Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1077 Twinkle Extra (29)

On the bustling street, Shining walked alone among the surging sea of ​​people.

Looking at the blond and blue-eyed foreigners on the road, the handsome face of the young man suddenly appeared in his mind. What would Mu Chen be doing at this time?

Sparkling let out a breath and paused as she passed a chocolate shop. The faint scent of chocolate filled the sliding glass door.

After stopping for a few minutes, Shining walked away.

The sky was getting dark and the wind was picking up.

As soon as Shining returned to the hotel, it started to rain lightly.

After taking a shower, Shining was lying on the sofa, holding the game console and playing games.

"Tuk tuk tuk -"

A knock on the door broke the silence of the room. She turned over and sat up, stepped on her slippers and walked to open the door.

"Twinkle, everyone is playing in the billiards room downstairs, and you are the only one missing." As soon as the door opened, the sweet voice of the exclusive girl sounded.

The woman's facial features are not good-looking when taken apart, but when put on her face, she looks a bit more majestic, making her a good-looking girl.

Jiang Shan, one of Shining’s friends in the class.

"I won't go, you can just play." Winky said.

"No, Twinkle, let's go together. We finally came out to play together, so let's go have some fun." Jiang Shan took her arm and said with a smile.

"If you keep shaking it, I'm going to spit out my dinner." Shining said helplessly.

Jiang Shan looked happy, "Then you agreed?"

Twinkle, "Can I say no?"

"No." Jiang Shan smiled and narrowed her eyes, "Hurry up."

"I'll change my shoes."

Twinkle walked back inside to change her shoes, then took her phone and went to the billiard room with her.

The crystal lamp reflected colorful light, reflecting the smiles on everyone's faces. Shining and Jiang Shan came in together, and everyone's eyes instantly focused on them.

"Twinkle, you are the last one and you have to punish yourself with a drink."

"That's right, I'll punish myself with a drink."

"As our age and the youngest elementary school girl in our class, Twinkle, you can't push this cup away."

Listening to everyone's teasing, Xingxing smiled, took the wine glass without saying anything, and drank one glass, looking more manly than the boys.

"Okay, Xingxin has a bad drinking ability, please let her go." Jiang Shan pulled Xingxin to sit down and helped her out.

"I can't believe that Twinkle graduated at the same time as us. It's so bullying." Among them, the man with black frames shook his head and sighed, and everyone was amused by his showmanship.

"Bajie, don't do this," Jiang Shan joked.

As soon as the nickname "Bajie" came out, everyone burst into laughter.

The man wearing black frames rolled his eyes at Jiang Shan angrily, "Xiao Shanshan, you lose love when you talk like this."

Lin Jun, as everyone knows, looks elegant and bookish. Because he has a huge appetite and loves to eat snacks, he is nicknamed Bajie by everyone.

"I'm not in love with you to begin with, so don't ruin Ben Guliang's reputation." Jiang Shan retorted.

Lin Jun covered his heart, looking like a resentful woman who had been betrayed, "Oh, my heart is broken into pieces. Xiao Shanshan, how can you be so heartless and cruel to me."

Others vomited, "vomit -"

"That's about it, it's disgusting." The man sitting next to him hit him on the head with a chestnut, and then rubbed his arms.

"Damn, you stinky monkey, you told me not to hit someone on the head." Lin Jun rubbed his head and glared at the man, dissatisfied.

"Can you afford to pay for being beaten stupidly?"

The man in the leather jacket raised his lips and smiled, "You won't be much smarter if you don't fight."

Zhou Xu is good at Sanda, Taekwondo, etc. He has high martial arts value and is nicknamed "Monkey".

"Smelly monkey, do you deserve a beating?"

"No, I owe money."

The two of them were chatting with each other, and others were not surprised.

"Elder Tang, if you don't hurry up and take care of your two disciples, they are about to start a fight." Jiang Shan stopped her smile and looked at the man opposite and joked.

Zheng Nan, a walking encyclopedia, is nicknamed "Elder Tang."

Zheng Nan clasped his hands together and said, "It's so good. There's nothing the poor monk can do."

"Ha ha."

Twinkle was so amused by them that she laughed heartily.

"I said, why didn't you learn cross talk in the first place? What a waste of talent."

"No, I'm afraid that as I talk, I can't help but strangle this stinky monkey to death." Lin Jun said while grinding his molar teeth.

There were only ten people out to play this time, including Twinkle, and they were all good friends with Twinkle, otherwise they wouldn't be as comfortable joking around as they are now.

"I heard that people from the class next to us are also coming?" Zheng Nan said.

Jiang Shan took a sip of beer and said, "What did you hear? I saw them at the door of the hotel today, and they also live in this hotel."

"They are really haunting. Why are they everywhere?" Zhou Xu complained.

It's okay to meet them normally, but now they are on a graduation trip, and those people are still coming with them, I'm really speechless.

"You guys are here too, what a coincidence."

The man's low and hoarse voice cut in.

Twinkle looked calm when she saw a group of people appearing at the door.

Lin Jun reached out and patted Zheng Nan, then lowered his voice and said, "So don't talk about people during the day, and don't talk about ghosts at night."

As soon as I said that, these nasty guys came.

Zheng Nan shrugged, he was also helpless.

"I didn't expect that both our classes would choose this place for their graduation trip. It's quite a fate." The man who just spoke strode in, his eyes falling on Shining intentionally or unintentionally.

"Are you guys playing pool here too? Can we join you?"

Jiang Shan curled her lips. If it was inconvenient, could they get out of their own accord?

"Whatever." At the critical moment, Zheng Nan smoothed things over.

Although he didn't want to see Fang Bo and his group, the billiard room was not reserved for them, so there was no reason not to allow them in.

"Twinkle, do you want to play a game of pool together?" Fang Bo didn't last more than two minutes before revealing his purpose.

Everyone present knew that Fang Bo once confessed his love to Shining and was rejected mercilessly. He knew that Shining didn't like to talk to him, but he still insisted on approaching her with a shy face. He was really thick-skinned.

Everyone looked at Fang Bo as if they were watching a good show and watched silently.

As expected, Shining refused cleanly.


Jiang Shan and the others lowered their heads, suppressing smiles on their lips.

"Fang Bo, why don't you go over there and play." Regardless of Fang Bo's ugly face, Zhou Xu politely ordered him to leave.

"As boring as we are, why don't you come too?" Fang Bo pretended not to notice their unwelcome attitude towards him and invited him politely.

Suddenly, Shining stood up and everyone was stunned.

"I'm a little hungry. Do you want to go have a midnight snack together? I'll treat you as an apology for being late." She looked down at Jiang Shan and her group and asked.

Jiang Shan smiled knowingly and stood up, "Okay, I'm hungry too."

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