Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1006 Jue Zhan and his wife extra (14)

Bai Jue put one hand in his pocket and glanced at him indifferently, "Your company? Ha, if she hadn't stolen the secrets of my father's company to you, your shabby company would have closed down long ago. I originally planned to let go after so many years." I'm just a step ahead of you. I didn't expect that your shamelessness really opened my eyes. If you insist on jumping around in front of me to make your presence felt, then I will have to deal with you completely. "

In order to deal with them, his trip back to the capital was delayed for several days. If they didn't make them pay a painful price, they would never learn well.

When the painful spot was stepped on, Jissen's heart sank, and his face turned blue and purple, as if he had eaten a fly.

"Bai Jue, I will fight with you!"

Bede suddenly rushed out from the corner of the dining room and attacked Bai Jue menacingly.

Under the light, he pulled out the sharp blade hidden at his waist.

The sharp dagger glowed with a little cold light.

Bai Jue curled his lips, and his movements were so fast that they couldn't see the movements clearly.

He grabbed Bede's wrist and applied a slight force. Bede grimaced in pain, and the dagger in his hand was unstable and fell down.

Then, he backhanded a fist directly to his face.


With an iron-like fist, Bede tilted his head, shouted in pain, and spit out blood mixed with his teeth.

"Bai Jue, no!" Fang Xue picked up the dagger on the ground and pointed it at Bai Jue tremblingly, her face full of panic.

Bai Jue glanced at the dagger in her hand, raised the corners of his lips, and said sarcastically, "What, you want to kill me?"

He moved his big hand up and grabbed Bede's neck. Bede's face instantly turned red and his breathing became heavy.

"No, I didn't. Bede is also your brother. Can you please not hurt him?" Facing his icy eyes, Fang Xue almost lost her grip on the dagger.

Bai Jue suddenly smiled, but the smile did not reach his eyes.

Bede is her son, wasn't he born in her tenth month of pregnancy?

When Bede wanted to kill him, why didn't he see her jumping out to protect him? Oh, she was not worthy of being his mother at all.

"Mom, help me!" Bede begged for help while breathing heavily.

Seeing his face turn purple, Fang Xue became anxious and clenched her dagger, "Bai Jue, please let go of Bede, let him go!"

"Bai Jue, this is my home. If you dare to mess around, you won't be able to get out of here." Jissen threatened viciously.

"So what if I don't let go?" Bai Jue glanced at Bede and sneered, "It's not your turn to decide whether I can walk out of here."

As he said that, he tightened his grip on Bede's hand.

Fang Xue waved the dagger randomly, "Bai Jue, stop, I told you to stop, do you hear me?"

Bai Jue looked at the sharp dagger, and then at her nervousness towards Bede, and suddenly wanted to fight Mingyan.

He relaxed his strength and kicked him in the abdomen. Bede was not prepared at all, and flew directly backwards, hitting the column hard, and then fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Fang Xue quickly ran over to check on Bede's injury.

"Bed, how are you?"

Bai Jue looked at Jissen, "You owe my father, it's time to pay him back."

Jissen clenched his fists. Due to Bai Jue's strength, he did not dare to attack him easily.

"From now on, I don't owe you any more!" Bai Jue glanced at the woman who helped Beide up, his eyes were calm, there was no hatred, only alienation and strangeness.

Fang Xue opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say.

Bai Jue glanced at them, turned around and left. The carefree back made Fang Xue anxious. She hesitated for a moment, then quickly chased after them.

She couldn't lose this powerful son like this.

By the time she chased him out, Bai Jue was already in the car.

"Bai Jue, Bai Jue, wait..."

Bai Jue looked at the car mirror and drove away without any hesitation.

"Bai Jue, wait a minute, I have something to tell you."

Fang Xue ran after the car for two steps. She ran so fast on high heels that she accidentally sprained her foot.

She fell to the ground and looked at the disappearing car, feeling very unwilling in her heart.

Before Jissen and the others could figure out a way to deal with it, Bai Jue struck hard and fast, giving them no chance to breathe.

In less than three days, Jissen's company declared bankruptcy completely. As a result, Fang Xue was the first to suffer. Jissen not only divorced her, leaving her no money, but also kicked her out of the house. .

Bai Jue buttoned up his shirt and rolled up his sleeves. The phone on the bed buzzed and vibrated. He glanced at the caller ID and reached out to pick it up.


"Jisen's father passed away yesterday. He divorced Fang Xue and was planning to leave Country M with his son and daughter. Fang Xue usually hid some private money behind Jissen's back. According to the information, she secretly asked Someone has taken a fancy to a villa in the suburbs..."

Bai Jue was not interested in listening to the rest of the words and hung up the phone directly.

Thinking of meeting someone when he goes back today, Bai Jue's lips curled up slightly.

He picked up the car keys, turned around and walked out.

When he was about to go out, he called Jian Luo, but the person who answered was Black Jack.

"Why did you answer the phone?"

"I have something to say." Black Jack's magnetic voice was hoarse as if he had just woken up from sleep. Bai Jue's call was obviously disturbing his dream.

"Give Jian Luo your phone number. I'll ask him something." Bai Jue said.

On that side, Black Jack looked at the sleeping man next to him, and gently rubbed his chestnut hair with his sharp fingers.

"Luo, wake up!"

Jian Luo pulled off the quilt, closed his eyes and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Bai Jue's phone number." Black Jack said softly.

Jian Luo turned over and said, "Ignore him."

In front of sleep, everything is like a cloud.

Hearing Jian Luo's words through the phone, Bai Jue looked at the sky speechlessly, feeling a little sad.

Can we still be good friends?

"Bai Jue, you woke me up so early in the morning, you must have done it on purpose." Jian Luo looked at the ceiling sleepily and asked through gritted teeth.

I am also a person who gets angry when I wake up.

"Jian Luo, where did you buy the chocolate you ate a few days ago?" Bai Jue asked straight to the point.

Jian Luo was so angry that he was dizzy, "You can just ask Black Jack about this."

As for forcing him to get up early in the morning?

Bai Jue patted his head. He had been so busy these days that he almost forgot that Jian Luo's chocolates were always bought by Black Jack.

Knowing where to buy chocolates, Bai Jue opened the car door and got in the car.

"Thanks, brother."

Jian Luo heard the sound of the car door and asked, "Are you going back to the capital today?"

Bai Jue hummed.

"Go away, go away, don't bother us here." Jian Luo said with disgust.

After hanging up the phone, Bai Jue chuckled and drove away.

Mr. Zhan's birthday banquet was booked at a hotel owned by JK International. Bai Jue learned about the location of the birthday banquet and paid all the fees for booking the hotel before Zhan Ze.

The last chapter number was 13, I typed it wrong too soon.

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