold sweat.

What would have happened if the shot hit him just now? can not imagine.

Jin Si was also in a cold sweat.

Wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"It's so dangerous, so dangerous... I almost confused the big dishes."

Deathwing was immediately annoyed by Jin Si's words.

He didn't want to give Jin Si another chance to use that trick.

So he decided to play close combat with Jin Si.

His whole body is covered with fine gold armor, and he also has a big chin, which can tear apart the golden armor.

Deathwing is still very confident in his melee combat ability.

Jin Si suddenly raised his fist, bang——

Deathwing plowed a chasm in the ground and crashed into the foot of the mountain, shattering the entire mountain wall.

Antonidas and the others, as well as Onyxia, were stunned.

However, their ideas are completely different.

It was the first time Onyxia saw that someone could knock Deathwing flying with a single punch.

And Antonidas and others are thinking.

What was Deathwing thinking.

He actually wanted to fight Jin Si hand-to-hand.

Do you think you didn't die fast enough?

This is the existence of the Tear Titan.

Do you think you're bigger than a titan?

Suddenly, the ground shook, and countless huge tentacles emerged from the ground.

These tentacles are made of rock and magma.

Each one is astonishingly large, and there are many barbs on it.

As long as it is hit by a tentacle, it is almost a certain death result.

Jin Si stretched out his hand and pulled the tentacles, and stuffed them into his mouth.

Everyone was drooling.

"This guy should be delicious, right?"

"Sure, this guy is Deathwing."

Onyxia turned her head in astonishment, and looked at Antonidas and the others.

Are these people crazy?

Leaving aside their father-daughter relationship.

She really couldn't associate Deathwing with Yummy.

But this group of people actually discussed this matter seriously.

Jin Si didn't know what Deathwing summoned these tentacles for.

But it is really delicious.

The moment the tentacle was crushed, the mouth was full of pulp.

This taste is not inferior to Yogg-Saron and Y'Shaarj at all.

It's no wonder that both Yogg-Saron and Y'Shaarj are extremely weak.

Although the taste is not bad, it is difficult to reach the peak.

Deathwing is different.

He is now an existence beyond the peak.

Especially the power of the Titans combined with the power of the Old Gods.

When the two are combined, the taste is pushed to the extreme.

At this time, Deathwing couldn't control the power in his body.

A large number of lava tentacles continuously protrude from the torn gap in the body.

The combination of the dragon and the tentacles is as beautiful as a painting.

Jin Si suddenly thought that Deathwing also had a more distinctive collection, the tentacle sword.

His real name is Gesalak. The Voice of the Abyss.

However, when attacking, it is possible to summon tentacles to attack the enemy, hence the name Tentacle Sword.

The double-touch Titan Berserker also became the mainstream of that version.

Jin Si suddenly rushed forward, peeling off the fine gold armor wrapped around Deathwing's body.

Magma gushed out violently, Deathwing's huge bloody mouth biting towards Jin Si.

Jin Si pinched Deathwing's big chin with one hand, and pulled it hard.

The big metal chin was ripped off directly, um, Deathwing's big chin, keep it.

Deathwing tried to breathe out the dragon's breath again.

Jin Si punched through Deathwing's throat.

At the same time, he broke off one of Deathwing's dragon horns and pierced Deathwing's head.

Although these attacks did great damage, Deathwing was immortal.

Guardian of the Earth, almost impossible to kill.

Of course, what is said here is hardly the whole story.

Titans can certainly kill Deathwing.

The earth crumbled in the battle of a monkey and a dragon.

Jin Si saw that he couldn't kill Death Wing, so he just ate it.

Jin Si bit the giant wing of Deathwing, and pulled it hard, one side of Deathwing's dragon wing had been bitten off by Jin Si.

And at the wound where he lost his wings, a large number of tentacles stretched out, as if he was reorganizing the dragon wings.

Jin Si didn't care whether he wanted to reorganize or not, and continued to chew the chicken wings in his mouth.

Onyxia watched the battle, she let out a long sigh.

Although Deathwing's resistance was fierce.

But she could tell that Deathwing's downfall was a matter of time.

She has mixed feelings now.

She was happy to be free from Deathwing's grip before.

But seeing that Jin Si was more ferocious than Deathwing, she couldn't be happy.

Obviously, Jin Si is more terrifying than Deathwing.

And she will never be free under Jin Si's command.

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