Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1096 Nineteen Extras (7)

Maomao fell down on the sofa, her pink lips slightly opened, unable to react.

Nineteen, is he angry?

He had never seen Jian Tianlin angry before, and Maomao couldn't figure out his thoughts for a while.

The lively atmosphere suddenly became a little subtle.

Quan Tianqi and Bai Feizhan also noticed something was wrong, and their eyes wandered between them.

Jian Tianlin also noticed that his attitude just now was a little worse. He lowered his eyes and looked at Maomao who was sitting on the sofa at a loss, and a trace of annoyance flashed deep in his heart.

"You guys have ruined a whole cake. Quickly wipe the cake off your face so that you won't laugh at them when Shining and Mu Chen come later." In the end, Bai Feizhan came out to smooth things over.

"I've already sent clothes over. Let's change first." Quan Tianqi raised his hand and patted Jian Tianlin's shoulder, silently worried about his emotional intelligence.

"I'm going to the bathroom." After saying that, Jian Tianlin walked away quickly.

After the bathroom door closed, Maomao quickly stood up, looking dejected and less energetic than usual.

She asked in a muffled voice, "Seventeen, are Nineteen angry with me?"

Quan Tianqi smiled faintly, "Why do you think so?"

"His face turned dark, and his voice just now was so cold, it froze me to death." Maomao became even more frustrated, "It must be because I was hanging on his back, so he was angry."

"Okay, it's nothing, don't think about it." Quan Tianqi has a cold temperament and is rarely stable. "Nineteen is not angry with you. If you don't believe it, you can ask him yourself later when he comes out."

"No, I'm scared." Maomao shook his head and said honestly, "I'd better leave first, A-Zhan, happy birthday, see you next time."

After saying that, Maomao ran out of the box with oil on his feet without giving Quan Tianqi or the two a chance to stay.

"Hey, Maomao, why are you running so fast?" Bai Feizhan said helplessly as he looked at the person who disappeared in an instant.

The commotion caused by a cake.

Quan Tianqi looked at the person coming out of the bathroom with a teasing smile on his lips, "Nineteen, you scared the person away, why don't you chase him?"

It seems that some interesting things happened in country Y last time. The spring of his family's 19th century is coming!

Jian Tianlin rolled his eyes at him, "Boring."

Not long after the cake incident passed, it was already a month later when Maomao saw Jian Tianlin again, and the place was still at her home.

"Why are you here?" Maomao stood on the steps of the stairwell, looking at the person sitting on the sofa with a look of astonishment on his face.

Jian Tianlin looked at her in a pale pink dress that made her skin look like snow, and her big, bright and clear eyes were flashing with a bit of astonishment.

"Maomao, Nineteen is here on a business trip and stopped by to talk to your daddy." Thea poured a glass of water and handed it to Jian Tianlin and explained.

Maomao came over and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Business." Thea said.

"Okay, you two chat first, I want to go out for a while, Nineteen, you can do whatever you want, just treat it like your own home. Your Uncle Kahn should be back soon." Thea looked at the time and took the car keys. .

Jian Tianlin said hello and glanced at the person sitting opposite him with his peripheral vision.

The huge living room was silent.

Maomao glanced at the man across from him, remembering what happened in the box last time. She wasn't sure whether he was still angry or not, and she didn't dare to go up and talk to him rashly.

"Is it interesting to keep peeking at me?" Jian Tianlin suddenly said.

Maomao was furious and could not speak clearly, "Who, who is peeking at you? Stop being so narcissistic."

Seeing that she was no longer lifeless, Jian Tianlin curled his lips in satisfaction and curled his fingertips, as if summoning a pet, "Come here."


Is this teasing a cat or calling a dog?

Maomao pursed her pink lips and snorted, "I'm not your pet. After all, I'm still several months older than you, so I can still be considered your sister. Be polite, okay?"

Okay, if she doesn't come over, he can move.

Jian Tianlin stood up, Xin's long body approached step by step, and Maomao panicked inexplicably.

Before she could escape, the man had already sat down next to her.

"Why are you panicking?" Jian Tianlin crossed his legs, tilted his head, and looked at her leisurely, "You look like you are guilty of committing a crime."

"How can I panic?" Maomao straightened his back and raised his little head, "You are the thief, you are guilty, go away, stay away from me."

Jian Tianlin smiled and said, "Are you angry?"

"Obviously you're the one who's angry, yet you're here to beat me up." Maomao muttered.

"There's a car race here the day after tomorrow, and Ah Zhan will be here too. Do you want to go and see it together?" Jian Tianlin softened his voice.

Hearing that there was something fun, Maomao immediately calmed down and asked, "When?"

"The day after tomorrow, you can come with me then."

Maomao nodded, "Are you coming?"

"Xingxin and Mu Chen went on vacation. You probably won't be able to see her for a while." As he said that, Jian Tianlin glanced at her skirt and pretended to ask casually, "Were you getting ready to go out just now?"

"No, a friend of mine is coming." Maomao said.


"I told you, you don't know who it is. You'll find out later when the person comes." After Maomao said, he suddenly felt something was wrong and turned to look at him, "No, why are you so gossipy today? Normally you don't so."

Jian Tianlin's purple eyes narrowed dangerously, his long arms were stretched across the sofa, and he leaned closer, "So what do I usually look like, huh?"

Maomao's neck felt cold, and he leaned back, "It's not normal, I told you not to get close to me at all times, and stay away from me."

What a hell.

Since the last time she was in the hotel, her heartbeat would speed up every time he came so close to her, which was obviously not like this before.

"You're blushing again." He was already delicate-looking, his beautiful purple eyes were raised slightly, and the smile flowing in his eyes was bright and charming.

Catching his narrow gaze, Maomao got annoyed, pushed him away, and ran to sit on the opposite side, "You are so close to me and the carbon dioxide increases. How can I not feel hot? You know nothing."

This explanation is too far-fetched.

Jian Tianlin smiled softly, but his happy mood did not last long.

The reason was the two people opposite who were chatting happily.

"By the way, who is this?" The aura of the person sitting across from him was so strong that Eric couldn't ignore it even if he wanted to.

"I forgot to introduce you." Maomao patted his head, then looked at Jian Tianlin, "Nineteen, this is Eric, my good friend and my senior."

She paused, then turned to look at Eric, "He is Jian Tianlin, my..."

"Her boyfriend." Jian Tianlin said first.

The deep voice hit Maomao's head like thunder.

She was shocked to death.

She turned her head to look at him, watching the knife keep flinging at him.

Why didn't she know that she had a boyfriend?

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