Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1016 Extra of Jue Zhan and his wife (24)

"What are you talking about?"

Bai Jue came downstairs and saw the two of them together, so he asked casually.

"Let's talk about your wedding photos." Thea changed the subject and said, "Last time the wedding photos were not taken, you two should quickly pick a date so I can prepare."

"The day after tomorrow." Bai Jue had already planned it.

Thea said, "OK, then I will bring someone to prepare things the day after tomorrow. I will meet you then and take wedding photos for you. I will go back to country F and come back when you get married."

"Why are you going back to country F?" Zhan Mingyan asked.

"The kindergarten where Maomao goes to has a parent-child event, and Kahn and I are going to go there."

After seeing off Thea, Bai Jue took Zhan Mingyan out.

Because Zhan Mingyan was recuperating in the past few days, the things needed for the wedding room had not been prepared yet. Taking advantage of the nice weather today, the two of them went to pick out furniture together.

When we got back from taking wedding photos, the wedding date was almost there.

The people Bai Jue invited were naturally Jian Qing's group, and the rest were the relatives and friends invited by the Zhan family. The invitations were sent out early in the morning.

"Mom, Bai Jue and I are ready for the wedding room. There is no need to buy anything." Zhan Mingyan looked at Lu Hui, who was pulling her to go shopping, and said helplessly.

"Who said no, let's go shopping again so as not to miss anything. It's a good luck to get married." Lu Hui dragged her into the car and closed the door directly without giving her a chance to express her opinion.

When she came out of the International Mall, Zhan Mingyan was almost exhausted.

Fortunately, her family's driver helped carry the things she bought, otherwise she wouldn't be able to carry them even if she had an extra pair of hands.

"Yan'er, Mom ordered several sets of jewelry for you a while ago. Let's go over and have a look later." Lu Hui said.

She was such a precious girl, so naturally she was allowed to get married in a glorious manner.

"Mom, there's no need to read. I believe in your vision, and I already have enough of those things, so I don't need to buy any more." Zhan Mingyan punched her sore waist and said.

Shopping in high heels is simply a torture.

"You are Miss Zhan, right?"

A gentle female voice broke in, interrupting their mother-daughter conversation.

Zhan Mingyan looked up, and the woman's beautiful face came into view. She looked familiar, "Who are you?"

Fang Xue had a smile on her face and looked at Zhan Mingyan secretly, "Hello, I am Bai Jue's mother, and my name is Fang Xue."

Bai Jue's mother?

Zhan Mingyan's eyes flashed slightly, and she suddenly understood why she felt familiar looking at this woman. It turned out that she looked somewhat similar to Bai Jue.

She smiled calmly and said, "Hello."

"Can we talk?" Fang Xue glanced at Lu Hui, saw the clothes on her body, and compared them with her own out-of-season clothes, feeling a little unwilling in her heart.

Obviously her son is so powerful and rich, but her mother is so depressed.

Zhan Mingyan nodded lightly and pointed to the coffee shop nearby, "Let's go inside and chat."


In the coffee, Lu Hui looked at the woman sitting opposite, with some doubts in her eyes.

Bai Jue never mentioned his mother. If it weren't for the fact that she and Bai Jue looked similar, she would have suspected that the woman in front of her was a liar.

However, with a woman's super accurate sixth sense, she can be sure that this woman's sudden appearance here must be up to no good.

"I have heard Bai Jue mention you all the time before, and now I finally meet you in person." Fang Xue started chatting familiarly.

"We, Bai Jue, are so lucky to be able to marry such a beautiful Gu Liang. Can I call you Ming Yan?"

Zhan Mingyan said, "Okay."

"Sorry, Ms. Fang, we haven't heard Bai Jue mention you before. You guys..." Lu Hui asked tentatively.

Fang Xue's face stiffened for a second, and then she said, "I have been abroad all year round. After I divorced Bai Jue's father, we rarely saw each other. Bai Jue's child is very sensible and seldom worries me. Isn't this what I want to hear?" He said he was getting married, so I thought about coming back to see him. After all, even if I have a new family, he is also my biological son. When my son gets married, I, as a mother, naturally have to come back. "

Zhan Mingyan caught the flash of embarrassment on her face with sharp eyes, and smiled faintly, "Mom, you chat with Aunt Fang for a while, I'll go to the bathroom."


Zhan Mingyan took the bag, stood up and left.

Fang Xue looked at her back, a flash of deep thought flashed in her eyes.

In the bathroom, Zhan Mingyan called Bai Jue.

"What's the matter, Xiao Yan'er, do you miss me?" On the other side of the phone, Bai Jue was selecting wedding photos to be released on the wedding day.

"Bai Jue, I met your mother." Zhan Mingyan said softly.

The photo in Bai Jue's hand slipped down, and the smile at the corner of his mouth gradually disappeared, "Where are you?"

Zhan Mingyan reported the location of the coffee shop and asked worriedly, "Bai Jue, are you okay?"

"Wait for me there, no matter what she says, don't believe it." Bai Jue took the car keys and walked out quickly.

The phone hung up, and Zhan Mingyan couldn't help but feel worried.

She walked back and saw Fang Xue talking non-stop from a distance, while her mother responded with a distant smile.

"Yan'er!" Lu Hui pushed the chair away, Zhan Mingyan put down her bag and sat down.

When Fang Xue saw Zhan Mingyan coming back, the smile on her face deepened, "Mingyan, you and Bai Jue are married, and we are now a family. Please take more care of Bai Jue in the future. If he treats you badly, , just tell me and I will teach him a lesson for you."

This intimate tone completely put her in the position of her mother-in-law. Zhan Mingyan smiled distantly and did not respond to her words.

For the rest of the time, Fang Xue did most of the talking, and Zhan Mingyan and Lu Hui only replied from time to time.


The sweet voice of the waiter sounded. Zhan Mingyan looked up and saw Bai Jue coming.

"Hey, Yan'er, Bai Jue is here." Lu Hui also saw Bai Jue, and her face was obviously relieved.

Fang Xue's face froze, and the smile that had just appeared on his face completely disappeared.

She looked at Zhan Mingyan, who accepted her inspection calmly.

"Auntie!" Bai Jue ignored Fang Xue, said hello to Lu Hui, and then looked at Zhan Mingyan, "Yan'er, you go back first, I will find you later."

"Yes." Zhan Mingyan glanced at him and nodded lightly, "Mom, let's go first. Didn't I say we still want to go see the jewelry?"

"Oh, that's right, Ms. Fang, let's go first." Lu Hui looked at all kinds of people, and how could they not see that the relationship between Bai Jue and his mother was not at all like what Fang Xue just said, or even worse than what Fang Xue just said. Worse than a stranger.

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