Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1008 Jue Zhan and his wife extra (16)

As she ran, the hem of the light green skirt lifted slightly, and a green lotus appeared in the air.

Many people looked over curiously, and Lu Hui also noticed her daughter's behavior. When she saw the person at the door, she smiled knowingly.

It’s good to be young!

Bai Jue watched the light cyan figure getting closer and closer to him. His sexy lips raised a yuppie smile, which instantly captured the hearts of many celebrities present.

She ran too fast and was still wearing high heels. Zhan Mingyan didn't notice and rushed forward. Just when she thought she was going to be embarrassed, a big hand grabbed her and pulled her over.

She is most familiar with the thin cocoon that appears or disappears.

"Even if you miss me again, you don't have to give me such a big gift as soon as you meet, right?" Bai Jue's teasing voice came from above his head.

Zhan Mingyan stood firm and rarely quarreled with him, "I thought you wouldn't be able to come back today."

"What if I can't come back, what if someone ignores me?" Bai Jue gently scratched the tip of her nose, and his gentle movements were full of doting, which made many famous ladies around him feel excited. .

Zhan Mingyan snorted, unable to hide the smile on her face.

"But in the past few days since I left, you have become quite bold. In front of so many people coming to my place, do you plan to announce our relationship to everyone?" Bai Jue couldn't bear it when he saw his wife. Live to tease her.

With his reminder, Zhan Mingyan suddenly remembered what "stupid thing" she had just done.

Sensing the curious looks from everyone, her face became slightly hot and a bit of embarrassment flashed across her eyes.

In front of everyone, Bai Jue directly held her hand, and his low voice was extremely reassuring, "Okay, don't be embarrassed, you are destined to be my Bai Jue anyway."

"Let me go, there are still people watching." Zhan Mingyan lowered her voice.

"Grandpa Zhan is still waiting. I want to go and wish him a birthday." Bai Jue held her hand and pulled her towards Mr. Zhan.

"Grandpa Zhan, happy birthday!"

Mr. Zhan patted him on the shoulder and smiled kindly, "Yan'er has been absent-minded all night. I'm worried that you won't be able to come back."

Zhan Mingyan glared, "Grandpa!"

Bai Jue held her hand tightly, and the smile on his face deepened, "Grandpa Zhan, I have sent the gift for you home. You can see it when you go back."

Mr. Zhan stroked his beard and said hello.

"Mr. Zhan, who is this?" From the side, an old friend of Mr. Zhan asked.

Mr. Zhan smiled cheerfully, "This is my Yan'er's boyfriend, Bai Jue."

Bai Jue nodded slightly, chatted with Mr. Zhan for a few words, and then walked away with Zhan Mingyan.

Suddenly, everyone who attended the birthday banquet knew that the eldest daughter of the Zhan family had a boyfriend, and the hopes of those aristocratic families who wanted to marry into the Zhan family were instantly dashed.

In the corner, Luo Xin watched Bai Jue and the two walk out to the terrace, with a dark glow of resentment flashing deep in his eyes.

Zhan Mingyan, let me see how proud you can be.

Outside the terrace, Zhan Mingyan stood leaning on the railing, looking sideways at the person next to her, her pink lips curled up, "Have all the matters in Country M been settled?"

"Yeah." Bai Jue nodded lightly.

"Where's the gift?" Zhan Mingyan stretched out her hand and asked him for the promised gift.

Bai Jue pretended to have forgotten and smiled apologetically, "I forgot it in country M and didn't get it back."

Hearing this, Zhan Mingyan took back her hand calmly, feeling a little disappointed.

"After the birthday banquet is over, go somewhere with me." Bai Jue said warmly, pretending not to see her disappointment.

Zhan Mingyan hummed, "Where are you going?"

Bai Jue smiled mysteriously, "Keep it secret!"

After the birthday banquet was over, Zhan Ze and Lu Hui went back with Mr. Zhan first, while Zhan Mingyan was taken away by Bai Jue.

Under the thick darkness of the night, the bustling streets gradually became deserted.

After a busy day with the birthday banquet, Zhan Mingyan fell asleep not long after getting in the car.

Seeing this, Bai Jue parked the car on the side of the road, then took the blanket from the back seat and gently covered her body, while stealing a scent on her pink lips.

The white sports car drove at a constant speed on the spacious road. Bai Jue thought that this should be the slowest speed he had ever driven a sports car in his life.

Just because I don’t want the people around me to feel any shock at all.

As the sun rises, the waves roll, stirring up thousands of waves of broken gold.

When Zhan Mingyan woke up, the salty smell of sea water lingered on her nose.

She moved and rolled down the window, and wisps of golden light shot in, shaking her so hard that she couldn't open her eyes.

She raised her hands to cover her head and looked outside sleepily.

"Hua Hua Hua——"

The sea water washes over the rocks, creating waves.

How long has she been asleep?

Where did Bai Jue go?

She dug out her phone and looked at the time. It was only about six o'clock.

She actually slept in the car all night.

When he moved slightly, his neck felt a little sore and numb.

She opened the door and got out of the car, rubbing her sore neck, "Bai Jue!"

Where did this guy die?

"Bai Jue!"

She shouted, and the only response was the sound of the waves.

Zhan Mingyan frowned, took out her cell phone and dialed Bai Jue's number.

The next second, the phone vibrated in the car.

She glanced inside and saw that Bai Jue's cell phone had been left in the car.

"Where have you gone?" She muttered.

Forget it, let's make peace with it as it comes.

Thinking about it, Zhan Mingyan put her phone back in the car, then took off her shoes, held up her skirt with both hands, and stepped on the soft sand with her bare feet.

The blue sea, the magnificent sunrise, everything is just beautiful.

The cool water made her sigh softly.

In the distance, Bai Jue was carrying the breakfast he had bought. When he saw her back, a hint of evil flashed in his eyes, and he deliberately walked over with a gentle step.

Zhan Mingyan was immersed in the sea water and had no idea that someone had come behind her.


Bai Jue shouted loudly, Zhan Mingyan shivered in fright, lost her balance and fell to the side.


Bai Jue stretched out his strong arm and easily hooked her back.

Zhan Mingyan bumped into his strong chest, and the bridge of her nose felt like it was going to break.


"What's wrong? Where did you hit it?" Seeing her frowning, Bai Jue thought to himself that it was not good.

Oops, the joke was on.

"Bai Jue, you're looking for a beating so early in the morning." Zhan Mingyan saw clearly that it was him, rubbed her red nose, and glared at him.

"You can scare people to death if you scare them, don't you know?"

He is such an adult and still plays such a childish game. Is he really childish?

Bai Jue apologized and smiled, "I bought you breakfast, come and have some."

For the sake of breakfast, Zhan Mingyan reluctantly forgave him.

"Why did you bring me here? Why didn't you wake me up when I fell asleep?" Zhan Mingyan asked while drinking milk.

"I didn't call you because I saw you were sleeping soundly. There's nothing important anyway." Bai Jue said, "Didn't we watch the sunset together before I went to Country M? Now let's make up for the rising sun."

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