Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1056 Twinkle Extra (8)

The warmth touched by her fingertips made the smile in her eyes suddenly fade away. She hurriedly turned on the light in the room and looked down. She saw an abnormal blush on her shiny white jade cheeks.


She reached out and touched her body. The temperature was frighteningly high.

Oops, I have a high fever.

She lifted up the quilt, picked her up and ran out quickly.

"Xiao Jing!"

Hearing her voice, Quan Jingwu walked out of the study and saw her running over with Twinkle in her arms, his eyes suddenly darkened.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

"Xiao Jing, Shining has a high fever and needs to go to the hospital quickly." Jian Qing said anxiously.

Quan Jingwu lowered his eyes and looked at Shining. Xiao Guliang's beautiful brows were furrowed, as if he was feeling uncomfortable, "I'll go drive, and you can get a coat and put it on Shining."


Quan Jingwu ran downstairs quickly, and Rui Yi and others who had not yet fallen asleep heard the noise.

"Keigo, where are you going so late?"

Quan Jingwu picked up the car keys on the table and said while putting on his shoes, "Xingxin has a fever."

"How could it be? Weren't you fine just now?" Old Mrs. Quan looked stunned. When she heard the footsteps on the stairwell, she turned around and looked.

Jian Qing hugged Shining and walked downstairs quickly, and Rui Yi and others greeted her.


Shining's eyes were half-closed, her hoarse voice was slightly nasal, and she kept calling Jian Qing.

"Hey, mommy is here, it's okay."

Jian Qing comforted her softly. The high fever came on suddenly without any warning. She kept shouting that she felt uncomfortable, which made Rui Yi and others feel heartbroken.

"I must have caught a cold while sleeping outside in the afternoon." Rui clasped his hands tightly, his eyes full of worry.

Worried about Shining, Quan Mingxuan drove Rui Yi to the hospital.

When we arrived at the hospital, the doctor was already examining Xingshan.

Jian Qing stood at the door, her eyes locked on Shining on the hospital bed.

"It's okay, don't worry." Quan Jingwu held her hand, the temperature it touched was frighteningly cold, and comforted softly.

After a long time, the doctor and nurse came out.

"Doctor, how are you?" Jian Qing asked anxiously.

"Fortunately, it was delivered in time. We have given the child an injection for the sudden high fever caused by catching a cold. He will have an infusion at night. The fever should be gone tomorrow."

Jian Qing, "Thank you."

The doctor also knew the identity of the two people in front of him. Hearing this thank you, he felt very frightened and waved his hand quickly.

"This is what we as doctors should do."

The ward was filled with the faint smell of disinfectant alcohol.

Jian Qing sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the small ball on the bed, with distress flashing in her eyes.

"Mom, you go back first." Quan Jingwu glanced at the sleeping Twinkle, then turned to look at Rui Yi and Quan Mingxuan.

Rui nodded, "If you need anything, call us and I'll bring breakfast over tomorrow."

Quan Jingwu hummed softly, and Rui Yi and Quan Mingxuan walked out together.

The bright moon hid in the clouds and could not see its shadow.

Suddenly, a black car stopped in front of the hospital.

Del got out of the driver's seat, walked around to the back of the car and opened the door.

The next second, a pair of small black boots stuck out from the car. The boots were not large, probably the size for a five or six-year-old child.

After the first foot was firmly planted on the ground, the second foot also came out. Then, a thin figure was exposed in the moonlight, wearing black casual clothes that could not hide the innate elegance of her body. Nobility.

"Young master, do you also want to get a gift?" Del asked.

Mu Chen's delicate little face was covered with a layer of coldness, and the appearance of the little iceberg was a bit like Quan Jingwu's aura. His usually calm ice eyes were now filled with a little worry.

"Take it with you first."

There is no ups and downs in the tone, always cold.

Mu Chen hurriedly ran into the hospital, with a rare look of panic on his face.

If he doesn't come on time, will Twinkle be angry with him?

After getting off the plane and hearing the news that she had been admitted to the hospital, he hurried over.

"Young Master, slow down."

Del followed closely behind him, looking at his undisguised worry about the little Guliang named Shining, feeling both relieved and worried in his heart.

Once the current young master has a weakness, it will only be a disaster for him.

"Is it that ward?" Mu Chen stopped and looked at Del and asked.

Del nodded and lowered his voice, "Young master, that little Guliang's parents are inside. Are you sure you want to go in?"

Hearing this, Mu Chen paused, hesitation and confusion intertwined in his eyes.

Finally, he took back his feet and glanced at the gift held in Del's hand.

"Del, let's go."

"But, young master, this gift?"

Mu Chen suppressed the confusion in his eyes and said, "Give it to the nurse and hand it over to her tomorrow."


Mu Chen looked back at the ward at the end of the corridor, with a hint of reluctance in his eyes.

Twinkle, you need to get well soon.

After struggling all night, everyone felt relieved when they learned that Twinkle was fine.

Early in the morning, Rui Yi came with breakfast. Seventeen and Nineteen were clamoring to see Winky before going to school. Rui Yi couldn't resist them, so he had to bring them with him.

"Sparkling, are you still feeling uncomfortable?" Nineteen sat on the edge of the bed, holding Shining's soft little hand, and asked softly.

Twinkle shook her head. Except that her face was still a little pale, she recovered very quickly, "It's not uncomfortable, second brother, don't worry."

Nineteen hugged her affectionately, and then kissed her little face, "Twinkle, we're going to school. We'll see you again in the evening. You need to get well quickly. Brother will buy you delicious food. "

"Yeah." Shining nodded with a crooked eyebrow.

Seventeenth also kissed her like Nineteenth, and then handed her the lollipop he brought from home, "Twinkle, if you have a lollipop, taking medicine will not be painful."

Everyone in the family knows that Shining is most afraid of taking medicine. Every time she takes medicine, she will burst into tears, which is very distressing.

"Seventeen, nineteen, it's time to go, I'll be late." Rui said with a smile as he looked at the three brothers and sisters being intimate.


Seventeen and Nineteen ran over, put their schoolbags on their backs and left with Rui Yi.

"Dingying, eat some porridge, and then mommy will take you for a walk outside, okay?" Jian Qing picked up the bowl, took the spoon, and blew on the porridge.


Twinkle nodded, opened her mouth and ate the porridge fed by Jian Qing.

"Dong dong dong -"

There was a knock on the door and Quan Jingwu put down the bowl.

"Come in."

The nurse pushed the door open and came in. She saw Quan Jingwu and Jian Qing, her eyebrows were filled with awe, "President Quan, hello Mrs. Quan."

Jian Qing nodded, "Is something wrong?"

"I was asked to pass this gift to your daughter." The nurse came over and handed the exquisitely wrapped bag to Jian Qing with both hands.

For Twinkle?

Jian Qing reached out and took it without rushing to open it, "Did you say who the person who left the gift was? Or did he leave any words?"

Wan Geng starts tonight...there will be more later...

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