Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1041 Locke Extra (20)

"Who says I can't compare to you, Jian Luo, what's so great about you is that you have a backer. What, you're very proud of hooking up with an earl, aren't you?" Rotli mocked, looking at Black Jack with a look in his eyes. A bit contemptuous, "You have the nerve to say it in public that you are in love with a man. It's really disgusting."

"You're so disgusting. Why don't you take a pee and look at yourself? You're an ugly monster and you still have the nerve to talk about others." Zhan Mingyan couldn't stand listening anymore and jumped out to scold Luo Teli angrily.

"Jian Luo is thousands of times better than you. Not only is he more talented than you, but he is also better looking than you. He is better than you in every aspect. You are simply a villain who cannot compare to others and has a twisted personality."

Bai Jue couldn't help laughing when he saw his wife put her hands on her hips and cursed.

Look, how powerful his wife is.

When Jian Luo heard Zhan Mingyan's words, her tense expression softened a little, and a faint smile appeared in her eyes.

"Bess, call the police."


Rotli looked at Jian Luo fiercely and rushed towards him.

Black Jack pushed Jian Luo aside and struck him directly on the neck with his backhand.

Rotli's body softened and he fell to the ground.


"There's no chance." Bai Jue looked at Luo Teli who had fainted, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

Fortunately, the clothes from the show the day after tomorrow were used to make up for it, and the fashion show ended successfully without any danger.

When the lights came on, Jian Luo held a celebration banquet, but it was left to Bess to host. He and Black Jack went to dinner.

After dinner, Zhan Mingyan and Bai Jue left first, while Jian Luo took Black Jack around on the street.

"Wait for me here." Black Jack paused and held him.

Jian Luo, "Why are you going?"

"I just left something in the restaurant. I'll go over and get it. You wait for me here." After saying that, Black Jack trotted back.

Jian Luo scratched his head, what did he leave behind?

He kicked the stones on the ground boredly and looked at the shops with people coming and going around him, with a faint smile on his lips.

"Why aren't you back yet?" Jian Luo muttered after waiting for a while but no one came back.

After a long time, familiar footsteps came.

Jian Luo turned around, and the man's enchanting handsome face burst into view.

The next second, his eyes were attracted to the rose in his hand.

"This, you..."

Black Jack walked up to him and handed the flowers to him, "Here you go."

Jian Luo couldn't help laughing when she saw the passionate roses, and then she suppressed her laughter again, "Why did you give me flowers?"

It was strange to send him flowers suddenly.

"You can give it to me if you want." Black Jack took his hand and stuffed the rose directly into his arms, "Do you like it?"

Jian Luo couldn't laugh or cry. Has anyone given flowers and forced them into other people's arms?

"Can I say I don't like it?"

Black Jack frowned, "No, you have to like it even if you don't like it."


Jian Luo looked at him funny, "Then why are you asking me?"

What a domineering guy.

Seeing the smile on his face, Black Jack's frown relaxed.

"Let's go."

Under the streetlight, the two of them were walking side by side.

No matter how long the road ahead is, as long as the people around you are each other, it doesn't seem to matter whether there is an end or not.

The video of Jane Luo confessing her love at the fashion show went viral on the Internet. Lauren Braun also personally wrote a report about Jane Luo. Suddenly, the news of Jane Luo and Black Jack's marriage spread all over the world, making headlines. The hot searches are all about the news that Jian Luo announced her marriage at a fashion show.

Some people even pulled out photos of Jian Luo and Black Jack at school, from elementary school to university.

Sometimes good looks are also a very lucky thing. Many fujoshi saw the scene of the two standing together and became fans of them instantly.

While people outside were shocked by the news about the two of them, the two parties involved were relaxed. After Jian Luo finished handling the decoration matter, Black Jack directly took him onto a plane flying to the Maldives.

Not long after arriving at the hotel, Black Jack and Jane Luo received a huge "surprise".

In the presidential suite, Black Jack looked at the two little treasures occupying Jian Luo's arms with an aggrieved expression.

Thinking with your toes, there is absolutely no other person besides that shameless guy Quan Jingwu who can deliver this little troublemaker here at such a fast speed.

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