Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

Nine hundred and ninety first chapters

Lothar felt that in the past two days, Jin Si had always appeared around him.

And always look at yourself with a strange look.

Lothar felt chills down his spine, what kind of moth is this guy going to do?

Lothar really didn't want to get entangled with Jin Si.

What had happened in the camp recently had made him very anxious.

If Jin Si gave him another backstab, Lothar felt like he was going crazy.

Just when Lothar was having a headache, Mathias Shaw, the leader of MI7, came to him.

"Generalissimo." Mathias Shaw had a bitter face.

Lothar rubbed his eyebrows: "Madias, call me Lothar... what's the matter?"

"Lothar..." Mathias Shaw looked at Lothar helplessly: "Can you take care of His Excellency Jin Si, the court archmage?"

"Did he go to you too?" Lothar felt even more headache.

Mathias Shore and Jin Si were old acquaintances.

Of course, more than ten years ago, they were just acquaintances, far from being familiar with each other.

Mathias Shaw is in charge of intelligence, and he is also a top thief.

More than ten years ago, they did not speak a few words in total.

But this time Jin Si pestered him every day, asking him to join his team.

Said that their team lacked a thief.

How could Mathias Shaw accept Jin Si's invitation.

After all, he is a high-level executive in the kingdom, and he is also in charge of the important MI7.

It is even more impossible to take risks with Jin Si.

Jin Si doesn't care, he wants it.

Jin Si felt that an adventure team without thieves would have no soul.

Mage, Warrior, Rogue,

This is the essence of RPG.

After listening to Mathias Shaw's complaints.

Lothar had even more headaches.

But no matter what.

If it is placed in normal times.

Most likely, he wanted Mathias Shaw to wrong him.

Temporary deployment to Jin Si will save Jin Si from making trouble.

But now is the time to employ people.

Mathias Shaw is another important intelligence officer.

No one can let him go crazy with Jin Si.

While thinking about how to help Mathias Shaw solve his troubles.

He heard the door being kicked open with a bang.

Jin Si walked in swaggeringly.

"Ah, Mathias, you are here too, it seems that we are really destined." Jin Si looked at Mathias Shaw with bright eyes.

Mathias Shaw looked at Jin Si weakly, and then looked at Lothar for help.

Ten years ago, when Jin Si was Varian's teacher.

Relying on this status, he committed crimes in Stormwind City.

Mathias Shaw couldn't stand it at the time, and tried to stop Jin Si.

At that time, he felt that Jin Si was a mage, and he was a thief, Tian Ke.

It's nothing more than stealth, sap, and a backstab, and it's taken away.

Fantasy is beautiful, reality is cruel.

After that day, he found that the walls of Stormwind were a bit hard, and he lay in bed for a month.

Since then, Mathias Shaw has pretended to be his grandson and walked around Jin Si.

"Kim, stop messing around, Mathias is the head of SI7, he can't join your team."

"Oh well, you have the final say."

"Kim... wait, what are you talking about?"

Lothar was stunned, the Jin Si in his impression could not have obeyed his request so easily.

"I said yes, you are the Generalissimo, you have the final say, I am the most obedient." Jin Si looked at Lothar seriously, and at the same time glanced at Mathias Shaw: "By the way, turn around Get me a set of skill books for thieves, and since you won't join my team, then I'll be a guest thief myself."

Mathias Shor looked at Lothar, who nodded.

Isn't it just a skill book? Although it costs a little money, it's worth it if you can settle the money.

However, Lothar always felt that Jin Si agreed to his request so easily, there must be a big hole waiting for him.

"Jin, do you have any request? You can ask it now, as long as it doesn't matter much, I can promise you." Lothar asked cautiously.


"Well, really."

"Anything is fine?"

"I didn't say that any request is fine, I mean a reasonable request."

"I feel like I'm getting married."

"What's the meaning?"

"I'm in love with a girl."

Lothar really wants to say, let me introduce you.

But as long as he thought of pushing a good-looking girl into the fire pit, he couldn't bear it.

"Jin, you have to understand that true love is when two people are happy."

"I supported a lot of mages to the expeditionary army, it seems that I need to let them move freely." Jin Si said angrily.

Lothar said quickly: "Whose Miss? If possible, I can help you connect."

Dalaran's mages are very important, especially the Battle Mage Legion.

Although the number is small, their strength and combat experience allow them to play an important role on the battlefield.

A few days ago, because of the departure of the mercenaries, the expeditionary force fell into a passive position.

Several confrontations with the Scourge ended in defeat.

Then Jin Si's battle mage army joined the battlefield.

Immediately turned the situation back, and had the momentum to fight against the Scourge.

Some of the powerful battle mages among them are all familiar, and they are basically people who supported Stormwind City with Jin Si more than ten years ago.

This made Lothar sigh with emotion, although Jin Si was not a very good person.

But this level of business is really nothing to say.

The strength of the trained battle mages is also extremely powerful.

If he hadn't been afraid of Jin Si, he would have wanted to poach the wall.

If he really dared to poach the wall, Jin Si would set fire to New Stormwind City.

After all, more than ten years ago, Stormwind City was razed to the ground by Jin Si.

To this day, the world still believes that Stormwind City was destroyed by Neltharion, the Black Dragon King.

Lothar didn't dare to turn against Jin Si because the Dalaran mage was too important to the situation.

"Really? Will you help me?"

"Really, which noble lady is it?"

Lothar was thinking about which nobleman participated in the battlefield.

Is it someone from the newly formed Holy Light Knights in Stormwind?

There are quite a few noble ladies in the Holy Light Knights.

"Can you help me tie her to my bed?" Jin Si asked.

Lothar and Mathias Shaw both had the urge to draw their swords.

They also need face.

"I'm just introducing you, you'd better put away your delusions."

"If you help me tie up the girl from that family, I will express Kel'Thuzad's head to you right now."

"Shut up! No righteous person will agree to your request. If the victory is obtained by sacrificing a young girl, I would rather not."

"Okay, are you going to match me for any of the noble girls I mentioned?"

Lothar rubbed his eyebrows: "Isn't there a beautiful woman by your side?"

"You said Onyxia, if that's the case, I will kill her now, as long as I can marry a noble lady, this sacrifice is worth it, and she should be smiling happily in the grave .”

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