Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1001 Jue Zhan and his wife extra (9)

"Did Jian Luo tell you?" Bai Jue asked.

Jian Qing nodded, "This is not like your style."

After agreeing and letting others go, the CEO of Will Group was so angry that he wanted to tear down the walls and lift the roof.

"That old pervert has lived for such a long time. Besides, his style in the business world has never been very good. If I don't save him, it depends on God whether he can survive. Besides, I didn't take his money and I didn't have sex with him." Sign the contract, what can he do to me?" Bai Jue curled his lips with a cynical smile.

"If I save someone like him, wouldn't it be immoral?"

"Not only are you wicked, you are also wicked," Thea said.

Bai Jue, "Get lost."

At this time, Quan Jingwu pushed the door open and came in.

"Xiao Jing!"

Jian Jian stood up with his hands on the table. Quan Jingwu stepped forward and quickly supported her. His cautious look made Thea and others helpless.

Why don't you be so careful and make them nervous too?

"We're leaving first. We have to pick up Seventeen and Nineteen from school." Jian Qing said.

"Well, let's chat on the phone later." Thea said, "By the way, I'll send a video to Kahn tonight. My daughter is clamoring to meet your seventeen and nineteen."

There's nothing she can do about it, she loves looking at handsome men, and her cat is obviously a real fan of her.

She was very fascinated by the exquisite looks of Seventeen and Nineteen. Every time, she shouted "Handsome Guy Seventeen" and "Handsome Guy Nineteen" one by one, which made Kahn feel jealous.


"I'm going to the bathroom." Bai Jue said.

While Bai Jue was going to the bathroom, Thea couldn't help burning her gossip soul and smiled ambiguously at Zhan Mingyan, "Were you two in the hotel that day..."

"Shit." Zhan Mingyan rolled her eyes at her, "You are the only one who has no loyalty."

Thea covered her little heart, "Aren't I creating opportunities for you? Tsk tsk, you don't understand my good intentions at all."

Zhan Mingyan pretended to look at her in horror, "Goodbye, I can't bear it."

Since Mr. Zhan was discharged from the hospital, Bai Jue reported to Zhan's house almost every day. Every day he would either take Zhan Mingyan around or stay with her in the flower shop.

In the flower shop, Zhan Mingyan was trimming the bouquets that would be delivered later. The table was covered with snacks, all bought by Bai Jue.

"Sister Mingyan, when are you going to treat us to some wedding candies?" Xiaoling looked at Bai Jue who was answering the phone outside, approached Mingyan and asked with a smile.

"Think about it." Zhan Mingyan said calmly.

"Sister Mingyan, there are not many high-quality men like Mr. Bai. You have to seize the opportunity as soon as possible." Xiao Qing said.

"Okay, thank you for reminding me. Go and wrap up the rest of the bouquet. The guests will come to pick it up later." Zhan Mingyan glanced at the two of them and said funny.

At this time, Bai Jue came in after answering the phone.

However, his face was a little heavy.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Zhan Mingyan saw that the smile on his lips had disappeared, she put down the scissors and stood up and asked.

Bai Jue said, "Xiao Yan'er, I want to go back to Country M."

Zhan Mingyan was startled for a moment, then forced a smile, "Did something happen?"

"It's a small thing. There's something wrong in the research room. I have to go back." Bai Jue said.

"It scared me to death. You had such a grimace on your face that I thought something had happened." Zhan Mingyan said in a brisk tone, not wanting him to feel pressured.

"By the way, how long will you be there for?"

Bai Jue looked at the smile on her face, his eyes darkened, and he reached out to pull her into his arms, "But, I can't let you go."

Zhan Mingyan's eyes curled up and she put her hands around his waist.

"It's not like you won't come back. Besides, we can video chat every day, so there's nothing to be reluctant about." What she didn't say was that she was actually even more reluctant to let him go.

During these days, she was used to having him around every day. When he left, she was a little unaccustomed to it.

"Will it take you a long time to go back this time?"

Bai Jue's eyes flashed coldly, "It won't be long."

Since some people don't know how to live or die, there is no need for him to take into account that ridiculous sentiment.

Hearing that it wouldn't be long, Zhan Mingyan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then when will you leave?"

Bai Jue buried himself in the crook of her neck, "At night."

Solve the matter as soon as possible so that he can come back to be with her as soon as possible.

"Then be careful on the road and give me a call when you get there," she said.

Bai Jue raised his head and asked with a smile, "Are you so concerned about me?"

Zhan Mingyan was thin-skinned and instantly turned a bit blushing, "Who cares about you? Stop being so pretty."

"Wait until I come back. Don't go out alone with other men. Wait until I come back to bring you delicious food." Bai Jue put his big hand on her head and rubbed it randomly.

"I'm not a foodie, who cares?" Zhan Mingyan slapped his hand away and raised her chin proudly.

Bai Jue picked up the car keys, held her hand, and said, "Go somewhere with me."

Zhan Mingyan pulled him and said, "Hey, where are you going? We haven't finished those bouquets yet."

"Just leave it to Xiaoling and the others." Bai Jue said as he took off the apron around her waist.

Before Zhan Mingyan could react, he was pulled out.

Sitting in Bai Jue's car, Zhan Mingyan always feels like she is racing.

The tense and exciting feeling makes people unconsciously obsessed with it.

In the evening, the afterglow of the setting sun dyed the entire sky red, red like fire and orange like maple leaves. The hazy beauty was shocking.

Zhan Mingyan leaned against the car, her starry eyes reflecting the afterglow on the horizon, a gentle smile on her lips, "Bai Jue, why did you bring me here suddenly?"

She looked at the person next to her, curious about her answer.

"Didn't you say before that you wanted to come to the beach to watch the sunset?" Bai Jue took a cup of hot drink he bought and handed it to her.

Zhan Mingyan paused while drinking the hot drink, feeling warm in her heart.

She said it casually before, but he remembered it.

She asked on a whim, "Bai Jue, am I the first person to watch the sunset with you?"

After thinking for a while, Bai Jue said honestly, "No, you are the fourth."

Hearing this, Zhan Mingyan felt a little disappointed.

"The first time I watched the sunset was when I was ten years old, with Jian Luo, Jian Qing and Black Jack. At that time, the four of us didn't tell our families, so we skipped school and went to the beach for a barbecue." Bai Jue slowly said said.

Then, he turned to look at her, "Watch the sunset with the one you love, you are the first one."

As soon as the words fell, the haze in Zhan Mingyan's heart dissipated instantly.

She smiled again, "Okay, I'll just trust you once."

"By the way, is your grandpa's birthday party coming soon?" Bai Jue suddenly remembered what he heard from Lu Hui and Zhan Ze at Zhan's house two days ago.

Zhan Mingyan nodded, "I didn't hold grandpa's birthday banquet in the past two years. Grandpa just had a major surgery. My parents said this time that they would hold a birthday banquet in a hotel to avoid bad luck."

Bai Jue hummed.

"Can you come back by then?" she asked.

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