Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 914 Don’t break your promise to me (4)

After breakfast, Jian Luo walked outside and called Mr. Jian.

When Mr. Jian answered the phone, Mo Xiao happened to be beside him. When he heard him say that Jian Qing was back, before he could be happy, he was shocked by his next words.

"Luoluo, are you serious, Xiao Qing'er has really lost his memory?" Mr. Jian reacted and confirmed in disbelief.

Knowing that it was difficult for Mr. Jian and Mo Xiao to accept it, but it was already a fact, Jian Luo said, "Well, my sister's memory is still at the time when she first returned to the capital."

After receiving the confirmation, Mr. Jian and Mo Xiao were stunned and couldn't speak for a long time.

After a long time, Mo Xiao asked in a hoarse voice, "Then Quan Jingwu, Qing'er has also forgotten?"


"Luoluo, have you told Quan Jingwu about this?" Mr. Jian asked worriedly.

Jian Luo said, "Not yet, we will go back to the capital directly later."

"Well, be careful on the road. Your father and I will go to the capital tomorrow to find you." Mr. Jian warned, "Take good care of Xiao Qing'er."

"I see."

After hanging up the phone, Jian Luo looked at the phone and hesitated whether to call Quan Jingwu.

After not seeing him for a long time, he went in and Black Jack came out looking for someone.

Seeing Jian Luo stuck in place like a log, he walked over.

"Why don't you go in?"

"Black Jack, do you want to call Quan Jingwu first? After all, my sister has forgotten about him now." Jian Luo asked for his opinion.

Black Jack said disapprovingly, "Don't fight yet, wait until we get to the capital to talk to him. Now that Jian Qing is like this, if he knows, we can't guess what he will do impulsively. We can wait until we get back to the capital." Besides, maybe Jian Qing will remember everything once she arrives in the capital and sees Quan Jingwu and Shi Qi."

"Yeah." Jian Luo thought for a while and put away the phone.

Black Jack, "Let's go in first."

When the two entered the room, Bai Jue was doing a simple check on Jian Qing.

"Bai Jue, how are you?" Jian Luo sat down and asked.

"The fractures, abrasions, and wounds are recovering well." Bai Jue skipped the important point and did not mention Jian Qing's amnesia, not wanting her to be burdened and troubled.

"Bai Jue, is there a way to cure my amnesia?" Jian Qing knew that he didn't want to burden her, so she simply asked.

Bai Jue hesitated for a moment, "Jian Qing, don't worry, you don't have complete amnesia. Maybe you will remember everything when you wake up tomorrow."

If it comes to other difficult and complicated diseases, he still has methods, but he is a little helpless about things like amnesia.

Hearing the comfort in his words, Jian Qing lowered her head.

Unable to stand the bleak atmosphere, Jian Luo changed the subject and said, "Sister, the plane is ready. Do you want to leave now?"

Jian Qing hummed, "Let's go."

In the blue sky, the plane flew through the clouds, leaving long traces.

Quan family

After a nap, the two babies drank bottle of milk, and Quan Jingwu walked around in the courtyard with them in his arms.

Under the green shade, the two little treasures stepped on their little shoes, and their steps became much calmer.

Quan Jingwu sat on the stone bench, his deep eyes falling on the two little treasures running around not far away.

My dear, it’s been more than three months, how long do you want me and our child to wait for you!

"Daddy, Huahua, Huahua!"

Nineteen ran towards Quan Jingwu, his chubby little body like a little penguin, and his face was slightly red from the sun.

He ran to Quan Jingwu, holding a delicate rose in his little fleshy hand, "Daddy, here, Huahua."

Ever since the two little ones could walk, the flowers in the garden have suffered a lot.

"It's for daddy, huh?" Quan Jingwu took the flower from him and reached out to pick him up. Nineteen's little butt sat firmly on his lap.

Nineteen's rosy little mouth pouted, and she said in a milky voice, "Give it to Mommy, Mommy's flowers."

Hearing this, Quan Jingwu's thin lips curled up and he smiled reluctantly, "Okay, give it to mommy. When mommy comes back, daddy can give it to her, okay?"

"Yes." Nineteen hugged his neck, stood up with difficulty, and placed a wet kiss on the side of his face.

Quan Jingwu rubbed his hair and put him down, "Go and play with Shiqiu and Snowball."

Nineteen smiled cutely, and then ran to find Shiqi and Xueqiu.

The roses, still stained with water drops, were as passionate as fire. He smiled lowly, with a hint of loneliness and sadness in his laughter.

"Xiao Jing, I will spend every birthday with you from now on."

"If you have any wishes for your birthday, I can consider granting it to you. Of course, it depends on your performance."

The woman's soft voice was still vaguely in his ears, and Quan Jingwu squeezed the rose in his hand.

Darling, my birthday is coming soon, don’t break your promise to me!

In the evening, Jian Qing and his party returned to Shijin Palace.

After sleeping for a while on the plane, Jian Qing didn't feel sleepy after getting off the plane.

"Sister, you go back to your room and rest for a while. I'll call you later for dinner." Jian Luo said, "Do you still remember which room you live in?"

"Yeah." Jian Qing nodded, went upstairs based on her memory, turned the corner, and found her bedroom.

Pressing the switch on the wall, the light came on, driving away the darkness in the room.

Bright lights were scattered in every corner of the room. She glanced at it briefly, walked straight to the closet, opened it, and was stunned for a moment.

In the neat wardrobe, apart from her clothes, there was a row of obviously men's clothes hanging in an orderly manner next to her clothes.

Her first reaction was to think of Quan Jingwu mentioned by Jian Luo and others.

After hesitating for a while, she reached out and took out one of the black shirts, bringing it close to her nose. There was still a faint scent.

Quan Jingwu, what kind of person is he?

She hung up her clothes, took out her own set of clothes, and walked to the bathroom.

Downstairs, Jian Luo and the other three stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and the atmosphere was a little strange.

"Bai Jue, why don't you call me?" Jian Luo held the phone as if it was a hot potato. Thinking of Quan Jingwu's expression when he heard that his elder sister had lost her memory and forgotten him, he had a headache.

Bai Jue wasn't stupid, "You are his brother-in-law, so of course you have to fight him."

Jian Luo curled his lips and looked at Black Jack, who looked up at the sky.

"Two heartless people."

He complained, and then called Quan Jingwu.

While waiting for the answer for a few seconds, Jian Luo's heart beat faster.

"Jian Luo, what's the matter?"

Magnetic voice, cold and compelling

Jian Luo cleared his throat and said, "Quan Jingwu, I have good news for you."

He paused and then said, "My sister is back."

As soon as the words fell, Jian Luo heard the sound of a chair knocking down on the other end of the phone.

"What did you say?"

Quan Jingwu squeezed the phone tightly and asked while holding his breath.

On the side, Mr. Quan and others looked at the chair that had fallen on the ground, and then at the flash of excitement between his brows, feeling a little puzzled.

So exhausted, and...

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