Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1037 Locke Extra (16)

Opening the door, a faint light flashed in the bedroom.

If Black Jack is not with him, Jian Luo usually leaves a small lamp in the room when sleeping.


Hearing the sound of footsteps, Jian Luo opened her eyes.

"it's me."

The magnetic voice is his unique voice.

The vigilance in Jian Luo's eyes faded, and he smiled a little, "Why are you back at this point?"

Black Jack threw his coat on the sofa and walked over quickly, "If I don't come back, I'm afraid someone will buy ice cream behind my back."

When Jian Luo heard this, he immediately became unhappy, "Whoever bought it secretly, don't accuse them unjustly."

"Luo Xiaobai, what do you mean?" Black Jack asked funnyly, looking at the person occupying the entire bed.

"You are not allowed to come up if you smell of sweat." Jian Luo said.

Black Jack narrowed his eyes dangerously, "It's winter, where does the smell of sweat come from? I can't find an excuse without thinking about it."

"You are cold, don't get too close to me." Jian Luo said with disgust.

"That's not okay."


The next day, when Jian Luo woke up, the person next to him was gone.

He reached out and touched the area next to him, and there was still a little bit of residual warmth.

After lying on the bed for a while, he slowly moved to the bathroom.

After a while, his roaring voice came from the bathroom.

"Black Jack, labor and management are going to kill you."

Downstairs, a man who was drinking coffee and reading a newspaper sneezed.

He glanced upstairs, his thin lips curled slightly.

March's new season's clothing needs to be photographed, and there are also preparations for several fashion shows that need to be finalized by Jian Luo herself.

After breakfast, Black Jack went out with Jian Luo.

Arriving at the shooting location, Jian Luo looked at the people next to him, "Do you want to go in with me?"

"Can't you?" Black Jack asked.

Jian Luo looked serious, "What if I say no?"

Every time he came, all the models' eyes went to him and they didn't bother to take pictures seriously.

Black Jack pinched his cheek lightly, "Objection is invalid."

The two walked into the shooting location, where they were already ready to start filming.

Seeing Jian Luo coming, the staff all cheered up.

Anyone who has worked with Jian Luo for a long time knows that Jian Luo looks gentle and easy to get along with on weekdays, but in fact, he is very serious when it comes to work.

As for my time outside of work, joking and joking is quite casual.

"March!" Jian Luo's special assistant Bess came over, holding the new quarter's report in his hand, "The models are all here, do you want to start shooting now?"

Jian Luo nodded, "Let's get started."

The staff moved two chairs over, and Jian Luo and Black Jack sat aside and watched.

However, there were some hiccups during the filming process.

During the shooting, the models were always absent-minded, their eyes drifting to Black Jack involuntarily.

"March, um..." Bess smiled helplessly, glancing at Black Jack sitting next to him from the corner of his eye. This walking hormone of yours is too attractive.

Jian Luo turned to look at the person next to him, "Go and buy me a cup of hot coffee, and order some drinks for the staff by the way."

Black Jack crooked his fingers and tapped his head, then took the car keys and stood up to leave, "Wait here."

As soon as Black Jack left, the smile on Jian Luo's lips gradually faded, "Anyone who wastes film should pack up and leave immediately."

The sound was neither light nor heavy, just enough for all the models to hear.

The staff were not surprised at all. After all, this kind of scene didn't happen once or twice, so you just have to get used to it.

When the models heard Jian Luo's words, a look of sarcasm flashed across their faces, and they quickly concentrated on shooting, not daring to be distracted any more.

You must know that the opportunity to be selected to shoot March clothing is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you are kicked out, your reputation will be ruined.

More than two hours later, Black Jack came back with a cup of hot drink, followed by staff wearing waiter uniforms.

Bess is also a good person, so he quickly stood up and gave up his seat to Black Jack, "Everyone, let's take a rest and come over for a drink. March is a treat. I won't be late."

"Why is it hot milk?" Jian Luo bit the straw and took a sip, frowning and looking at Black Jack, "Didn't I say I wanted hot coffee?"

"You have a bad stomach these days, so you are not allowed to drink coffee." Black Jack said without hesitation.

Jian Luo curled his lips, a dictatorial capitalist.

"Can we leave?" Black Jack asked.

Jian Luo nodded, handed the signed report to the special assistant, explained a few words, and then left with Black Jack.

"Black Jack, I'm going to Paris tomorrow." In the car, Jian Luo was drinking hot milk and suddenly remembered her schedule for the past few days.

Blackjack asked, "Fashion show?"

Jian Luo nodded and put the straw to his lips, "I can't finish the drink, so don't waste it."

"On purpose?" Black Jack frowned.

Knowing that what he hates most is milk, I still let him drink it.

"What's the intention? It's a waste if you throw it away." Jian Luo pretended to be confused.

Black Jack frowned, bit the straw, and drank the milk in two or three gulps, "Are you satisfied?"

Jian Luo smiled so hard that his eyebrows arched, "It's okay."

When she arrived in Paris, Jian Luo was busy with the fashion show, so busy that she couldn't even touch the ground.

If Black Jack hadn't been watching from the side, he probably wouldn't have eaten all three meals on time.

"worn out."

Returning to the hotel at noon, Jian Luo fell directly on the bed.

Blackjack threw down his car keys and walked to the bathroom.

The sound of running water started and stopped after a while.

Black Jack came over with a basin of water, leaned over and placed it on the ground, then patted his leg, "Don't sleep yet."

"What?" Jian Luo sat up lazily and yawned.

Black Jack pulled his feet, and Jian Luo was stunned for a moment when he saw a basin of water on the ground.

"Black Jack, what are you doing?" he asked blankly.

"Soak your feet before going to bed, otherwise you won't wake up with sore feet tomorrow." Black Jack said, pulling his feet and putting them into the water.

The warm water relieved the soreness of her feet and was so comfortable that Jian Luo couldn't help but take a long breath.

Black Jack squatted beside the bed. The majestic earl would wash people's feet. Who would dare to believe it?

Jian Luo looked down at him, with a smile on his lips, "Black Jack, you will spoil me rotten like this."

Ever since I was little, this person has always been so heartwarming.

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