Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1086 Twinkle Extra (38)

Bai Feizhan pursed his lips and smiled.

"Brother, you and I will go get the cake." Shining wisely chose to escape from the battlefield and held Shi Qi's arm.

The night was getting dark, and when Shiqi and Twinkle came back with the cake, Quan Jingwu and his party were about to start a new round.

"Who won?" Twinkle asked.

"What do you think?" Nineteen rolled her eyes. The situation was obvious.

With his dad here, whoever wins.

"Twinkle, take it to buy some candy." Quan Jingwu threw a card, then took out a card from a wad of cash and handed it to his daughter.

Hey, this card looks familiar.

"This is Mu Chen's card." Nineteen reminded.

"Mu Chen, did you lose?" Twinkle blinked, looked at the card in his hand, and asked curiously.

Sure enough, daddy is still too lethal.

Mu Chen nodded magnanimously, "Well, I lost. The card password is your birthday."


Invisibly, he also showed off his dog food.

Nineteen touched a card and joked, "Mu Chen, you are quite happy to give me this."

Mu Chenquan thought he was complimenting him and accepted it calmly.

"Okay, stop playing, let's go eat cake." The birthday girl Jian Qing said.

Naturally, he had to listen to his wife's words. Quan Jingwu quickly killed them and then pulled Jian Qing out.

When it was time to sing the birthday song, there was a scene that made people laugh.

"Seventeen, get up quickly." Nineteen poked Seventeen's arm and said.

When I was a kid, I didn't think it was a big deal to sing Happy Birthday. But now that I'm an adult, I still sing Happy Birthday the same way I did when I was a kid. I always feel a little weird.

Therefore, such a difficult birthday must be left to the eldest brother Qi Qi to lead it.

"Why me again?" Shiqi asked from the bottom of his heart.

"You are the eldest brother." Nineteen flattered him.


Now it’s time to call me brother.

"What are you guys doing standing around here?" Quan Jingwu glanced over with cold eyes, and the seventeen or so people instantly became honest.

Then, the five of them looked at each other and sang Happy Birthday in unison.

"Happy birthday to you……"

"Haha." Jian Qing smiled and fell on Quan Jingwu, her bright smile illuminated by the warm yellow candlelight.

When eating cake, more than seventeen people went crazy, smashing cakes at each other, and everyone's face and body were stained with sweet cakes.

Especially Shining, whose face is almost like a kitten, except for a pair of sparkling eyes.

"Xiao Jing, this is good, isn't it?" Jian Qing looked at the group of people quarreling with a gentle smile at the corner of her mouth.

"Yeah." Quan Jingwu raised the corners of his lips.

"Good boy."

Jian Qing turned her head, and the man's slender fingertips were dipped in cake and touched the tip of her nose.

"You dare to sneak attack me." Jian Qing hummed and smiled, reached out to grab a handful of cake, and then smeared it on his face.

Quan Jingwu let her go, with a doting smile in his eyes.

It was past ten o'clock, and Mu Chen and Bai Feizhan left together.

Along the way, the two of them were speechless.

It wasn't until he walked out of the Shijin Palace that Bai Feizhan said, "Would you like to go have a drink?"

Mu Chen glanced at him and hummed.

It is said to be a drink, but in fact it is one drink after another.

Mu Chen looked at the drunk man lying on the table across from him and put down his glass.

"Mu Chen, be nice to her," Bai Feizhan said drunkenly, holding his head with one hand.

"I will." Mu Chen said seriously.

JK International

In the office, a long sigh sounded.

"Mom and Daddy are so uninteresting."

Nineteen leaned back on the sofa, raised his head and sighed.

When Seventeen and Nineteen were twenty-two years old, Quan Jingwu and Jian Qing left the entire company to them, and the couple went on a trip.

In this regard, Shi Qi also looked helpless.

"Brother." Nineteen suddenly called.

Little did he know that his "brother" made Shi Qi immediately alert.

"Stop talking, I don't want to hear it."

"Brother, why don't you share some of the burden for me? As you know, my little shoulders can't bear such a heavy burden." Nineteen said flatteringly with a smile on his face.

Shi Qi glanced at him and almost gave him a fist.

"How about we switch?"

Nineteen was immediately frightened, "No, you are my brother at first glance."

He only took over Jane's Group, which was even worse than Shiqiu. Not only did he have to take over JK International, but he also had to take over everything under Sofaro's name. It was simply even more pitiable than him.

He was lazy and couldn't afford to do so many things.

"Why wasn't I reincarnated as a girl?" He touched his chin and said with regret.

Still sparkling happiness, no need to worry about anything, just do whatever you want.

"If you want to become a woman, you can achieve it." Shi Qi said quietly.

These words sent chills down his spine.

Nineteen smiled sarcastically, "Then daddy will probably beat me to death."

Seventeen, "You are somewhat self-aware."

"Twinkle, didn't Mu Chen come back with you?" Nineteen looked at Twinkle who was just eating snacks and asked.

"No, he has something to deal with, so he will come back two days late." Twinkle was eating crispy potato chips.

"Twinkle, you agreed to Mu Chen's proposal, when will the wedding be held?" Shi Qi asked after seeing the ring on her hand.

Shining is not in a hurry to get married, but Mu Chen is in a hurry.

Every day I chase her to ask when she will get married, and I just have to tie her up and take her directly to get the certificate.

On this day, Mu Chen came back from abroad.

As soon as I got off the plane, I went to look for my own little mushroom, but I didn't want to miss it.

He called the cell phone several times, but no one answered.

Just when I was about to hang up, someone finally answered the phone.

It's just that the person who answered the phone wasn't Twinkle.

"Mu Chen, Twinkle is drunk, please come and pick her up." On the other end of the phone, Maomao held the drunken Twinkle by the hand while listening to the call.

Mu Chen's eyes dimmed, "Where is it?"


At the door of the bar, Maomao supported Twinkle. After drinking the wine, Twinkle looked like a little witch. She said she couldn't hold it any longer.

"Mu Chen, this way." Seeing Mu Chen come out of the car, Maomao quickly waved to him.

Mu Chen looked at the blushing face and put his arms around her, "How could you drink like this?"

"Shine and I went out for a walk, and then we stopped by the bar. Then by the way, Shiny accidentally drank my glass of wine, and that's what happened." Maomao smiled coquettishly.

"Mu Chen, it's Mu Chen." Shining's little head shook, looking at Mu Chen with silly joy, "Maomao, I saw Mu Chen."

Maomao scratched his forehead and said, "Well, I'll leave it to you. I'll get out of the way first. Bye."

After saying that, the cat flew away with oil on its soles.

"I'm so sleepy..." Twinkle yawned, closed her eyelids heavily, and fell into Mu Chen's arms.

"This idiot." Mu Chen looked at the person in his arms, picked him up and walked towards his car.

Quan Jingwu and his wife went on a trip, and Seventeen and Nineteen were not in the country. Naturally, Mu Chen would not send Shining back to Shijin Palace, but took her directly to his residence in the capital.

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