Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

Nine hundred and seventy-eight, she has a good understanding

Michaela didn't know how this worked.

Anyway, there are already many unreasonable things in this world.

No matter what, since it works, just shoot more.

Michaela ignored the embarrassed Sam and pushed Jin Si into the house.

For one night, everyone had panda eyes.

Only Jin Si and Michaela were in good spirits.

This couple didn't care how poor the sound insulation in the cabin was last night.

The high-pitched sound filled the ship throughout the night.

There is no intention of stopping.

This resulted in everyone suffering a whole night of mental torture from the two.

Michaela also had the illusion at this moment that I was invincible.

Sam also evolved, from loser to waste.

He was completely lost.

Artemis as a fellow countryman.

Of course I know that the relationship between the three of them is somewhat complicated.

"Captain, should we postpone the trial?" Artemis looked at the lion-headed captain.

"It cannot be postponed." Captain Lionhead said coldly: "This is a rule passed down by hunters for thousands of years. No one can be exempted."

Artemis had already shown amazing strength in the first battle.

After all, she is a soldier herself, and her strength should not be underestimated.

After adapting to the rhythm and skills of fighting monsters.

She got the hang of it quickly.

So she became an official team member without any dispute.

Although Jin Si is also a newcomer, there is something special about him as a newcomer.

No one would ask him to participate in a trial.

After all, no newcomer would set off firecrackers into the lair of the Iron Winged Dragon or throw grenades into the lair of the Swamp Poison Dragon.

There were only Mikaela and Sam, although Captain Lionhead had given them both time to adapt.

But the effect was not satisfactory, and now the Lion Head leader has lost his patience.

Today is the deadline.

If the two of them can't show the minimum hunting ability of a hunter.

Then they will either die under the claws of the monster.

Or just leave the team and let them fend for themselves.

The magic sailboat stopped at the edge of the jungle.

This is the habitat of the Armored Dragon, a medium-sized carnivorous monster.

Their appearance resembles that of a velociraptor, with their bodies wrapped in a layer of black bone exoskeleton, as if they were wearing armor, hence the name Armored Dragon.

Armored dragons are also social creatures and hunt together.

Of course, if only Michaela and Sam act.

The two of them are basically illegally feeding.

Other hunters will also participate in the action. They will disperse the armored dragon and then hunt separately.

Mikaela and Sam cooperated, and as long as they could hunt an armored dragon, they would pass.

You know, even Ah Meow can complete a single hunt of an armored dragon.

Jin Si and Lion Head did not participate in this operation.

Mainly because Captain Lionhead was afraid that Jin Si would ruin Mikaela and Sam's trial.

So he asked Jin Si to stay on the ship, while he was responsible for monitoring Jin Si to ensure the fairness of the trial.

After the Lion Head Captain gave the order, everyone jumped off the magic sailboat one after another.

Then chaos began in the jungle.

A large number of wild animals are scurrying away.

The battle soon began.

Looking from the deck of the ship, you can roughly see the situation in the jungle.

The Lionhead leader is also paying attention to the situation.

He discovers that Michaela and Sam are not acting together.

Sam climbed directly into a tree to avoid the running herd.

And Michaela is on the other side.

Mikaela nimbly avoided the running herd.

"She seems to have grown a lot." Captain Lionhead was a little surprised.

I remember that in the battle a few days ago, her achievements in the battle were mainly reflected in reorganizing her own troops.

Did you make a mistake?

The Lion Head Captain looked at Jin Si: "Did you teach her something?"

"Well, yes, she has a good understanding and absorbs my words and deeds very quickly."

"But I didn't realize you took the time to teach her."

In Captain Lion Head's memory, Jin Si spent most of his time causing trouble.

"You don't understand this. Smart people learn by themselves. There is no doubt that Michaela is a smart person."

The leader of the Lion Head Team is an upright boy.

He didn't hear anything in Jin Si's words at all.

He really thought Michaela was a good student.

"Kim, are there many powerful warriors like you on Earth?"

"Well, I don't know. I guess there are a few. No matter which world it is, there are always only a few strong ones."

"If our world could have a few more strong people like you, the world would be at peace."

"You are mistaken. The more powerful people there are, the less peaceful the world will be."

"The peace I'm talking about is the harm caused by these monsters."

"If you live in such a world, you should get used to such an environment."

"Originally, there are no monsters in this world."

"Then where did they come from?"

"It was that ancient civilization. They opened a door, and then a large number of monsters emerged from the other side of the door. The ancient civilization was destroyed. Since then, monsters have also integrated into our world."

"Did it come from the earth? But there seems to be no monster like this on the earth."

"No, in fact, after the people of the ancient civilization caused the disaster, they thought of a way to expel the monsters to the earth. They connected the two worlds, but before the plan was implemented, the monsters completely destroyed the ancient civilization. , and now there are only a few remaining ancient ruins around the world that prove their existence.”

The Lion Head Captain glanced at Jin Si: "Why do you have such a pity expression on your face?"

"Really? I'm worried. You're wrong."

Jin Si shook his head: "By the way, the monster you mentioned came to this world through the portal, did it come from the energy tower you mentioned?"

"No, it's another energy tower, located deep in the Achimis Mountains." Captain Lionhead glanced at Jin Si: "That is the most dangerous place in the world. It is said that there is a monster named the Emperor. , it is the king of all monsters and the ancestor of dragon monsters.”

"In which direction?"

"Jin, don't go and die. You won't succeed. The emperor is invincible."

"I'm not interested in the emperor. What I'm interested in is the world of monsters behind the portal."

"You are indeed a lunatic, an out-and-out lunatic."

While the two were talking, Michaela had completed the trial.

She single-handedly killed an armored dragon.

As for Sam on the other side, well, he's safe, the tree keeps him safe.

Although the Lion Head Captain had been talking to Jin Si, he still observed the situation of the two of them.

Michaela completed the task easily.

"Kim, what do you think?"

"Didn't she complete her mission?"

"I'm talking about Sam."

"What's the meaning?"

"Although Sam has no performance, he is teamed up with Mikaela. In other words, if Mikaela succeeds, he succeeds, so I am not sure how to judge."

"Have you ever heard of the saying on Earth that whatever you are born with will be useful?"

"Huh? You mean he also has talents that I haven't discovered yet?"

"Yes, for example, bait. I think he is very suitable for this position."

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