Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1029 Locke Extra (7)

Black Jack and Bai Jue each pushed a bicycle up. Jian Luo followed Black Jack, her eyes glancing at the bloody scratches on the back of his hands from time to time.

"You two wait here, I'm going to buy some hot drinks, and I'll go to the manor to play games with Jian Qing later," Bai Jue said.

"Does the injury on your hand hurt?" Jian Luo asked softly.

Black Jack was stunned for a moment. They had known each other for two years, and this was the first time he heard words of concern from him.

Facing the guilt in his eyes, Black Jack said in a brisk tone, "It's okay, it's just a scratch. Apply the ointment and it will be fine soon."

"Thank you." Jian Luo said again.

Black Jack stared at him and suddenly smiled.

"Jian Luo, we have known each other for two years, and this is the first time you have said thank you to me."

The tips of Jian Luo's ears turned red, and she lowered her head and turned back into the Jian Luo who cherished words like gold.

"Let's go and wait in the car. It's too cold outside." Seeing his lips that were bloodless from the cold, Black Jack reached out and pulled him over and got into the car driven by his family's driver.

After a while, Bai Jue bought hot drinks and came back.

The promised outing fell through. The three of them went to the hospital to get some ointment, and then headed back home.

Jian Qing, who was watching TV in the living room, was slightly surprised when she saw the three of them coming back, "Didn't you three go to play in the suburbs?"

It's not like Bai Jue to come back so early.

Bai Jue handed her the hot drink he bought for Jian Qing, then sat down on the sofa, "Forget it, the three of us overturned and rolled down the slope. Two of their bikes broke, so we came back."

"Luoluo, did you fall somewhere?" Hearing this, Jian Qing quickly looked at Jian Luo and looked at him carefully.

Jian Luo bit the straw and sipped the hot milk tea, "It's okay, Black Jack is protecting me, his hand is injured."

Jian Qing turned her eyes and saw that there were bruises and scratches all over the back of Black Jack's hand, "Uncle Qin, call the doctor over."

"No, we've been to the hospital. Just take some medicine and wipe it off." Black Jack stopped him.

Jian Qing said seriously, "Thanks, Black Jack."

Black Jack raised his eyebrows, "Do you think you don't consider me a friend anymore?"

Jian Qing chuckled, "Then I take back that thank you."

Black Jack curled his lips in satisfaction. Bai Jue had already picked up the CD and game controller, "Jian Qing, let's play a game."

"Don't cry if you lose." Jian Qing took the game controller he handed over and said with a faint smile.

Bai Jue hummed, "I don't know who will lose yet."

"You guys have fun, I'll go back to the room and change clothes first." Black Jack stood up and walked upstairs.

Since becoming acquainted with Jian Qing and Jian Luo, Black Jack and Bai Jue would stay here for a few days every weekend or during winter and summer vacations, so Mr. Jian also specially prepared their own exclusive room for them. .

Jian Luo watched Black Jack's back disappear into the stairwell, thought for a while, and then followed him upstairs.

In the room, Black Jack took off his clothes, and his naked back was covered with large and small bruises, which looked very scary.

He took out the ointment, looked in the mirror, and stretched his big hands behind him with some difficulty, but he couldn't reach some places.

Black Jack frowned and simply decided not to rub it. The bruises would slowly fade away in a few days anyway.

"Black Jack!"

The sound of a mosquito sounded, and Black Jack turned around and saw the door being ajar, with a trace of annoyance flashing in his eyes.

Damn, I forgot to close the door tightly.

He pulled off his clothes and put them on, and walked quickly to the door, "Jian Luo, why are you up here?"

"Your injuries." Jian Luo looked up at him, with a rare look of guilt on his face.

Black Jack smiled nonchalantly, "It's okay, it's just a bruise. It will disappear in a few days."

Jian Luo passed him, walked straight into the room, then picked up the ointment thrown on the bed, looked at Black Jack, "I'll help you apply the ointment."

Black Jack raised his lips and smiled, jokingly, "I'm a little uncomfortable with you suddenly caring about me so much."

Jian Luo pursed her lips and opened the ointment.

Black Jack took off his clothes and sat on the edge of the bed so that he could help apply the ointment.

"If you're in pain, you can scream. I won't laugh at you." Jian Luo's little fingers dug into the ointment and slowly applied it to his bruised back.

Black Jack couldn't help laughing.

If this bruise makes him scream in pain, how can he take over the Sofaro family in the future.

Looking at the bruises on his back, Jian Luo felt even more guilty.

Invisibly, the strangeness and alienation between the two teenagers was gradually decreasing.

After applying the ointment, Jian Luo went to the bathroom to wash his hands. When he came out, Black Jack had already put on new clothes.

"Let's go down and watch them play games."

Jian Luo shook his head, "I haven't finished my homework yet."

Not only does he have to do school homework, but the tutor at home also assigns extra homework.

"Then I'll accompany you. I haven't finished my homework yet." Black Jack unzipped his schoolbag, took out an exercise book, and then pulled Jian Luo back to his room.

We have known each other for two years, but Black Jack rarely enters Jian Luo's room.

He pulled up a chair, sat down next to him, and then randomly picked up a book on his desk and read it.

Jian Luo took out his test paper and began to write his most troubled homework - German.

No matter how smart a person is, there will be things he is not good at, and what Jian Luo is least good at is German. As a child of the Jian family, mastering several languages ​​is the most basic thing.

He looked at the test paper full of German, frowned, and his delicate little face almost wrinkled into a bun. He bit the end of his pen, feeling very melancholy.

"Why not?" Black Jack was busy with two things. He was observing him while reading. Seeing that he was biting the tip of his pen and not writing, he asked warmly.

"You can't do anything without filling it out." Jian Luo pushed the test paper in front of him with a sad face. Unknowingly, he gradually became more dependent on Black Jack.

What he said was straightforward enough.

Black Jack glanced at the test paper roughly and raised the corners of his mouth, "Luo Xiaobai, your German is really bad."

A flash of embarrassment flashed across Jian Luo's face, and he reached out to take back the test paper, "Forget it, return the test paper to me."

"Okay, I don't mean to make fun of you." Black Jack took the eraser and helped him erase the incorrect places on the test paper. "These are all wrong. I will explain them to you. If you don't understand, just tell me. , I will say it several times.”

Jian Luo nodded, then looked at the test paper and listened to Black Jack's explanation.

The young man's clean voice read German unhurriedly, and just listening to it made people enjoy it.

With the help of Black Jack, Jian Luo finally completed this worrying German paper. In order to thank Black Jack, he took out all the snacks hidden in the closet and shared them with him.

"I asked, why did you hide the snacks in here?" Black Jack rocked the chair, his long legs touching the ground.

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