Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1014 Extra of Jue Zhan and his wife (22)

He has plenty of time to settle the score with them slowly!

If he dared to touch his people, he would chop them into pieces and feed them to the dogs. He thought it was too easy for them.


"Let me go, let go..." Luo Xin watched Bai Jue take Zhan Mingyan away with an ominous premonition in his heart.

The man in black attire couldn't stand her noisy voice, so he turned his hand into a blade and struck her directly on the back of the neck.

Luo Xin's body softened and fell directly to the ground.

In the back row, Zhan Mingyan sat with her knees crossed, looking forward with empty eyes.

"Bai Jue, I don't want to go to the hospital." She suddenly said, her voice hoarse.

Bai Jue looked up at the car mirror and saw the pleading in her eyes. He turned his hand on the steering wheel and turned around to go back to his residence.

Because he often stayed in the capital, Bai Jue bought a villa in the suburbs. The location was not far from Shijin Palace.

This is also the first time Zhan Mingyan has been here.

Bai Jue carried her into the bedroom, put her on the bed, and then took off her coat. Looking at the scratches on her arms, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

"Wait for me here, I'll get a medicine kit."

"Bai Jue, I want to take a bath." She held his hand, her eyes red from crying were pitiful.

The clothes on her body had been touched by those people, and she didn't want to wear them even for a second.


Bai Jue reached out and picked her up, then walked to the bathroom.

"Call me when the washing is done and I'll get you some clothes." He put her down, put the hot water on for her, and found a new towel for her.

Zhan Mingyan nodded blankly, and Bai Jue turned around and walked out.

After closing the door, Bai Jue's eyes turned cold.

He picked up his phone and sent a message to Jian Qing, and then found clothes for Zhan Mingyan.

He was alone and couldn't find any other clothes except his clothes. He took one of his shirts and placed it at the bathroom door.

"Yan'er, I left the clothes at the door."


The almost inaudible sound was quickly covered by the sound of water.

Bai Jue put away her clothes and went downstairs to warm up a glass of milk for her.


There was a muffled sound from upstairs, and Bai Jue ran up in a few steps.

The door was open, and he ran in just in time to see Zhan Mingyan standing up on the chair. She was wearing his shirt, and her long straight legs were covered with scratches and bruises. She looked very attractive.

"Where did it fall?" He hurriedly put down the milk, held her with his big hand and inspected it carefully.

Zhan Mingyan shook her head and said, "It's okay."

"My knees are all bruised, and I said I'm fine." Bai Jue looked at the scratches and bruises on her fair skin, and his face was horribly gloomy.

He picked her up, and Zhan Mingyan struggled to get down with a flash of embarrassment in her eyes.

"Bai Jue, let me down."

"Don't move."

Zhan Mingyan looked up and saw his cold face, bit her lower lip lightly, and didn't dare to move any more.

Placing her carefully on the bed, Bai Jue took the towel and put it on top of her head, and wiped her long hair that was still dripping.

Then, he threw down the towel, pulled up the chair and sat down. He took the medicine box next to him, took out a small green bottle, and used medicine on her face.


With a light touch, Zhan Mingyan couldn't help but gasp.

Damn Luo Xin, you are so cruel.

Fortunately, he came in time, otherwise she would not be able to bear the consequences.

Thinking about it, she raised her eyes to look at the man who was helping her apply the medicine. When she met his cold eyes, she asked solemnly, "Bai Jue, are you angry?"

Bai Jue remained silent and wiped her wound with ointment on his fingertips.

The faint coolness of mint soothes the burning pain, and there is also a faint fragrance of flowers.

Zhan Mingyan reached out and grabbed his hand, "Bai Jue, could you please say something."

Seeing her red eyes, Bai Jue sighed softly, "I'm not angry."

Even if he was angry, he was still angry with himself, angry that he didn't protect her well and almost let her get hurt.

"Then why are you so cold-faced?" Zhan Mingyan whispered.

"Can I laugh at your injuries?" After wiping the injuries on his face, Bai Jue stopped and brushed away the broken hair on her cheeks with his fingertips.

Hearing this, Zhan Mingyan lifted her pink lips.

Bai Jue glanced at the shirt she was wearing and said, "Take off your clothes."

"Wha, what?" Zhan Mingyan grabbed her collar and almost bit her tongue.

"If you don't take off your clothes, how can I check you and give you medicine?" Bai Jue reached out to help her unbutton her clothes.

"No need, I can give the medicine myself. I'm also a doctor and can take care of myself." Zhan Mingyan coughed lightly and said quickly.

Although they are about to get married, they still feel a little awkward.

Bai Jue's hands froze in the air, and his pale eyes glanced at her, "Are you avoiding me? Are you still afraid of what I will do to you?"

"No." She said without thinking.

"Then why don't you let me help you apply the medicine?" Bai Jue withdrew his hand and frowned.

"I..." Zhan Mingyan hesitated.

"Since you want to apply the medicine yourself, I'll go out first." With that said, Bai Jue put the ointment aside and stood up to go out.

"Bai Jue, don't leave."

Seeing that he was about to leave, Zhan Mingyan quickly stood up and hugged him from behind.

Bai Jue lowered his eyes and looked at the hands around his waist, slowly turned around, and took her into his arms, "Idiot!"

Zhan Mingyan buried her head in his chest and hummed twice.

"Drink the milk and then sleep." After applying the medicine, Bai Jue pulled the quilt to cover her, and then brought the hot milk over.

Zhan Mingyan held the cup, and the warm temperature penetrated into her heart.

While drinking milk, she said, "Bai Jue, don't tell my mother and others about this."

"Your mother and I talked on the phone, and I said we were going to J City for a few days." Bai Jue sat on the edge of the bed, frowning as he looked at the slap marks on her face.

"Next time you go out, don't take a taxi. Otherwise, call me and I will pick you up."

Zhan Mingyan hummed.

"Bai Jue, that Luo Xin"

"Leave these to me, you have a good rest." Bai Jue interrupted her and said warmly.

"How did you know where I was tied up?" Zhan Mingyan calmed down and suddenly remembered this matter, how did he find it in such a short time.

"I asked Jian Qing to locate your mobile phone, and then adjusted the traffic monitoring of various sections of the capital." Bai Jue said.

Zhan Mingyan curled her lips and smiled, "Jian Qing is my lucky star."

It was Jian Qing who saved her last time on Solak Island. It was the same when she was chased in the car accident, and it was the same this time.

Bai Jue scratched her palm, "What about me?"

"You, you are mine..." Zhan Mingyan deliberately prolonged her voice and smiled sweetly, "You are my little sun."

Bai Jue was very satisfied with this answer.

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