Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

Eight hundred and ninety-seven this spider silk is sweet

Tai Enke's request for help only got ridicule from Jin Si and others.

"It's too much for the two teams to bully them. I am a principled person, and I will not do such a thing without martial ethics."

Jin Si said righteously.

At this moment, the satisfaction buff of the two giant spiders ended again.

A new round of attacks began, first with the group fear technique.

Of course, the people on Tainke's side were directly dismissed.

On Jinsi's side, no one was recruited.

Just kidding, group fear?

At least half of them have mastered this skill.

Whoever releases it is better than these two big spiders.

Just these two who just came out of kindergarten.

It is also worthy of their fear spell.

But they don't focus on group fear.

It doesn't mean that two children have good eyesight.

No, the big red spider picked Illidan.

Probably because of his big size and chewy texture.

But don't even think about it, this guy's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys are full of evil energy.

The skin is black, and you are not afraid of food poisoning if you eat it.

The red spider silk entangled Illidan instantly.

Illidan stared wide-eyed, not to mention blind people can't stare.

Illidan stares at you.

The flame spider silk did not ignite Illidan.

Instead, it stimulated the evil energy in his body.

Green flames burned all over his body.

A pair of demon wings behind him suddenly opened.


The Titan Blade appeared in both palms.

Illidan cut off the red spider silk casually.

Tyneke was stunned for a moment, didn't he say that the pair of double knives were counterfeit?

The rhythm feels a bit out of place.

At this moment, a small spider hung down between the two giant spiders.

It is said to be a small spider, but it is actually the size of an ordinary spider monster.

It's just that it's different from ordinary spider demons, this is an obvious female spider demon.

Because her upper body is a full fruit female.

If it weren't for the lower body, it really didn't meet Jinsi's aesthetic needs.

It is estimated that Jin Si is going to go up and drag her to the corner.

That upper body is really beautiful.

The female spider demon hangs upside down on the spider web, overlooking the crowd below.

The status of the female spider demon is obviously higher than that of the two big spiders.

As soon as she appeared, the two big spiders immediately showed devout little eyes.

The female spider demon looked at Illidan, obviously feeling the powerful aura from Illidan.

Especially his pair of Titan Blades exuded an aura that made her hair stand on end.

A black ball condensed from the hands of the female spider demon.

In an instant, the black ball exploded, and the poisonous mist also dispersed.

Illidan was not afraid of the poison, the moment the poison approached him, he was burned by the fire of fel energy burning on his body.

But those people in Tyneke immediately showed symptoms of poisoning.

"Damn it, detoxify me quickly." Tai Enke hurriedly greeted the treatment team members in the team.

The treatment team member is a pastor, and he detoxifies in a hurry.

This is the very poison that is very difficult to disperse.

"No, it can't be dispelled. I can only treat you first to stabilize your condition." The little pastor cried with difficulty.

There was nothing he could do, the priest was not good at dispelling the symptoms of poisoning.

Looking at Jin Si again, he saw Jin Si standing carelessly in the poisonous fog.

"It tastes pretty good." Jin Si commented.

The Three Wastes of Plate Armor came up and sniffed, then shook his body and fell to the ground.

"Ma De, you three trash, you are embarrassing our team!" Jin Si cursed.

It's still a kind-hearted old cow who lost a detoxification totem.

The three wastes of plate armor were immediately detoxified, and at the same time, the state quickly recovered.

"This poison is extraordinary." Hellroar said, it's not that he can't do it, it's that the poison is extraordinary.

Lao Niu is a part-time shaman, and his level is also the highest level.

A detoxification totem directly invalidates the totems that permeate the feet.

Even Tyneke's poison has been resolved.

The poisonous mist under his feet began to be absorbed by the detoxification totem.

Tai Enke and the others had serious expressions on their faces.

Is that tauren a shaman?

At this moment, the female spider demon let out a scream, the sound was like a naked girl surrounded by a group of big men.

As the scream of the female spider demon spread, the spider sacs that were originally scattered in the surrounding corners burst open.

There are countless small spiders in each spider sac.

Those little spiders look small, but they are actually the size of a fist.

A group of small spiders were under the feet of a hunter, and the hunter had no time to react.

Those little spiders spread up in an instant.

The hunter's feet became empty in an instant, and even the bones were gnawed so that there was no residue left.

There are probably millions of little spiders everywhere, densely packed in layers.

Everyone who watched felt their scalps go numb.

Tyneco was fighting with weapons, and sent a shock wave directly at the little spider.

Although those little spiders are scary, they are also very fragile.

Instantly killed.

But the moment they were killed, they blew themselves up.

Moreover, the self-explosion power is very powerful, especially when hundreds of small spiders explode at the same time.

Tai Enke's body was directly blown out and hit the stone wall heavily.

He felt that he had entered a state of weakness in an instant.

Tyenke's teammates immediately cast a protective magic to keep the little spider out.

But the little spider directly spread to the protective shield, and the magic power of the protective shield was being eroded rapidly.

"Tenke, think of a way, my protective shield is about to be bitten through by them."

Tai Enke looked at Jin Si in shock and anger.

Jin Si was also complaining: "These little spiders are disgusting, stop them quickly."

Antonidas also propped up the magic shield, which has the same effect as the mage on his side.

It's just that Antonidas didn't panic at all.

As long as the magic power continues to output, these little spiders want to bite through his magic shield.

They need at least one set of iron teeth.

"Hang on, look at that white-haired boy over there, he didn't panic." Tai Enke said calmly.

Well, Antonidas was rejuvenated by Jin Si, but he still dyed his hair white.

It's just that he didn't know that he was actually called a white-haired boy by Tai Enke.

If he knew, I don't know how he would feel.

Tai Enke said lightly, but the little mage in his team was getting more and more panicked.

"I...I can't hold it anymore..."

Tai Enke didn't understand the situation at all. The little mage in his team was almost even an elite mage.

And the one on the opposite side, among the epic-level archmages, is the apex existence.

They're not on the same level at all.

After those little spiders devoured enough magic power, like a swollen ball in their abdomen, they spit out a spider thread and connected it to the hand of the female spider demon, giving back the magic power to her.

And those little spiders died after dedicating their magic power.

That's what they're worth.

More and more little spiders finished their magic power, and then began to die in pieces.

The female spider demon also absorbed enough magic power, she first turned her attention to Tyne and them.

A few large nets suddenly spewed out from the end of the lower body, Tyenke and the others didn't even have a chance to resist, they were instantly entangled in the big nets, and then fell to the ground like rice dumplings.

The female spider demon looked at Jin Si and the others again, whirring——

Once again, the same trick was repeated, and several large nets were sprayed out.

As a result... only Jin Si was caught, and everyone else avoided or blocked the big net in their own way.

Jin Sipa pulled the spider web off his face: "Although it's spit out from the ass... But this spider silk is actually sweet, if you don't believe me, try it."

Everyone was ashamed to look at Jin Si and try a chicken.

After you said it in such a wretched way, no one has the heart to try it.

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