Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 778 Can I give you a good beating (1)

Xueqiu looked at them whistling, his bright eyes showing a bit of deep contempt and disgust.

"Xueqiu, stay here obediently. Mrs. Quan and the others have left you behind. I will call Mr. Jian Luo and ask him to pick you up." Sister-in-law Liang, who was wearing a ponytail, moved a few steps back. He kept his distance from Snowball and said submissively.

Jian Qing brings Xueqiu to the flower shop every day. They also know that this fierce snow wolf is very spiritual, but they are still too timid to approach it.

Snowball's dark pupils widened and his hair suddenly exploded.

Was it left behind?

It looked past them, looking straight at the door.

The leaves are falling, it's deserted and depressed.

The beauty actually forgot it here.

It lay on the floor like a deflated ball, with a hint of resentment in its big eyes.


It let out a depressed howl, which frightened the store clerks so much that they almost knelt down in front of it.

Suburbs, fresh air.

The black sports car, with its smooth and cool body, shines a little in the sun.

In the car, warm feelings surged.

Quan Jingwu looked down at the woman in his arms, stroking her long hair with his right hand as gently as he was caring for a treasure.

"My dear, can I give you a good beating so you don't cry anymore, eh?"

The low voice, rising slightly, was warm and easily touched her heartstrings.

Jian Qing was buried in his chest, her plain hands tightly holding the corners of his clothes. When she heard his words, she just rubbed her arms into his arms without saying a word.

The charming movement made him curl his lips. He lowered his head, pressed his thin lips to her fragrant hair, and kissed her lightly.

"Look at me, huh?"

After a moment, Jian Qing slowly raised her head, her narrow eyes filled with mist, and her curled eyelashes were stained with crystal tears.

Quan Jingwu held her little face, gently wiped away the tears on her face with his fingertips, and raised a gentle smile on his lips, "She has become a little cat."

"You're still laughing at me." Jian Qing looked at him accusingly with her wet eyes, her voice slightly hoarse.

Quan Jingwu laughed, and there was an intoxicating color in the depths of his eyes, "Okay, I apologize, okay? It's me who made my baby so sad. You'll punish me to be your boss for the rest of my life, okay?"

While he was in coma, he could actually hear what she said all the time, but no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't wake up.

"Liar, you said you would only sleep for a short while, but you slept for so long. I called you so many times and you ignored me." Thinking of the past month, which has been like a year, Jian Qing still felt very uncomfortable. .

"Only in dreams will you talk to me and hug me..."

Her choked words hit his heart like a heavy hammer.

Quan Jingwu tightened his arms holding her, his bright purple eyes filled with distress, "I'm sorry, there won't be another time, I promise."

Jian Qing hugged him back, and suddenly there was a familiar light pain in her abdomen. She frowned slightly and pursed her red lips into a faint smile.

She took his hand and put it on her abdomen, her brows spreading, "The baby is moving."

As if he knew that their daddy was awake, the baby moved particularly violently, and powerful fetal movements were heard in his palms. Quan Jingwu curled his lips and smiled.

He touched her round pregnant belly, his deep eyes filled with tenderness, "Be good, don't hurt mommy."

The magnetic voice spoke softly. Jian Qing raised her eyes and looked at his angular profile, and the smile on her lips became brighter.

After a while, the fetal movements gradually calmed down, and the babies listened obediently to Quan Jingwu's words as always.

Jian Qing burst into tears and smiled, "Xiao Jing, the babies listen to you so well."

The two little buns were too partial. When she usually talked to them, it took her a long time to respond. As soon as their dad spoke, they immediately behaved.

"Of course, this is my son." Quan Jingwu raised his eyebrows coldly, with a proud look on his face.

"Xiao Jing, this is not a dream, right?" She held his hand, her eyes reflecting his handsome face.

Quan Jingwu sighed softly, took her hand and put it on his chest, "Idiot, is this real? Your King King is really awake."

The heartbeat under the palm was steady and powerful, Jian Qing's eyes were filled with smile, and her delicate face looked even more seductive.

She smiled and narrowed her eyes, her crescent-shaped eyes were really charming, "Jing Bawang, I want to eat the rice you cooked."

"Okay, I'll cook it for you later when I go back."

"I still want some chocolate."

"I buy for you."

"You haven't read a storybook to the baby in a month."

"Start making up for it tonight."


"Why did Snowball follow you back?"

In the living room, Bai Jue was scrolling through his phone and was surprised when he saw Jian Luo coming back with Xueqiu.

"Where's Jian Qing?"

"I don't know, I guess he was taken somewhere by Quan Jingwu." Jian Luo sat down opposite him and smiled with relief.

Quan Jingwu woke up, and his sister should be fine.

Snowball was lying on the carpet, with a low pressure surrounding him.

Bai Jue glanced down at it and asked curiously, "What's wrong with it?"

Jian Luo looked at Xueqiu's listless look and smiled, "My sister and Quan Jingwu left her at the flower shop."

When he went to pick it up, the ball looked like it had been abandoned by the whole world, which made people laugh.

Hearing this, Bai Jue smiled unkindly.

That wanton laughter successfully attracted Snowball to cast a fierce look.

"Why are you still here? I thought you went to the bar." Jian Luo crossed her legs and said lazily.

Bai Jue's smile spread, "If I hadn't waited for Quan Jingwu to come back and give him a checkup, I would have seduced the beauty long ago."

He hasn't been to bars or nightclubs for a month. This ordinary life is really boring.

"Swinger." Jian Luo complained.

Bai Jue raised his eyebrows and accepted his "praise" calmly.

"Aren't you going to find Black Jack?"

Jian Luo, "Why are you looking for him? He hasn't been gone for a few months."

I just left two days ago, so it’s not like I won’t see him again.

"How about I take you to a bar with my young master?" Bai Jue winked at him.

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