Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 906 The frightened two little treasures (2)

"Jingwu, let's go down and have some food first. Shi Qi and the others also have to eat breakfast and take medicine later." Rui Yi didn't dare to mention Jian Qing for fear of irritating him. She also knew about Jian Qing from Jian Luo and the others. Now his whereabouts are unknown and his life and death are uncertain. His son has always regarded Jian Qing as more important than his life. Now that Jian Qing is missing, he is almost like a puppet like a walking corpse, and his whole body seems to have been hollowed out.

Quan Jingwu nodded lightly. Rui Yi looked at his thinner face and stepped forward to help him share the burden of holding the little guy.

"Nineteen, come here, grandma can give you a hug, okay?"

"No, I want daddy." Nineteen's little head lay on Quan Jingwu's shoulder, hanging on his body and refusing to come down.

Quan Jingwu looked at the two little treasures in his arms, met their bright eyes, his eyes suddenly softened a little, and walked out with them in his arms.

Rei saw the photos placed on the table out of the corner of his eye and sighed softly.

"Xiao Qing'er, you must be safe and sound!"

Worried about the two little treasures, Mr. Quan and his party woke up very early. After breakfast, they talked about Jian Qing in the living room. When they saw Quan Jingwu coming down with the two little treasures in his arms, they tacitly kept silent.

"Jinggo, I've prepared food for Shi Qi and the others. You go ahead and eat. I'll feed them." Old Mrs. Quan said.

"No need, I'll just feed them." Quan Jingwu put the two little treasures on the sofa. The two little treasures thought Quan Jingwu was leaving again, so they quickly crawled to his side to cling to him.

"Daddy hugs." Nineteen said coquettishly.

Quan Jingwu raised his hand and rubbed his soft hair, then picked up the bowl, "Sit down and let Daddy feed you."

With Quan Jingwu here, the appetite of the two little treasures has improved a lot, and they even show cute smiles from time to time. Seeing Quan Jingwu and his entourage finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Jian Luo, you are here." Quan Mingxuan heard the movement at the door and raised his eyes to see that Jian Luo and others were here together.

"Have you had breakfast? I'll ask the kitchen to get you something to eat?" Rui Yi asked with concern.

Jian Luo stopped him, "Don't bother, Auntie, we've all eaten."

After saying that, he looked at the two little treasures on the sofa and walked over.


Seventeen swallowed what was in his mouth and shouted crisply.

Jian Luo curled her lips and reached out to touch his forehead, "Why do you still have a low fever? Bai Jue, come here and take a look."

Bai Jue came over and gave the two little treasures a brief look, "It's okay. Just take some pills and sleep a little longer."

Hearing this, Jian Luo felt relieved.

He turned to look at Quan Jingwu, hesitated for a while, and then said, "Quan Jingwu, we can just go find my sister. You can accompany Seventeen and Nineteen."

"No." Quan Jingwu rejected his proposal without thinking.

He wanted to find his sweet baby himself.

Jian Luo opened his mouth and wanted to continue to persuade him, but Black Jack held his shoulders and said, "Luo, forget it."

He could understand Quan Jingwu's mood best. Just like when Jian Luo was kidnapped, he couldn't give up until he found the person himself.

After feeding the two little ones a good breakfast, Quan Jingwu just stood up and before he could take two steps, Seventeen and Nineteen quickly slid off the sofa and followed him with their little feet.


After being abandoned once, the two little treasures now no longer feel safe, always afraid that Quan Jingwu will abandon them again.

Quan Jingwu paused, and Seventeen and Nineteen caught up with him, hugging his legs on the left and right, pouting, feeling aggrieved.

"Seventeen, nineteen, come to uncle, daddy is going to have dinner." Jian Luo winked at Black Jack and reached out to pick them up.

Quan Jingwu turned around and pinched Shi Qi's cheek lightly, "Daddy is going to eat. He won't leave. I'll come back to hug you later."

Seventeen pairs of eyes narrowed into crescent shapes, and they nodded obediently.

Jian Luo and Black Jack carried them back to sit on the sofa. Perhaps because of their illness, the two babies were not as lively as usual, and were quietly held by Jian Luo and the others.

"Seventeen, uncle, can you play with toys with you?" Jian Luo looked down at the little guy in his arms and coaxed warmly.

Shi Qi shook his little head, and his soft hair rubbed against Jian Luo's chin, "Uncle, Qi Qi wants mommy."

Jian Luo's eyes paused slightly, and the others' expressions froze.

After a long time, he reluctantly curled his lips and said in a low voice, "Okay, uncle will definitely get mommy back to Seventeen and Nineteen."

Seventeen raised his head and grinned at him.

Quan Jingwu walked out after eating, and the two little treasures had also taken their pills. Jian Luo played with them.


Seeing Quan Jingwu, Shiqi immediately dropped the toy and ran towards him with a bang.

Quan Jingwu squatted down and Shi Qi ran into his arms. He picked him up and kissed his forehead, "Are you sleepy, eh?"

Shi Qi shook his head and pointed at Jian Luo, "Uncle, Cheche."

Quan Jingwu touched his little face and turned his eyes to look for Nineteen, "Where did Nineteen go?"

"You were here just now, where did this little guy go?" Bai Jue looked around him. Only the toy car that Nineteen was holding was left, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Black Jack's sharp eyes saw the little guy sticking his head out from behind the column, "There."

As if feeling the gazes from everyone, Nineteen slowly emerged from behind the column, holding a photo frame in his small white hands.

"Nineteen, what are you holding?" Rui Yi looked at the photo frame in Nineteen's hand curiously, but the little guy hid it in his arms like a hidden treasure, preventing everyone from seeing it.

Nineteen staggered to Quan Jingwu and shouted, "Daddy."

Quan Jingwu squatted down while holding Shi Qi, and took out the photo frame like a treasure, "Daddy, Mommy, there is Mommy."

The little finger pointed at the photo in the frame and said cheerfully, "Mommy, nineteen."

Only then did everyone see clearly the photo in the photo frame held by the little guy. The background of the photo was in the courtyard. Jian Qing was sitting on the swing with Nineteen in her arms. The sun was just right, and the mother and son had exactly the same appearance. The aura is compelling.

No wonder the little guy hid it tightly, it turned out to be a photo of him and Jian Qing.

Everyone looked at the photo and didn't dare to look at Quan Jingwu's face.

Quan Jingwu lowered his eyes and looked at the photo. The woman's smiling face came into his eyes, and the sweetness in his throat could no longer be suppressed.


He turned his head, and bright red blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.


Rui Yi and others were shocked, especially the two little treasures who were held in Quan Jingwu's arms. Their clear eyes flashed with fear, and they burst into tears.


Nineteen was so frightened that the photo frame in his hand fell to the ground. He raised his little hand and imitated Quan Jingwu's gesture of wiping their mouths to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Daddy, I'm afraid."

Quan Jingwu stretched out his strong arms and pulled the two of them into his arms, a flash of pain flashed across his bottomless eyes.

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