Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1043 Mr. Jing’s family of five has a lot of fun (1)

My name is Quan Shining. I heard from mommy that my dad gave me this name because Shining is so cute. Shining’s dad is the most beautiful person in the world. Daddy said that I am his little cotton-padded jacket. The earth is also my baby’s archangel.

Some people say that I look like Daddy, and some people say that I look like Mommy, but this baby thinks that I am the most special person, the different Quan Shining, the sweetheart of Daddy and Mommy.

The baby room is full of pink, pink crib, pink clothes, pink shoes...

Even the door is pink, which shows that Mr. Jing’s obsession with doting on girls has already reached its final stages.

Yes, not long ago, Jian Qing gave birth to a beautiful little cotton-padded jacket. This time it finally happened as everyone wished, especially Quan Jingwu’s dream of having a little cotton-padded jacket came true.

After returning home from the hospital, the baby Shining became the darling of everyone in the family. Mr. Quan had to go to the baby room every day to take a look before reluctantly leaving the house. Of course, Seventeen and Nineteen, who were promoted to older brothers, were even more excited. No, I had to linger in the nursery for a while before going to kindergarten every day. In the end, Quan Jingwu took the initiative and put the two little babies directly into the car.

When they went to kindergarten, the two little ones didn't feel too settled. Whenever they met people, they would show off how beautiful and delicate their babies were.

Finally, Nineteen will say arrogantly, "Those of you who don't have sisters won't understand how I feel."

When Quan Hao and Rui Yi went to pick up their two little treasures, their head teacher described the incident to them. When Rui Yi came home and told them, everyone laughed.

During the confinement period, people came to visit Jian Qing every day. Mr. Jian, Mo Xiao and Jian Wei even came to the Quan family's old house every day to report.

In addition to eating, drinking, and having sex every day, Shining Little Guliang also has to be robbed by everyone. Still Shining Little Guliang is not afraid of strangers at all, and looks cheerful to anyone who holds her.

On this day, Seventeen and Nineteen finished their breakfast and hurried upstairs.

Without thinking, everyone knew they were going to see Winky in the nursery.

"Twinkle, twinkle..."

Before anyone arrived, the sound reached the nursery.

Seventeen and Nineteen ran into the baby's room one after the other, and rushed to the crib. When they looked over, they met their sparkling eyes.

"Twinkle, you're awake, are you hungry?" Nineteen reached out to hold her little hand and asked with a smile.

Shining was kicking her little feet, her bright red mouth was blowing bubbles, and her eyes were curled up, like the bright moon in the night sky.

"Twinkle, call me brother." Shiqi held Twinkle's other little hand and teased her, "Call brother, brother will buy you candy."

His big shining eyes looked at Seventeen and Nineteen curiously, and his soft little hands grabbed their fingers and held on.

"Seventeen, let's take Twinkle to the kindergarten." Nineteen suddenly had an idea and looked up at Seventeen.

Fortunately, Qi Qi, as the elder brother, is still relatively clear-minded, "Ding Xing is too young to go."

Nineteen stepped on the stool, kicked off his slippers, and then stepped into the crib with his short legs. Fortunately, the crib was large enough to accommodate him.

"Nineteen, what are you doing?" Seventeen looked at Nineteen's actions in confusion, "Daddy is coming soon, come out quickly."

"It's okay, it's okay." Nineteen waved his little hand, and then reached out to try to hug Twinkle.

"Twinkle, can my brother take you to kindergarten?"

Twinkle, who was still a baby, didn't understand what Nineteen was saying at all, so she just smiled cutely at Nineteen, and Nineteen took her smile directly as agreement.

"Seventeen, look, Twinkle smiled. She also wants to go to kindergarten."

Seventeen looked at Shining's tender and tender face with a sweet smile, and also smiled.

"Seventeen, nineteen, what are you doing? It's time to go to kindergarten." Jian Qing's voice came from the door.

Seventeen and Nineteen were startled. Nineteen was still holding Twinkle in his arms, and his hand shook, almost causing Twinkle to hit her forehead.

Fortunately, Shining Little Guliang was relatively strong, her little body staggered a little, but her pink face still had a cheerful smile.

Quan Jingwu saw Shining being held by Nineteen and walked over quickly.

Seeing Daddy coming, Shining Xiaoguliang smiled even more cheerfully, kicked her little feet hard, and stretched her little hands in the direction of Quan Jingwu.

"Nineteen, why did you run into Twinkle's crib?" Quan Jingwu curled his fingertips and flicked Nineteen's forehead, then leaned over and hugged Twinkle into his arms.

He lowered his head and kissed Twinkle's forehead, and his cold voice automatically turned into gentle mode, "Twinkle, can Daddy make some milk for you, eh?"

Jian Qing stretched out her hand to hug Nineteen out, and said funnyly, "Nineteen, what were you doing holding your sister just now?"

"Twinkle wants to go to kindergarten." Nineteen raised her little head and said softly.

Jian Qing chuckled lightly, raised her eyes to look at Shining who was spitting bubbles, then looked at Seventeen and Nineteen, squatted down and said patiently, "Seventeen, Nineteen, Shining is still very young and can't go to kindergarten. Wait for her." Now that she's as old as you, can you take her to kindergarten?"

Nineteen nodded heavily, "When Winky goes to kindergarten, Seventeen and I will protect her."

"So good!" Jian Qing kissed his little face, and her purple eyes curled up with a smile.

Jian Qing hugged Shi Qi and kissed him, "Okay, hurry downstairs and put on your shoes. Let daddy take you to school today."

Seventeen and Nineteen were even more happy when they heard that it was Quan Jingwu who sent them to school.

"Come on, Twinkle, Mommy will take you to drink milk." Jian Qing reached out and hugged her daughter, and she couldn't help but poke her little pink face.

"Is there anything you want to eat? I'll buy it when I come back later." Quan Jingwu put his arms around her and pressed his thin lips to her fragrant blue hair.

After thinking about it, Jian Qing said, "I want to eat the small cakes from the dessert shop opposite the company."

Quan Jingwu said hello, then leaned over and picked up Seventeen and Nineteen one by one, deliberately intimidating them, "Troublemakers, sell you to mommy to buy cakes."

"Daddy will lose his teeth if you lie to others." Nineteen said with a smile.

Jian Qing listened to the conversation between the father and son, and looked down at the smiling daughter in her arms, "Sparkling, Daddy is childish, isn't he?"


Shiny little mushroom waved her little hands, and her silver bell-like laughter echoed in the nursery.

Jian Qing helped Twinkle change her clothes, fed her milk, and then carried her downstairs.

Walking in the stairwell, Jian Qing heard Mr. Jian's laughter.

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