Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1079 Twinkle Extra (31)

Not long after, she walked out of the bathroom and walked back to bed with her eyes closed.

Lie down and pull the quilt over you.

No, something feels wrong.

She opened her eyes in a blink of an eye and noticed the gaze from beside her. She quickly turned her head and looked over. As expected, she met the man's dark eyes with a smile.

Instantly, she bounced up.

"Mu Chen, you, why are you here?"

Mu Chen stood up and sat down by the bed, "Didn't you want to find me, so I'm here."

Twinkle shook her head, unable to remember what happened last night.


I drank it off.

A flash of annoyance flashed in her eyes, and she raised her hand and patted her head.

"If you can't remember it, don't think about it." Mu Chen took her hand and gently stroked her messy hair with his fingertips.

Winky stepped back, avoiding his hand.

"Twinkle?" Mu Chen's hands froze in the air and he looked at her helplessly.

"You lied. You clearly promised that you would come to the capital to find me when I graduate. I've been waiting for you all day, but you haven't come yet." Shining pouted her little red lips. When she talked about her graduation that day, she I couldn't help but feel aggrieved.

Mu Chen looked at the grievance in her eyes and said warmly, "Then, can I apologize to you?"

Twinkle hummed and turned her head to ignore him.

"Twinkle, who did you drink with last night?" Mu Chen asked tentatively, looking for a topic.

Twinkle said coldly, "Does it have anything to do with you?"

Mu Chen smiled helplessly.

His little mushroom is quite cool.

"Are you still dizzy, are you hungry?"

Twinkle hummed again, "Does it have anything to do with you?"

A faint light flashed across Mu Chen's eyes, and he leaned closer to her, placing his hands on her sides, "Dingying, weren't you like this last night?"

His meaningful smile made Twinkle's heart skip a beat, and she blurted out, "What was I like last night?"

Did she go crazy after drinking?

"You said you miss me so much, and you also said..." The end of the voice was slightly longer. Mu Chen looked at the surprised expression on her face and continued to tease her.

"I like Mu Chen the most."

The two of them were very close, their warm breath spraying on each other's faces.

Winky's eyes widened, she pushed him away and ran out of bed.

"Oh my god!"

She hurried into the bathroom. Mu Chen leaned on the bed, supporting his head with one hand, and raised his thin lips in a beautiful arc.



The bathroom door closed, then opened.

Shining turned back, her hair slightly messy, her delicate eyes blazing, and she reached out to pull up the person lying on the bed.

"You're lying. I clearly didn't say such a thing last night."

I almost believed him.

"No, you said that." Mu Chen said firmly.

Sparkling was annoyed, her thin white hands reached for his arm, and twisted it hard, "I didn't say anything."

Seeing her furious look, Mu Chen couldn't help but feel nostalgic, and pretended to be reluctant, "Okay, even if you didn't say it."


Even if she didn't say what it means, she obviously didn't say it.

"Don't be angry with me. Can I take you out for breakfast?" Mu Chen held her hand and gently pinched her tender cheek with his fingertips.

"I won't eat with you." Winky shook his hand away and turned towards the bathroom.

Mu Chen looked at the closed bathroom door with a doting smile deep in his eyes.

After a while, Shining came out after washing up, and there was no one in the room.

She frowned, could she be leaving?

"Mu Chen!"

She glanced around the room, even looking outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, but there was no sign of him.

Stinky Muchen has no patience at all.

He also said he wanted to apologize.

Not sincere.

The phone on the table was buzzing and vibrating. She reached out and picked it up. It was Jiang Shan calling.

"Twinkle, we are having breakfast in the restaurant, do you want to come over and eat with us?" Jiang Shan's voice was full of energy early in the morning.

"Okay, I'll go over now."

After hanging up the phone, Shining changed her clothes and went out.

Early in the morning, there was not a lot of traffic in the restaurant.

As soon as Shining walked in, she looked up and saw Jiang Shan and the others.

"Sparkling, this way." Jiang Shan waved to her.

Flash walked over quickly, Zhou Xu pulled out the chair and said, "Sit."

Twinkle thanked her and sat down, "Why do you all get up so early?"

"It's late, brother. We are traveling, not here to sleep." Lin Jun said while drinking coffee.

"Why are you calling me brother?" Shining handed the menu to the waiter, then rolled his eyes at him, "Call me fairy."

"I'm sorry, fairy, I was wrong." Lin Jun almost spit out a mouthful of coffee.


Others laughed like pigs.

"By the way, what are your plans for today?" Twinkle asked.

Jiang Shan, "I haven't decided yet. Is there anywhere you want to go?"

It can be said that their trip this time was a casual trip, without any plan or strategy at all.

"Why don't you go..." When Zhou Xuda was about to speak, Zheng Nan kicked him and coughed twice.

Zhou Xu looked confused, "Why did you kick me?"

"Ahem." Zheng Nan motioned him to look at the door. Zhou Xu turned his head in confusion, and when he saw a few people walking in, he suddenly understood.

Why did I see this annoying guy again so early in the morning?

Fortunately, he hadn't said anything just now, otherwise that guy Fang Bo would have heard it, and with his temperament, he would have had to stage another chance encounter.

When Fang Bo saw Shining, his eyes were shining, and he walked to her side, "Shining, what a coincidence, you are here too."

Winky ate her breakfast and ignored him.

Jiang Shan and the others were speechless.

Every time I say it’s a coincidence, I don’t get tired of this line.

"We are going to the ski resort today, do you want to come with us?" When he said this, Fang Bo's eyes were glued to Shining.

Those burning eyes made people feel very uncomfortable.

"Please don't disturb us from having breakfast." Winky put down her knife and fork and said coldly.

Not to mention how ugly Fang Bo's face was, it didn't matter whether he left or not.

"Twinkle, you..."

"I'll go, he's the most handsome guy." Jiang Shan suddenly sighed.

Fang Bo thought Jiang Shan was praising him, and his gloomy expression softened a bit.

"He's coming towards us." Jiang Shan looked excited and touched Shining's hand. "Singling, look, he can compete with your two brothers."

Shining raised her eyebrows, could she compete with her two brothers?

Is this a joke?

"You'll know soon after you take a look." Jiang Shan urged.

"Not to mention, he is really handsome." Lin Jun said with a smile, "Zhou Xu, you are not even half as good-looking as others."

Zhou Xu's face darkened, "Get out."

Just praise others, why step on them?

Hearing what they said, Twinkle became somewhat interested. She turned around and saw the man's handsome face with sharp edges.

She was stunned for a moment.

Isn't he gone?

Before she could recover, her eyes were attracted by the roses he held in his hand.

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