Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1054 Twinkle Extra (6)

Seventeen and Nineteen clapped their hands and said, "Yeah."

"You are such an old man and you are not stable at all."

Quan Mingxuan wisely remained silent about the complaints coming from his own grandfather.

"Snowball, let's go out and play." After finishing the pastries, Twinkle clapped her hands and got down from the arms of old lady Quan.


Snowball howled at the top of his lungs and followed him out.

"Axuan, you should hurry up. Twinkle is already so old, you should consider finding a partner." Mrs. Quan looked at Twinkle's running back with a kind smile on her face, and then turned to Quan. Mingxuan, I hate that iron cannot become steel.

"Now that your eldest brother is also engaged, you are the only one left."

As early as a year ago, Quan Yimo found the person he wanted to stay with for the rest of his life. This was thanks to Quan Mingxuan. Quan Yimo happened to be back from the army after taking a break, and Quan Mingxuan took him to the art exhibition. There he met his destined person. Fang Guliang was a painter and well-known, and his family came from a scholarly family. As soon as Quan Yimo took a fancy to the person, he immediately used his resolute and resolute character to attack and directly captured the person. They just got engaged not long ago, and now Mr. Quan and others are choosing a date, and the wedding will be held soon.

Quan Mingxuan took the pillow and covered his face, "Grandma, I understand. Now that you have great-grandsons and great-granddaughters, don't keep staring at me. Fate will always come when it's supposed to come. "

Mrs. Quan slapped his thigh hard, "If you can't find a girlfriend within three months, your mother and I will arrange a blind date for you. I'm here to remind you."

"Help!" Quan Mingxuan wailed.

If I had known I wouldn't be back today.

People who are being urged to get married cannot afford to be hurt.

She said she was taking Snowball outside to play, but in fact she ran directly to the courtyard.

Not far away is the gate.

Twinkle lay on Xueqiu's body, holding her chin with one hand.

Why hasn't Mu Chen come yet?

After a while, Mu Chen was not expected to come, but Bai Fei and his friends were expected to come.


Bai Feizhan saw the twinkle under the shade of the tree with sharp eyes and ran over excitedly.

"Twinkle, are you waiting for me here?"

Twinkle was a little gloomy, but she still smiled, "Brother A Zhan."

"I told you not to call me brother, but Ah Zhan." Bai Feizhan, a child, said frantically. Calling him brother was too weak.

"Uncle Jue, Aunt Yan." Shining shouted softly.

Zhan Mingyan touched her little head, and then handed the gift to Bai Feizhan, "Feizhan, give the gift to Twinkle quickly."

Child Bai Feizhan held a half-person-sized gift box and said with a smile, "Sparkling, this is the gift I picked for you. I wish you a happy birthday."

"Thank you." Twinkle grinned and reached out to hug him.

A hug directly made Bai Fei and the children laugh so hard that their teeth couldn't even see their eyesight.

"Twinkle, let me help you get it in."

Twinkle nodded, looked in the direction of the door, and then followed them into the house.

"Hey, you three are here quite early." Jian Qing joked when she saw Bai Jue's family of three arriving.

"It's still early. Do you know that this brat went to our room before dawn this morning and made noises with us? It took him almost an hour just to pick out his clothes." Bai Jue complained unceremoniously about his son.

Giving birth to a son is really just to ask for debt.

Everyone laughed, looking at Bai Feizhan who was whispering to Shining, with helpless smiles on their faces.

"Sparkling, do you have any birthday wishes?" Bai Feizhan asked curiously.

Shining eyebrows bowed and nodded, "Yes."

"What?" Bai Feizhan asked, and others were also curious.

Shining Xiaoguliang pursed her lips, "If I don't tell you, my birthday wish won't work if I say it."

Bai Feizhan suddenly remembered that the last time he made a birthday wish, he said all his wishes, and suddenly felt a little depressed.

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