Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 903 Adding insult to injury (3)

"Bai Jue, how much dose did you receive in that injection just now?" Jian Luo asked.

Bai Jue thought for a while and said, "Ordinary people should be able to sleep for half a day, but if it's Quan Jingwu, I can't guarantee it."

"Everyone, let's keep looking." Black Jack said.

Everyone nodded, drank some water, and went out to look for people again.

Country Y

Hexi's sunlight shines through the window and is reflected on the ground, its halo swaying.

"Second Young Master."

The sound of conversation sounded at the door, and the next second the door opened, and the man's slender legs stepped in, his eyes quickly locked on the unconscious woman on the bed.

He walked swiftly to the bedside and looked down at the woman's pale face, her water-colored thin lips pursed tightly.

"Ah Er, what did the doctor say?"

"Our people found her in the woods around the beach. She was already unconscious when they found her. The doctor had already taken out the silver needle from her shoulder." Ah Er reported truthfully.

"When will she wake up?" Ana Shen asked this most critical question.

Mentioning this, A'er hesitated for a moment, and then continued, "She jumped from the top of the cliff. She had multiple fractures and abrasions on her body. Because of the silver needle, she had been soaked in seawater for too long, causing water accumulation in her lungs. The fever has been high for the past few days, and the doctor is still not sure when he will wake up. "

Hearing this, Ana Shen frowned. From the corner of his eye, he saw the plaster on her leg and the thick bandages, and felt even more guilty in his heart for not protecting her well.

"Call the doctor."


Ah Er turned around and walked out.

Ana Shen looked down at her, touched the bandage on her head, and slowly stretched out his hand to touch it lightly.


I was obviously determined to protect you, but it was still a step too late.

"Second Young Master, the doctors are here."

Ah Er turned back again, with several doctors behind him.

Seeing Shen Yan, the doctors shouted respectfully, "Second Young Master!" This was a financial sponsor they could not ignore.

"Tell her situation clearly." Ana Shen turned around and looked at the doctors with her pale eyes, "Don't tell me that there is no way."

"Second Young Master, this young lady's injury is really serious. The high fever has only gradually subsided this morning. It's hard to say when she will wake up." said the middle-aged woman standing at the front.

"Cure her at all costs." Ana Shen said sternly.

"Yes." The doctors said tremblingly.

"You all go out first." Seeing that Ana Shen was in a bad mood, Ah Er waved the doctors to leave.

Seeing that Ana Shen had no objection, the doctors ran out with oil on their feet as if they had received the right to be pardoned.

"Second Young Master, why don't you hand her over to Quan Jingwu and the others?" After the doctor had gone away, Ah Er asked the question in his heart.

Now the young master is busy dealing with the group's affairs and has no time to pay attention to their activities. Once he has almost solved the group's crisis, he will find out about Jian Qing being hidden here sooner or later.

Ana Shen pulled up a chair, sat down by the bed, and said slowly, "Jian Qing is unconscious, and my brother will definitely take this opportunity to attack her again. When she wakes up, I will naturally send her back, but Now at least I have to make sure she has the ability to protect herself."

Because of the leakage of the group's confidential information, the relationship between him and his brother has almost reached a freezing point. Once his brother knows that Jian Qing is here with him, he will definitely do everything possible to abduct her. Jian Qing is now in a coma. He couldn't take the risk without waking up.

Ah Er nodded understandingly.

"What happened to my brother these past two days?"

"The eldest son has returned to the island, and the people in our stronghold in the capital have also been withdrawn by the eldest son. He should be afraid of Quan Jingwu." Ah Er said.

"Let's make some arrangements here. We have to go back to the island. Staying here for too long will sooner or later make my brother suspicious."


Ever since the news of Jian Qing's disappearance came back, the Quan family's old house has been missing the usual laughter and laughter, and the most common ones are the cries of the two little treasures.

Unknowingly, Quan Jingwu has not been back for half a month. Seventeen and Nineteen have always been taken care of by Rui Yi and his team.

Mr. Jian and others also came back to see the two little treasures. They stayed for a day or two and then went back to look for Jian Qing's whereabouts.

In the dead of night, the sound of rushing footsteps on the stairs disturbed everyone's sleep.

"Ah Hao, come out quickly." Rui Yi pushed open the ajar door and shouted to Quan Hao in the bedroom.

Quan Hao, who was about to change into pajamas, heard his wife's anxious voice and ran out quickly, "What's wrong? Are you in a hurry?"

"Seventeen and Nineteen have a fever, hurry up and bring the doctor over." Rui grabbed his arm, as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

"Aren't you fine during dinner tonight?" Quan Hao's face changed, with a bit of surprise in his eyes.

"Stop talking, it's important to bring the doctor first," Rui said.

"Okay, you go to the room to take care of Shi Qi and the others first, and I'll find a doctor right away." Quan Hao patted her on the shoulder and rushed downstairs.

Rui Yi turned around and ran upstairs. Mr. Quan and others who heard the noise downstairs rushed up and went straight to Quan Jingwu's bedroom.

"How could you have a fever for no reason?" Mrs. Quan picked up Nineteen and looked at the little guy's red face, feeling very distressed.

"It's so hot." Quan Yifei came over and stretched out her hand to reach Nineteen's forehead. The temperature her palm touched made her panic.

"Did you catch a cold?"

Now the whereabouts of the third sister-in-law are unknown, the third brother is not at home, and now the two little babies are sick. It’s really...

"Mommy, I want mommy." Shi Qi cried, having lost her appetite for several days in a row, and her rosy little face had lost a lot of weight.

"Seventeen, be good, don't cry." Rui Yi hugged him and coaxed him, but the little guy hadn't seen Jian Qing for more than half a month, and now he had a fever again, so he felt very uncomfortable, and he missed his parents even more. Mimi.

"Daddy, look for daddy, look for mommy." Nineteen's hot little hands were waving wildly, and his face turned red, and the golden beans spurted out as if they were free of money.

Nineteen wants a hug from mommy, wants mommy.

Everyone looked at the two little treasures' uncomfortable expressions, and felt a little sore in their hearts.

"Here, the doctor is here."

Quan Hao dragged the doctor and ran in. The doctor was carried by him, his face turned pale with fright, and the medicine box in his hand was almost thrown off by his trembling hands.

"Hurry and show them." Mr. Quan urged.

The doctor stood firm and regained his breath, "Mrs. Quan, please put the children on the bed first so that I can check them."

Hearing this, Mrs. Quan and Rui Yi quickly put the two babies on the bed and made way for the doctor.

Seventeen and Nineteen struggled to sit up, waving their little fleshy hands like lotus roots to keep the doctor away. In the end, Quan Hao and Quan Mingxuan stepped forward to hug the two babies so that the doctor could examine them.

There will be more later...

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