Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

Nine hundred and seventy-two The flexible fat man

Artemis soon realized the importance of supplies.

Fortunately, Jin Si didn't take away the food just now.

There is also a lot of food in the cabin.

Originally, helicopters were transport aircraft, except for transporting soldiers.

A lot of food was also stored.

Artemis, Mikaela, and Sam clearly form a small group.

Exclude Jinsi.

Fortunately, the cabin is spacious enough.

Do not interfere with each other.

In the evening, the three of them took out food to fill their bellies.

Then I grabbed a sleeping bag and slept.

After dark, Artemis heard a noise.

She opened her eyes and saw Jin Si leaving the cabin.

She was a little confused and didn't know where Jin Si ran.

About half an hour later, she and everyone else were woken up by Jin Si's voice.

The three of them saw Jin Si dragging back a monster that was about the size of a lion and was completely black.

The monster looked a bit like a spider.

"Mr. Jin, what are you..."

"My midnight snack." Jin Si said, took out a dagger from behind and began to cut the spider monster into pieces.

From a visual point of view, even if this spider monster is dead, it is still very scary.

But when the meat was cooked, the aroma of the meat that filled the cabin still made the other three people move their index fingers.

"Mr. Jin, you can't finish the meal by yourself, right?" Artemis looked at Jin Si embarrassedly.

"Do you look down on my fat body?"

Artemis stood there awkwardly.

"Haha, just kidding, I've always been generous."

Michaela also plucked up the courage to step forward: "What about me?"

"come on."

Sam followed behind Michaela.

Just as he was about to sit down, Jin Si kicked Sam away.

"Did I promise you?"

Sam's face turned red and he looked at Jin Si angrily.

He turned around and left angrily, returning to his sleeping bag.

"Mr. Jin, he is just a child."

Artemis still has a great sense of justice.

"If it weren't for him, why would I be here."

Although Sam was back in his sleeping bag, he wasn't asleep yet.

Hearing Jin Si's words, he immediately shouted: "It's obviously your fault. It was you who held Mikaela hostage."

Artemis looked at Jin Si and then at Mikaela.

Jin Si spat: "Ask Miss Michaela, did I hold her hostage? I have never restricted her movements."

"I obviously saw Michaela crying in your car."

"Kid, there are many reasons why a woman cries while sitting in a man's car. Which reason do you want to know? I'll make one up for you." Jin Si sneered, "Or I'll let you know tonight despair."

Jin Si put a hand on Michaela's shoulder.

Michaela's body was stiff and she didn't dare to resist.

At this moment, the sand in the distance began to boil again.

Apparently, the ceratopsian hiding in the sand started making noise again.

"Not good! It smells meat." Artemis' face changed in shock.

Jin Si stood up and picked up the spider monster's fangs.

The horned dragon emerged from the sand and rushed towards their direction.

Everyone was nervous, this cabin was their only shelter.

Once the horned dragon rushes over, it will definitely crush this place.

They will also be doomed.

Sam seemed to have caught Jin Si's painful foot and yelled: "It's all you. If you hadn't eaten in the middle of the night, it wouldn't have appeared."

Jin Si turned around and looked at Sam.

Then a person walked out of the cabin.

Artemis didn't understand what Jin Si was going to do.

But in her opinion, Jin Si was looking for death.

The body length of the horned dragon is more than thirty meters, you know, it is even a roadblock.

He is also a younger brother in front of Ceratops, and the remaining parts of the roadblock are still not far away.

The horned dragon opened its mouth wide and rushed toward Jin Si.

Jin Si suddenly jumped away, and at the same time threw the poisonous fangs of the spider monster in his hand into the horned dragon's mouth.

The horned dragon's tail swiped suddenly, Jin Si avoided it again, and pierced the horned dragon's tail with a fang.

For the huge body of the ceratopsian.

The spider monster's poison has very limited effect on it.

And waiting for the toxin to flow through its body may not be completed in a short time.

The horned dragon had no reaction to the two fangs pierced by Jin Si.

Still continuing to attack Jin Si.

Jin Si, on the other hand, kept dodging.

The three people in the cabin were stunned.

"What a flexible fat man..." Artemis took a long time to say a word.

No matter how the horned dragon attacked, it didn't even touch Jin Si's hair.

Three minutes later, the ceratopsian's movements began to become sluggish, its body swaying, as if it was going to be stuck on the ground at any time.

Finally, the horned dragon's legs weakened and its head hit the ground hard.

Jin Si took out his dagger and stabbed it deeply into the neck of the humiliating horned dragon.

The ceratopsian showed no reaction and seemed to be completely cold.

Artemis and the other three looked at Jin Si in disbelief.

That monster that even the giant robots can't defeat.

He was actually killed by Jin Si Xun.

Jin Si shook the gravel off his body.

"Captain Artemis, it looks like our midnight snack is going to be extra."

Artemis walked out of the cabin: "Are you using the fangs of the spider monster?"


"Where did this spider monster come from?"

"There are many stone forests over there."

Artemis looked in the direction pointed by Jin Si.

Even in the darkness, you can still vaguely see the shadow of the stone forest.

"By the way, I also found a person over there. I think he knows the situation here."

"Didn't you ask him about his situation?"

"I asked, but we didn't understand each other in the language, so we ended up communicating physically."

"Is he still there now?"

"I'm not sure. It depends on how long he can be unconscious and when the spider monster in that stone forest will find him."

Artemis listened to Jin Si's statement.

He was already imagining in his mind how unlucky the person Jin Si met would be.

But think about it, it would be difficult for anyone to associate this fat man with danger.

But this fat man actually killed a monster.

"Go over and take a look." Artemis said: "Maybe you can learn about the situation here from that person's mouth."

Artemis could tell that Jin Si was definitely not the kind of person who was good at communication.

Now I just hope that the person Jin Si mentioned is still alive.

"No, you have to go by yourself. I don't want to go. I still want to fill my stomach."

Artemis was helpless towards Jin Si.

If she could, she would kill Jin Si with one shot right now.

But no matter which angle she looked at it, she couldn't do it.

She had some vague guesses about the current situation.

This may be a strange world.

As for this strange world, she didn't think she could survive or even return to Earth with her own abilities.

Jin Si is undoubtedly an important member of their small team.

Besides...even if he takes action, it will probably only become Jin Si's RBQ.

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