Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 908 You can’t do this (4)

"Take them back to the room to sleep for a while." Quan Jingwu walked upstairs with the two babies in his arms.

Seventeen and Nineteen were lying on his shoulders, listlessly.

Hearing this, Rui Yi's heart dropped to the ground.

Seeing his figure disappear in the stairwell, Jian Luo didn't stay long, said hello to the Quan family and left.

Quan Mingxuan sent them out. On the way, he asked about Jian Qing's situation.

"Could it be that when you were looking for someone on the top of the cliff, Jian Qing had already been rescued by others?"

Jian Luo pursed her lips, "We don't rule out this possibility. We have been searching there for half a month and found nothing."

"No matter what, at least it can prove that Jian Qing is still alive. This is the most important thing." Bai Jue analyzed.

What they were most worried about before was that Jian Qing would sink into the sea. Although no one has been found yet, at least the most important thing is that the person is alive.

"As long as Jian Qing lives, sooner or later she will come back to us." Black Jack patted Jian Luo on the shoulder and comforted her.

Now they no longer need to focus on looking for people in the sea area around the cliff top. The most important thing now is to find out who sent the package.

Jian Luo understood the meaning of his words and nodded.

Finally, he warned uneasily, "Mingxuan, we have to go back to Country M first. Please help keep an eye on Quan Jingwu and don't let him do anything stupid."

"Don't worry, you should also be careful." Quan Mingxuan said.

Jian Luo nodded and left with Black Jack.


Quan Jingwu coaxed the two little ones to sleep, patting them with his long, jade-like hands, and his deep voice had a hypnotic power.

Nineteen tightened Quan Jingwu's sleeves and gradually closed his eyes and fell asleep, leaving Seventeen still holding back his sleepiness.

Still immersed in the shock just now, Qi Qi kept clinging to Quan Jingwu, his eyelids became heavy, but he stubbornly resisted falling asleep.

"Seventeen, can Daddy make some milk for you?" Quan Jingwu gently touched his smooth cheek, his cold voice tinged with warmth.


"Then let go first, and Daddy will get you some milk." Quan Jingwu discussed with him in a soft voice.

"No, I want Daddy."

When choosing between milk and daddy, Shi Qi did not hesitate to take daddy.

Quan Jingwu stared at him, with a bit of heartache in his eyes. He gently opened Nineteen's hand and hugged Seventeen and got out of bed.

He held him with one hand, freeing his hand to make milk for him.

"Here, drink milk."

Quan Jingwu put the bottle into his hand and let him hold it while he drank. Then he carried him to the room and paced back and forth, coaxing him to sleep.

"Sleep well, Daddy will be with you."

After taking the pills and being frightened again, Qi Qi was very sleepy early in the morning. She was just afraid that Quan Jingwu would leave, so she kept holding on and fell asleep immediately after drinking two sips of milk.

Quan Jingwu took the bottle away and put it on the table. He carried him to the bedside and put him down gently. Looking at the little guy's peaceful sleeping face, he lowered his head and kissed their foreheads.

Pulling the quilt to cover them, Quan Jingwu took the mobile phone and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window to make a call.

"Use all methods to investigate the people named Shen Yan and Shen Hua for me."

After giving the order, Quan Jingwu hung up the phone and looked at the mountains in the distance.

The exact same handwriting was obviously written by the same person as the handwriting on the letter paper in the package that Ana Shen sent in country R at that time.

No matter what, he couldn't let go of any clue that could lead to her.

Suddenly remembering something, he reached into his pocket, took out the necklace, and then put it back around his neck. The clear purple jadeite sparkled dazzlingly in the sun.

His fingertips slid down and gently rubbed the purple jade.

Darling, when you come back, I will put the necklace on for you. Don’t let me, Shi Qi and the others wait too long!

"What's going on? You were fine the past two days. Why did you have a high fever again? How on earth do you take care of people?" Ana Shen hurried over, with a bit of displeasure on his pale face.

The doctors lowered their heads and tried to minimize their presence.

Ana Shen took a deep breath and calmed down, "How is the situation now?"

"We have carried out first aid measures, and now the young lady's condition has stabilized temporarily." One of the doctors quickly replied.

"Remember, only if she lives can you live." Ana Shen shouted coldly.

"Yes, yes, we remember it." The doctors were horrified and nodded like chickens pecking at rice. "We will definitely do our best to take care of that lady, and there won't be another time."

"Go down." Ana Shen waved his hand, and the doctors dispersed like frightened birds.

Ana Shen pinched her eyebrows, opened the door and walked in.

Walking to the bed, he pulled up a chair and sat down.

The woman was wearing a respirator, her beautiful face was sickly white, and the back of her hands were bruised from too many injections.

"Jian Qing, you have been sleeping for so long. Everyone who cares about you is waiting for you to go back. You should get well soon."

The person on the bed still didn't respond at all, and her weak breathing made people feel like she was leaving in any minute.

"Ah Er, how is the situation over there with my brother?"

A'er was standing not far away, heard his words, and said, "This time the group's secrets were leaked, which caused heavy damage to the group. The young master has been very busy these days. When I returned to the island a few days ago, I saw the young master is throwing a tantrum.”

Hearing this, Ana Shen was not surprised at all.

From the moment he decided to do that, he had already anticipated today's outcome, but he did not regret it at all, because only in this way could he temporarily delay his brother's plan to prevent him from taking advantage of Jian Qing's unconsciousness. Attack the people she cares about.

However, the group crisis cannot be delayed for a long time. In another month at most, his brother will be able to relax. At that time, he will definitely kill the Jian family, Quan Jingwu and others mercilessly. Before that, , he had to do something more to delay time until Jane woke up.

He turned his eyes and asked thoughtfully, "Ah Er, how is the recent transaction situation of the goods in country F?"

As his confidant, Ah Er immediately guessed what he wanted to do next and said urgently, "Second Young Master, you can't do this."

The group crisis has not been resolved yet. If the second young master touches the deal with country F again, the first young master will never give up as easily as this time.

Ana Shen knew that he was worried about him, but he had no choice now, "Ah Er, you don't have to worry about me, I know what I am doing."

"Second Young Master, you really can't do this. If the eldest young master finds out, he will really get angry." Ah Er persuaded without giving up.

The leakage of secrets has already caused heavy damage to the group. The transaction in country F is a very important part for them. If something goes wrong at this juncture, the consequences will be absolutely disastrous.

And ha...keep coming...

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