Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1098 Nineteen Extras (9)

Jian Tianlin looked down and saw a strong spicy smell that was very pungent.

"What is this?" The corner of his mouth trembled slightly.

A full bowl, steaming hot, with finely chopped chili scattered on the surface, and a faint smell of pepper.

She must have poured a whole can of chili and pepper into it.

"The noodles, you can't tell." Maomao leaned on the chair and said with a smile, "Aren't you hungry? Eat it while it's hot, otherwise the noodles will burn."

Jian Tianlin looked at the bowl of noodles, raised his eyes to look at her, and asked from the bottom of his heart, "Are you sure this is for people to eat?"

"Of course, this is for you to eat." Maomao said ambiguously.

Jian Tianlin looked at her with a half-smile, "Then take a few bites."

"I don't eat late-night snacks. Do you understand that girls want to lose weight?" Maomao looked at him, with a sly smile that was a bit provocative.

"Don't you want to eat it? I worked so hard to cook it for you. If you don't eat it, don't let me cook it in the future."

Jian Tianlin stared at her, a dark light flashed deep in his eyes, and he suddenly changed his mind.

He pulled out his chair and sat down, then reached out and brought the bowl of pungent noodles in front of him.

"Here, chopsticks." Maomao handed him the chopsticks with rare courtesy.

Jian Tianlin glanced at her sideways, took the chopsticks, looked at the pungent noodles in the bowl, picked them up without changing his expression, and put them into his mouth.

"Hey, you..." Maomao was dumbfounded.

She just wanted to tease him and didn't expect that he would actually eat it.

I have to say that the taste of this bowl of noodles was too "overbearing". As soon as he took a bite, his fair face turned red instantly and he couldn't help but cough.

"Cough cough cough..."

"Are you stupid? You know why it's spicy but you still eat it." Maomao's eyes turned red when he saw him coughing. He was so frightened that he almost fell off the chair and kept patting his back with his little hands.

He was nervous and couldn't control the strength of his hands.

With one palm strike, he almost vomited.

Jian Tianlin thought, if he wasn't poisoned to death by this bowl of noodles, he would have been beaten to death by her.

"Water," he reminded hoarsely.

"Oh, wait a minute." Maomao calmed down and ran into the kitchen to find water for him.


Jian Tianlin took out a few tissues and covered his nose, and pushed the bowl of noodles away from him with his big hands in disgust.

If Shiqi and Twinkle saw it, they would definitely laugh.

"The water is coming, it's coming."

The cat ran over in a hurry, carrying water.

"Nineteen, drink water quickly."

Jian Tianlin took the water cup and drank a few sips. It was really deadly to drink ice water in the winter.

"Oops, Nineteen, why do you have a red rash on your body?" Maomao saw the red rash on his neck with sharp eyes, and his face turned pale in fright.

Compared with her nervousness, Jian Tianlin glanced at the red rash on his arm and said very calmly, "It must be an allergy."

"What, allergies?" Maomao's breath almost got stuck in his throat.

"Are you allergic to water?"

Jian Tianlin shook his head. At this time, he was still thinking of teasing her, "I'm mildly allergic to pepper, but you took a little too much. I'm probably the only one who dares to eat your dark cuisine."

Maomao's expression changed, and she quickly pulled him up and rushed out the door, "Let's go to the hospital."

"You don't want to go out with me wearing a pair of slippers, do you?" Jian Tianlin pulled her, his eyes fell on her fluffy slippers, and his thin lips curled slightly.

Maomao was stunned for a moment, then quickly realized what he was doing, quickly changed his shoes, pulled Jian Tianlin and ran out.

The night flows quietly.

Maomao came back with the medicine given by the nurse, and when she saw the man leaning on the hospital bed with an intravenous drip, the guilt in her heart almost overwhelmed her.

"Are you going to stand at the door and be my bodyguard?" As soon as he heard the footsteps, Jian Tianlin knew it was her. Seeing her standing hesitantly at the door with her head lowered, Jian Tianlin teased her, "Come here."

It was rare that Maomao didn't quarrel with him. She walked up to him obediently and lowered her head, "Nineteen, I'm sorry."

It was her joke that went too far.

Now he has been brought to the hospital.

"An allergy is not a serious injury. What are you sorry for?" Jian Tianlin reached out and rubbed her head. His cold voice softened a bit and seemed even deeper and more magnetic.

"If I hadn't asked you to eat noodles, you wouldn't be like this." After he said this, Maomao felt even more guilty, and his nose was a little sour.

Hearing that her voice was choked, Nineteen pulled her to sit down, and raised her chin with his big and sharp hands. When he saw the reddish corners of her eyes, his eyes darkened.

"I want to eat it myself, it's none of your business." He pinched her cheek lightly and said in a brisk tone, "You don't know that I am allergic to pepper. If I cry, I will look like a tabby cat."

Maomao sniffed and pulled his arm. Seeing that the allergic red rash on it had not gone away, she pursed her pink lips tightly.

"Don't worry, it will go away soon." Jian Tianlin comforted him.

Maomao hummed and stood up to help him pour water and get pills.

"Knock knock knock..."

The knocking on the door rang three times regularly and then stopped.

Maomao handed the pills to Jian Tianlin and ran to open the door.

"Hello, this is your takeaway," the delivery boy said.

"I didn't order takeout." Maomao said in surprise. At this time, a man's deep voice came from behind.

"I ordered it."

"Please sign for it." The delivery boy smiled slightly.

Maomao reacted, signed the takeout order, and then came back with the bag.

"Are you hungry?" Maomao asked.

"This is for you to eat, not for me." Jian Tianlin looked at the drip on his hand and saw that it was almost finished. He felt that it was in the way and pulled it out directly.

Maomao turned around and saw it, and rushed forward, "What are you doing? The doctor said that the IV drip must be finished."

"I'm not even afraid. Why are you anxious, huh?" Jian Tianlin looked at her funny, and he was fascinated by her anxious expression for him.

He put a hand on her shoulder and lowered his head, "Hey, are you worried about me?"

The two of them were so close that Maomao's head froze for a few seconds, and then he burst out with great strength and shook off his hand, "Who are you worried about? I am the one who caused you to be like this. Of course I am responsible. Don't worry about me." This is narcissistic.”

She turned her back to him, her face slightly red.

"Go and get the late night snack, otherwise if you are hungry in the middle of the night and your stomach growls and wakes me up, then my ears will suffer." The teasing words concealed his concern for her.

"I'm not hungry." He was already like this, how could she be in the mood for a midnight snack.

He still liked to see her smiling. Jian Tianlin naturally held her hand and walked to the sofa, "You have to eat even if you're not hungry."

"How can you eat if you're not hungry? Go lie down and rest." Maomao couldn't bring up his appetite, so he pushed him to rest.

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