Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 916 Is he crying (1)

"Luoluo, I don't want to eat dinner. Just go and eat by yourself." Thinking that Jian Luo came in and called her to eat, Jian Qing said without raising her head.

Quan Jingwu's purple eyes darkened, and his feet seemed to be filled with lead and couldn't move forward.

After not hearing any movement behind her for a long time, Jian Qing raised her head in confusion. When she saw the figure projected on the floor-to-ceiling window, her eyes paused slightly.

She turned her face and stepped on the cold floor with her white feet.

The moment she raised her head, she inadvertently walked into the man's deep purple eyes, and Jian Qing was slightly distracted.

There is no doubt that the person in front of him is the Quan Jingwu mentioned by Jian Luo and others.

Because she had already checked it on her phone when she was on the plane.

The two stood face to face. Although they were only a few steps apart, they seemed to be separated by a Milky Way and out of reach.

By the time Jian Qing came to her senses, the man had already walked in front of her with his long legs.

At night, the fragrance floats.

An endless silence fell between the two.

In the end, Jian Qing looked away and backed away without leaving a trace, "I'm sorry, I have temporarily lost my memory. I don't remember what happened between us."

A very soft voice, indifferent and distant.

Little did he know that her words were like a sharp sword, piercing his heart fiercely, and her charming purple eyes revealed unconcealable grief.

When she retreated, he entered. Quan Jingwu looked down at her, his magnetic voice a little hoarse, "My dear, don't make such a joke with me."

He didn't believe it, he didn't believe she had forgotten him.

Good boy?

Jian Qing realized that he was calling her, and the corners of her lips trembled.

When did she get such a nickname?

Uh... so disgusting.

She raised her head and was about to speak when she touched the deep pain between his eyebrows. Her heart beat faster and a crushing pain spread in her heart.


As soon as she uttered a word, the man stretched out his strong arm, grabbed her waist, lifted her up easily, and let her step on his feet.

Jian Qing exclaimed softly, a little surprised.

"I told you not to walk barefoot on the ground, it's cold." His iron arms were wrapped around her waist, and his gentle tone was still doting.

"Quan Jingwu, I, you..." Jian Qing opened her mouth, and when she raised her head to meet his gaze, she immediately forgot what she was going to say.

Why, why did her heart throb uncontrollably whenever she saw him showing a sad expression.

What kind of past does she have with him?

Luoluo said that she loved Quan Jingwu very much, Black Jack and Bai Jue said so, but her memory stayed at the moment when she first returned to the capital. Was this a joke played on her and him by fate?

"You really forgot about me, huh?"

The tail note rose slightly, conveying a bit of suppressed pain.

Jian Qing's nose felt sore inexplicably, "I'm sorry."

Apart from these words, she really didn't know what to say. She had obviously lost her memory, but the strange thing was that she could clearly feel his sadness and sadness.

Does this mean that she is really like Luoluo said, she has not lost her memory and loves the person in front of her very much.

Quan Jingwu used his big hands to pull her into his arms with a little force, and said in a hoarse voice, "I don't want to hear this. I want to hear you say that you were joking with me. Do you remember me, right?"

The man's iron arms imprisoned her around her waist. Jian Qing's red lips opened slightly, and she let him hold her in a daze, not daring to move.

"You disappeared for so long, how could you forget about me as soon as you came back? Darling, you can't be like this, you can't be so cruel to me."

He tightened his hands and Jian Qing was a little out of breath.

She pushed him, barely gaining some distance.

"Quan Jingwu, I'm sorry!"

Quan Jingwu almost collapsed when he saw that there was no tender smile in her eyes like he had seen in the past, only indifference and alienation.

He hugged her tightly again, and there was no gap between the two of them. "There is never any need for apology between us. If I insisted on accompanying you to country M, you would not have disappeared. It was all my fault."

There was a faint chill on her neck, and Jian Qing was about to push his hand away. Her pupils shrank slightly, as if someone had suddenly grabbed her heart, and she couldn't breathe.

Did he cry?

"Quan Jingwu!" She murmured softly, and her plain white hands caressed his back before reason. The smooth movements seemed to have been performed countless times.

Jian Qing was a little surprised when she realized what she had done.

She frowned and retracted her hand calmly.

The cold fragrance of the man lingered in her nose. Jian Qing gently broke away, but was rewarded with a tighter hug from the man.

Perhaps, she didn't realize it herself. Subconsciously, she couldn't refuse him at all. She was more accustomed to his embrace, even though she had forgotten him at the moment.

After a long time, the man's deep voice sounded again, causing her to shrink her neck.

"Be sure to dry your hair after washing, otherwise you will easily catch a cold with the air conditioner on."

There was some confusion in Jian Qing's eyes, not understanding his rapid transformation, as if nothing had happened and she had not lost her memory.

Before she could figure it out, Quan Jingwu turned around and walked into the bathroom.

Jian Qing scratched her hair, what's going on?

After a while, Quan Jingwu came out of the bathroom, holding a hair dryer in his hand.

He walked up to her, plugged in the hair dryer, and the sound of "Woo" rippled through the bedroom.

"No need, I can do it myself." Having lost her memory, Jian Qing was slightly embarrassed by his intimacy.

"Sit obediently." Quan Jingwu avoided her hand and said with lowered eyes.

Jian Qing's eyes flashed slightly and she stopped arguing with him.

After a long time, her hair was dried. Quan Jingwu turned off the hair dryer and took a comb to comb her slightly messy long hair.

Then, he put down the comb, leaned down, and looked directly at her with his deep purple eyes, "My dear, even if you forget me, I will make you fall in love with me again and remember me again."

The firm tone makes people convinced.

Jian Qing was startled when she saw the confidence in his eyes.

"Are you hungry?" He pinched her cheek lightly. She had been in a coma for more than three months, and the cheeks that Quan Jingwu had fed her before were so round that they were so thin that there was no trace of flesh left.

Jian Qing was about to say if she was hungry, but the man intercepted her words.

"Come on, I'll cook something for you."

As he spoke, he took her slippers, squatted down, held her feet with his big hands and helped her put them on.

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