Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

Eight hundred and ninety-fourth, neither side is a good person

It is normal practice for intruders to be wary of each other.

And both are strangers to each other, and Tai Enke suddenly stands out for cooperation.

Jin Si inevitably had to think a little more.

To say that he is afraid of his backstab is pure nonsense.

Jin Si just didn't want to be used as a weapon by him.

Jin Si glanced at the members of Tainke's team in the distance.

"Jin Si, I've entered and exited three times. During the third time, my team and I stayed inside for three days, but there are too many spider demons. Otherwise, our team would have been able to complete the task last time. .” Tyenke said very frankly, at least on the surface it seemed frank.

"We are lacking a little luck now, but last time when we retreated, we found a shortcut, so we plan to take a shortcut this time, but we have never walked this road before, and we are not sure what we will encounter. That's why I brought you and your team together."

Jin Si was a little disappointed, feeling that this guy was planning to lead them into a pit, and then kill people for money.

This is too boring, Jin Si shook his head.

"It's boring, you can play by yourself."

"Wait..." Tai Enke quickly grabbed Jin Si: "Let me tell you the truth, when we came out last time, we walked into a fork in the road and found an altar of spider demons, and there were a small number of spider demons in that altar." , but there is a very powerful spider demon priest, he has an epic orb."

"You know all of this?" Jin Si looked at Tai Enke in surprise.

"I have a special identification technique, even in the hands of the enemy, I can identify the attributes and grades."

"Oh? Is it so cute?"

Jin Si looked at Tai Enke and took out a weapon.

"Can you tell what grade and attribute this is?"

"Epic level?" There was a hint of surprise in Tyenke's eyes, and at the same time greedy color flashed, but it was quickly covered up by him: "Why can't I see the attributes."

They haven't seen a few epic equipment now.

That's why they drool when they see an epic piece of equipment.

This thing, Jinsi, basically belongs to the type of bad warehouse.

"Cooperation is fine, but how to divide the orb? Slice or halve?"

Tai Enke grinned and looked at Jin Si, do you call this a score?

"The orb belongs to me. After I get the orb, I will help you complete the task." Tai Enke said.

"Hehe... You're an idiot for blocking me, aren't you?"

Tai Enke looked at Jin Si, who was bald and fat, and looked a little stupid.

Needless to say, Taienke's eyes are quite accurate in seeing people.

"One thousand gold coins, I'll be your thug once."

"Deal." Tai Enke looked at Jin Si as if saying, he really is a fool.

Although heartache is worth a thousand dollars, he and his teammates probably can make it together.

But... Tyenko didn't intend to give money.

free labor...

Throw it away after use, this kind of thing can be learned once.

Only, he got one thing wrong.

Whatever plans he has.

Jin Si is not that kind of stupefied young man.

Jin Si stretched out his hand directly: "Money, here."

"You want money before things are done?"

"Yes." Jin Si nodded of course.

"Impossible, you don't want to get the money until you finish the job."

"If it succeeds, then you must give money. If it fails, both of our teams will probably be buried there, so it doesn't matter whether the money is money or not. Or, you don't plan to give money at all? Do you want to After you succeed, give us a wave of backstabs?" Jin Si narrowed his eyes and looked at Tai Enke.

Tai Enke was a little flustered, but he quickly stabilized his emotions: "We cooperate with integrity. If you don't believe me, then I can't help it."

"Then let's take two shots."

"One shot and two shots, one shot and two shots." Tai Enke snorted coldly.

"Then I'm going to spread the word about it now."

Tai Enke immediately became angry, Ma De, can you not be such a dog.

If this is publicized, dozens of teams may all become competitors.

Although Tyenke is quite confident in the strength of his team.

But it is not enough to feel that their team is invincible.

"Money, I'll give it." Tyenke's expression almost crumpled.

Not long after Jin Si returned to the team, Tai Enke sent the money to Jin Si.

Everyone watched Jin Si collect the money, and then looked at Tai Enke's expression.

Everyone sighed, Jin Si is a real dog.

Such a small adventure group was actually blackmailed by Jin Si.

Don't doubt it, it must be extortion.

"Kim, what did you talk to him about just now?"

"He asked me for help." Jin Si said.

"Is it employment?" Illidan glanced at Jinsi: "When did we people become so cheap?"

"So, you can only show the strength of one thousand gold... No, it should be said that it is the strength of one hundred gold. Whoever exceeds this level, I will beat you to the value of one hundred gold."

Everyone snorted proudly, dismissing Jin Si's threat.

Hellscream put away his axe.

Antonidas put away his staff...

Jin Si took out the egg knife.

Everyone looked at Jin Si: "Didn't it mean that you can only show the strength of a hundred gold?"

"I'm a combat thief, this is just my regular weapon."

Just kidding, what is the purpose of grabbing Illidan's egg knife?

Do you really think it is moldy in the warehouse?

Of course it's for pretending to be x.

Jin Si led a group of people to meet Tyenke's team.

Both sides have several players who don't look like human beings.

For example, Illidan on Jinsi's side can tell that he is walking in crooked ways.

Among Tyenko's teammates, there is actually a Gron, and there is also a werewolf death knight.

In terms of team configuration, the two sides are pretty much the same.

However, when Tai Enke and the others saw Jin Si, the leader, carrying a pair of egg knives, their eyes straightened.

Mi Fang, the egg knife is definitely the most attractive weapon on Azeroth, not one of them.

Especially when it is carried on the back, it has more visual impact.

Like a pair of emerald green demon horns.

Tai Enke used the appraisal technique to sweep Jin Si's body.

Eyeballs almost fell out, Glaive of Azzinoth, legendary, attribute? ? ? .

Tai Enke was shocked, and at the same time, he couldn't hide the greedy look in his eyes.

I am a warrior, so I can dual-wield.

In the 1960s and 1970s, thieves and warriors were natural enemies. The wind sword in the 1960s and the egg knife in the 1970s, as long as they encountered it, they would never die.

"Hey, have you seen enough, you will be shy if you watch it again."

Jin Si took down an egg knife, spit on it, and wiped it with his sleeve.

Tyneke couldn't hide his eyes.

The group of teammates behind Jin Si were all mourning for him.

What a poor mercenary, he was led into a pit by Jin Si.

Jin Si did it on purpose, and swung the egg knife in front of Tai Enke.

At this moment, Illidan also took out his own egg knife in a showy manner. It was exchanged by Jin Si and him. The shape was basically the same, but the blade was a blood-red blade.

Tai Enke's eyes straightened again, identification technique!

name? ? ? ,grade? ? ? ,Attributes? ? ? .

Jin Si turned his head to look at Illidan, and Illidan silently put away the egg knife.

Teammates cast sympathetic and gloating eyes one after another.

Brother, you are tired of life, aren't you? Dare to steal Jinsi's limelight?

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