Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 918 I just like living with you (3)

Knowing that she was changing the subject, Quan Jingwu didn't dwell on the topic. He picked up his chopsticks and helped her spread the dishes, "Eat more."

The slightly hoarse voice makes people want to listen to it.

Adhering to the principle that silence is golden, Jian Qing continued to eat.

When the bowl full of rice bottomed out, she was embarrassed.

When did she become so edible?

"Would you like some more?" Quan Jingwu asked as he watched her stop her chopsticks.

Jian Qing said, "No, I'm full."

If she continues to eat it, she will almost turn into a pig.

Hearing this, Quan Jingwu picked up her bowl and ate the rest of her meal directly.

What the hell kind of mysophobia doesn't work in Jian Qing's place.

"Quan Jingwu, you..." Jian Qing was confused.

He actually ate the rest of her food, and he still used her bowls and chopsticks.

She suddenly felt a burst of thunder rolling from the sky.

Quan Jingwu eats very quickly, but still looks elegant and good-looking.

After a while, he put down the bowls and chopsticks and cleared away the bowls, chopsticks and plates on the table with skillful movements. Jian Qing looked on blankly.

In just two hours, he surprised her with so many things.

A man who is obviously so arrogant and unmatched can know how to cook and even clean up the dishes.

She originally thought that what Bai Jue just said was just a joke, but now it seems that he helps her do everything well, and it is not impossible for him to really pamper her to the point of becoming a cripple.

Quan Jingwu rolled up his sleeves and walked over while wiping his hands.

Before Jian Qing could figure out how to face him, when she saw him coming, she quickly got up and walked out of the living room.

Seeing this, Quan Jingwu paused with cold eyes, and then followed her.

In the living room, Jian Luo fell drowsily on Black Jack, his eyes almost unable to open while watching the TV.

If he wasn't worried about his sister and Quan Jingwu, he would have gone to bed long ago.

For more than three months, he had not slept peacefully.

I finally found the person, and the big stone I was carrying landed on the ground.


Bai Jue was sitting facing the direction of the dining room. When he saw Quan Jingwu and Jian Qing coming out after eating, he kicked Jian Luo's feet.

Jian Luo woke up suddenly. After receiving the looks from Black Jack and the two men, he turned his head and looked at Jian Qing, "Sister, are you full?"

Jian Qing nodded, looked at his sleepy eyes, and said, "Why don't you go back to the room to sleep if you're sleepy?"

"I'm not sleepy, haha, I'm not sleepy." Jian Luo smiled.

"It's getting late." Jian Qing looked at Quan Jingwu and said something genuine.

He hummed and continued, "It's time for us to go back to our room and rest."


Depend on.

She didn't mean it that way.

Is he pretending to be stupid or is he really stupid?

Although they are said to be husband and wife, her memory has not yet recovered, and she always feels a little strange when she thinks about them living in the same room.

Black Jack glanced at Quan Jingwu, so sinister!

"Let's go."

Quan Jingwu took Jian Qing's hand and led her upstairs, all at once.


Jian Qing grabbed him and refused to move.

"It's getting late, so you should go back and rest early."

She said it so bluntly this time, so he shouldn't be able to pretend to be confused.

Quan Jingwu's eyes suddenly turned deep, "You want to drive me away?"

Looking into his purple eyes as deep as cold pools, she could clearly see the hurt in his eyes. Jian Qing lost her voice, and her firm thoughts were gradually wavering.

In front of him, she always couldn't help but want to surrender.

After struggling for a while, she couldn't help but relent to him, "Forget it, there are many guest rooms here, you can do what you want."

After saying that, she ran upstairs as if fleeing.

Thirty-six tactics are the best, lest she become soft-hearted again and she will dedicate her room later.

Quan Jingwujun's face darkened when he heard that she asked him to stay in the guest room.

"Quan Jingwu, my sister has just come back. Don't worry. She was covered in injuries after jumping off the cliff. Her injuries are just 77 or 88. Let her rest quietly for the next few days. As for recovering her memory, we can't. There's no rush." ​​Jian Luo said.

"Besides, no matter whether my sister loses her memory or not, can't you still feel it? You will always be the most special in her heart."

Otherwise, with her current amnesia, it would be impossible for ordinary people to get close to her, let alone hold hands with others.

"How are the wounds on her body?" Once he heard that Jian Qing was covered with wounds, Quan Jingwu didn't know what it meant to be calm.

"It's nothing serious, don't worry." Bai Jue said.

Quan Jingwu breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and walked upstairs.

"Quan Jingwu, where are you going?" Jian Luo was puzzled. Isn't the guest room downstairs?

"Stop calling him, you really think he will sleep in the guest room." Black Jack chuckled.

Jian Luo touched the back of his head, "Didn't my sister just say that he should stay in the guest room?"

Besides, his sister hadn't thought of anything about him, so how could she agree to share a room with him.

"If he goes to sleep in the guest room, do you think he is still Quan Jingwu?" Bai Jue patted his shoulder, "My child, you are still naive."

The corners of Jian Luo's mouth trembled slightly, "..."

Blame him!

"I'm so sleepy, go to sleep." Bai Jue lazily stood up and walked towards his room. After flying back and forth, he felt exhausted as soon as he relaxed.

Back in the room, Jian Qing fell on the bed and thought deeply.

Suddenly, there was movement at the door.

She raised her eyes and saw that the door was pushed open, and the man's slender figure appeared at the door. His angular handsome face was made even more handsome and charming under the refraction of the light.

The so-called blue face is a disaster, this is probably the case.

"You, why did you come in again?" Jian Qing turned over and sat up, almost biting her tongue, "The guest room is downstairs."

"I know." He said.

Watching him close the door, Jian Qing's eyes widened and she said, "I know you're still here."

"Didn't you let me live on my own?" he said matter-of-factly. "Don't you just let me choose a room to live in?"

There is nothing wrong with this explanation.

Jian Qing was speechless, feeling as if he had shot himself in the foot.

"If you like this room, I'll stay in it for you. I'll stay in another room." She said generously.

Quan Jingwu walked over quickly and blocked her way, "I don't like any room, I only like to live with you."

The deep magnetic voice struck her heart hard.

Jian Qing was stunned for a moment, looking at him blankly, a little stupid.

Before she could react, Quan Jingwu took a step forward, stretched out his hand to trap her in his arms, "My dear, don't push me away!"

As he spoke, he buried his head into the crook of her neck and said in a low voice, "I'm so sleepy!"

During the days when she was away, in addition to taking care of Seventeen and Nineteen every day, he used work to numb himself. Once he fell asleep, he was looking forward to seeing her in his dreams, but he was also afraid that he would not see her when he woke up. He hated every time he fell asleep. When he woke up, he realized again the fact that she had not returned to him.

Jian Qing's hands were frozen in the air, with nowhere to put them.

Listening to his hoarse voice, she couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

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