Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1004 Jue Zhan and his wife extra (12)

When Bai Jue got home, it was almost eleven o'clock.

After taking a shower, Zhan Mingyan happened to call.

"Xiao Yan'er, do you miss me?" Bai Jue fell down on the bed, loosening his bathrobe a little, revealing his honey-colored chest.

Zhan Mingyan snorted, "Why didn't anyone answer the call I just called you?"

"My phone is out of battery, I just got back."

The low voice was a bit hoarse.

"Have you been drinking?" Zhan Mingyan keenly noticed something was wrong with his voice.

Bai Jue admitted frankly, "Yeah, I drank some with Black Jack and Jian Luo."

Jian Luo was the worst. He was drunk after not even having two drinks.

"Have you settled your matter?" Zhan Mingyan asked.

Bai Jue smiled lowly, "What, you missed me?"

"Tch, who has time to miss you? My grandpa asked you when you would come back to play chess with him, and asked you not to forget to bring the good wine you promised him." Zhan Mingyan's face was slightly hot, and she said quibly.

"Little pepper, I miss your cooking." Bai Jue suddenly said.

The corners of Zhan Mingyan's lips curled up, and her voice became softer. "If you want to eat, come back quickly."

Bai Jue smiled broadly at this hard-earned tenderness, with sweetness in his heart, "You will do it for me when you get back?"

Zhan Mingyan hummed softly.

"Actually, Xiaojiao, you are the cutest when you are gentle." Bai Jue squeaked too much and couldn't help but be mean.

"Go and die." Zhan Mingyan's face darkened.

You just can't get used to this stinky behavior.

The lights were bright, and bickering between the two people separated by the ocean became a romantic thing.

After finding out where Bai Jue lived, Fang Xue took Reina to the door.

"Mom, is this where brother Bai Jue lives?" Reina looked at the exquisite villa in front of her, and her heart was filled with excitement.

This villa looks much more luxurious than their home. It would be great if she could live here.

Fang Xue nodded slightly, "Yeah."

It seems that after she left, the Bai family not only did not decline, but developed well. Bai Jue can afford to buy a villa here. It seems that he should earn a lot.

The internationally famous ghost doctor tells me how proud she is as a mother.

Thinking about it, Fang Xue's face became a little more joyful and proud.

She reached out and pressed the doorbell, then straightened her hair and clothes.

After a while, a plainly dressed middle-aged woman opened the door.

"You are?"

"We are here to find brother Bai Jue. I am his sister and this is my mother," Reina said first.

The middle-aged woman was stunned for a moment and looked at the two of them suspiciously, "I have never seen Master Bai talk about his mother and sister. Have you found the wrong person?"

Fang Xue's face froze and she squeezed the expensive bag in her hand.

"What are you talking about? Take a closer look. My mother looks very much like Brother Bai Jue." Reina was usually spoiled. When she heard that a servant dared to question her, her arrogant and domineering temper suddenly became uncontrollable. Living.

"Sorry, I don't mean anything else." The middle-aged woman smiled slightly, took a closer look at Fang Xue, and found that she did resemble Bai Jue somewhat.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Bai is not at home. I don't have the authority to let you in. Why don't I call Mr. Bai first?"

When Reina heard this, she immediately became anxious. Bai Jue didn't want to see them in the first place. If he found out, how could she get in.

With this thought, she opened the door directly and walked in regardless.

"Hey, young lady, you can't go in." The middle-aged woman grabbed Reina's wrist and said urgently.

"Let me go." Reina shook her off, with a look of displeasure on her face, "Who do you think you are? You dare to stop me. Be careful, I'll tell Brother Bai Jue and let him fire you."

Fang Xue followed in. After working in the upper class circles for so long, she had already developed a keen eye for discerning luxury goods. Seeing that the furnishings in the room were all made by famous people, her little abacus suddenly became active. .

"Mom, these things are so beautiful." Reina sat on the sofa, looking at the small objects on the table, and couldn't help but reach out and play with them.

"Mom, come and sit here."

Looking at the mother and daughter occupying the sofa, the middle-aged woman looked embarrassed, picked up her cell phone and quickly walked outside to call Bai Jue.

"Mom, I want to go upstairs and take a look."

Reina looked around quickly, her eyes shining with greed.

"Leina, isn't this good? We still have something to ask of Bai Jue. It would be bad if he was angered." Fang Xue was still a little frightened by Bai Jue's cruelty yesterday. She pulled Reina and said with some worry. .

"It's okay, I'll go up and take a look. I'll be down soon." Reina pushed her hand away and hurried upstairs.

Walking into the master bedroom, Reina looked at the photos on the table and instantly guessed that this was Bai Jue's room.

She quickly looked at the furnishings in the bedroom, then walked to the cloakroom, opened the door and went in. Her eyes widened in surprise.

This, this is simply a shopping paradise.

In the cloakroom, each series of clothes is hung according to season and color. Most of them are clothes from the March brand, and others are limited editions from international first-line brands.

The watches, cufflinks and other accessories are also valuable.

Reina's eyes were gleaming as she looked at the watch in the cabinet, wishing she could go through the glass and take it out for herself.

Although she has been well-dressed since she was a child, she has never bought such an expensive watch. It is almost difficult for her to buy limited edition clothes under the March banner, let alone specially customized ones.

It turns out that her brother Bai Jue is so rich.

Downstairs, Bai Jue hurried back after receiving the call, his face terrifyingly gloomy.

"Master Bai!"

The middle-aged woman was standing guard at the door. When she saw Bai Jue's car, she hurriedly greeted her.

"Mr. Bai, I advised them not to go in, but they forced their way in. I..."

Bai Jue slammed the car door, "You go back first and come back to clean tomorrow."


Hearing the sound of the car's engine, Reina hurriedly ran downstairs.


She ran to Fang Xue, and Bai Jue just walked in.

"Bai Jue, I made you some soup. You came back just in time. Drink some while it's hot." Fang Xue quickly picked up the food box she brought with her and said with a smile on her face.

"Who let you in?" Bai Jue asked in a cold voice, looking at the traces of being pressed on the sofa and the carpet they were stepping on.

Fang Xue froze, forced out a smile and said, "Bai Jue, I think you look very tired recently, and I want to help you replenish your health."

Bai Jue said, "Get out."

"Brother Bai Jue, after all, I am also your half-sister. Mom has always missed you. Even if she has done something sorry for you, she is your mother after all. You can't be so indifferent to her. Ah." Rena said solemnly.

The update will have to wait until after midnight, so stay tuned...

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