Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1064 Twinkle Extra (16)

When the little cotton-padded jacket got into a fight, Quan Jingwu, the maniac who doted on girls, supported him without saying a word. The other party was definitely at fault. It definitely had nothing to do with his little cotton-padded jacket. His little cotton-padded jacket was soft and cute. How could he find it? Others are in trouble.

So after that, every time when there was a fight, the teacher asked the parents to come over. The first thing that Shiny Xiaoguliang thought of was her father.

Before even finishing a semester of elementary school, Shining Little Guliang became famous in one battle, and her reputation spread throughout the school.

When Shining was in elementary school, Seventeen and Nineteen skipped a grade and went directly to the junior high school. Fortunately, the three siblings were not in the same school, otherwise they would have ruined their lives.

Even though Shining Guliang is a small person, his strength is not small. During the winter and summer vacations, the three little guys are sent to the Jian family headquarters for training. Every time they come back, they have a lot of wounds, which makes Quan Jing Jian Qing and I feel heartbroken, but there is nothing we can do about it. After enjoying so much glory, we naturally have to work harder than ordinary people.

What's more, with family backgrounds like theirs, there might be danger at the next moment. Only by making yourself stronger can you protect yourself.

However, this year's plan changed. During the summer vacation, Seventeen and Nineteen went to Country M for training first, and Winky had to postpone it for a week because she had to attend a summer camp.

The location of the summer camp was set in Country Y. The team was led by several teachers from the school, and there were about twenty people in the group.

Twinkle has been traveling around the world since she was a child, and has long been accustomed to things like going abroad. The night before departure. Jian Qing accompanied her to pack her luggage.

"Teddy bear, stay at home and I'll be back soon." Twinkle stood beside the bed and touched the teddy bear's ears.

Then, she kissed the teddy bear and put it back on the bed.

"Sparkling, don't you want to bring the teddy bear?" Jian Qing put the suitcase by the door, turned around and saw her talking to herself to the teddy bear, and asked funnyly.

For so many years, she hugged the teddy bear every night when she slept. Even when she went to country M, she would take the teddy bear with her. She was inseparable from the teddy bear.

Twinkle said with a smile, "If you take it with you, what if you lose it?"

When she goes to summer camp, she must be in the same room as her classmates. She doesn't want to bring a teddy bear with her. The teddy bear belongs to her alone.

"Okay, go to bed early." Jian Qing kissed her forehead, her eyes full of tenderness.

"Good night, Mommy!"

Turning off the lights, Jian Qing walked out.

After getting on the plane, other students were chatting and laughing excitedly, but only Quan Shanshan and Xiao Guliang fell asleep alone.

Except for going to the bathroom and eating, Twinkle slept almost the whole way.

After getting off the plane, she was still a little confused. She stood for a long time before she woke up.

She dragged her luggage by herself and sat in the lobby waiting for the teacher to assign a room.

"Come on, Lin Yali, Xie Yiyi, you two share a room with Quan Xingshan." The teacher took the meal card and began to allocate accommodation.

Shining took the meal card and looked back and forth.

"Okay, everyone, go to your room and put your luggage away, and then take a rest. We will meet here in two hours," the teacher said.


There are more summer camps held by the school than just them, but they go to different places, so the students here are not from the same class.

Sadly, only Twinkle Xiaoguliang is alone. There are at least one or two other students in the same class, and she is the only one in Twinkle's class who comes to this place.

Can this be said to be because her drawing ability is too strong?

Quan Xingxin was the last one to enter the room. Xie Yiyi and Lin Yali saw her and looked at each other. The atmosphere was inexplicably awkward.

The two of them are in the same class and are usually good friends, so there is no sense of distance. Although they are not in the same class as Quan Xingxin, there is a saying that goes well, she is not in the world, but her legend is everywhere in the world. .

Quan Xingxin, a genius girl, skipped grades just like playing. She jumped to fifth grade at the age of ten, and always ranked first in every exam. When others joined the dancing and piano club, she directly signed up for Taekwondo. She was obviously the youngest. However, he completely destroyed all the little brothers there, making the little brothers in the Taekwondo club unable to speak out about their suffering.

But even so, Shining Xiaoguliang's exquisite face is the center of attention wherever she goes. She has a high IQ, good looks, and an extremely powerful family background. This is simply what makes people jealous and envious.

Xie Yiyi and Lin Yali are no exception. Girls, when facing opponents who are prettier and smarter than themselves, will always feel inexplicable hostility and jealousy.

However, Twinkle had no intention of paying attention to their little thoughts. She put down her suitcase, took off her shoes and fell directly on the bed. There were three single beds in the room, so it wouldn't be a problem for each to sleep in his own room.

Quan Shanshan turned over, reached out and pulled the quilt over his head to catch up on his sleep.

"Yali, she seems to be quite aloof. Should we say hello to her?" Xie Yiyi pulled Lin Yali aside and whispered.

Lin Yali glanced at Quan Xingxin and shook her head, "Goodbye, she is sleeping. I don't dare to disturb her. What if she beats me up."

"That's right, forget it." Xie Yiyi was actually very afraid of Quan Shining.

After sleeping for almost half an hour, Twinkle woke up. She stretched, then poured a glass of water and drank it.

She was drinking water and looking at her phone. There was still more than an hour before the meeting, and it was too boring to stay in this room.

She turned her eyes, put down the water glass, then took her hat and put it on, and walked out while putting on her coat.

"Where is she going?" Xie Yiyi looked at Lin Yali and asked curiously.

Lin Yali's smile was a little sarcastic, "Who knows, she and I are not familiar with each other. She is a rich lady, so we should not get close to her at will, lest people say that we are deliberately trying to establish friendship."

Although their family is very well off and can be considered a prestigious family in the capital, compared with the Quan family, they pale into insignificance.

What's more, Quan Shining's parents are both famous giants in the capital. Their parents have long told them not to offend Quan Shining, so as not to bring trouble to the family.

When she was in country M, Twinkle liked to run around with her two brothers. Because of Black Jack and Jian Luo, she had been to country Y many times, but this was her first time here, but it didn't matter. This does not hinder her passion for finding delicious food.

After leaving the hotel, Xingxing wandered around the bustling streets while using her mobile phone to search for delicious food nearby.

By the way, I also asked Jian Luo. When it comes to the food in country Y, Jian Luo is definitely the food compass.

No one was watching, so Shining Xiaoguliang let go and walked around the street, tasting a little of every snack.

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