Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 927 Pink is suitable for small public lifts (3)

Seeing his increasingly ugly expression, Jian Qing paused and her voice became colder, "Because you don't deserve it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the low pressure emanating from Chu Yihen's body became even worse.

If you ignore the veins popping out on his forehead and neck, you might think that his mood is not that bad.

"Is Quan Jingwu that good?" Even with amnesia, he still favors Quan Jingwu.

The low and hoarse voice was a little more unwilling.

Jian Qing, "I'm better than you anywhere."

Chu Yihen laughed to himself, looked at her deeply, and left.

After taking a few steps, he met Kwon Kyung-wu who was returning from buying coffee.

The two of them passed by each other, and Chu Yihen's cold voice floated in.

"Quan Jingwu, sometimes I'm really jealous of you!"

Quan Jingwu, carrying the coffee he bought, kept walking after hearing his words.

"Who is that person?" Jian Qing took the coffee from him and asked casually while looking at Chu Yihen's back as he got into the car.

Quan Jingwu raised his eyebrows slightly, "What's wrong? What did he say to you?"

"Nothing." Jian Qing bit the straw and took a sip of iced coffee.

Quan Jingwu put a hand on her shoulder casually, and Jian Qing looked up at him, "What are you doing?"

"Did he say anything strange to you?" he asked.

With Chu Yihen's city, there's no guarantee that he won't notice something. If he really has some thoughts that he shouldn't have, don't blame him for being ruthless.

"He said, how are you better than him." After thinking about it, Jian Qing took a few sips of iced coffee and exhaled with satisfaction.

Quan Jingwu's purple eyes dimmed, "Then what did you say?"

"Want to know?" She tilted her head, with a faint smile on her lips, which was half teasing and half evil.

Quan Jingwu nodded frankly.

"There are conditions." Jian Qing said while the iron was hot.

"Huh? Tell me."

"I want to eat hot pot." She kept saying it.

Quan Jingwu thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

Unexpectedly, he would agree. Jian Qing choked and felt a little embarrassed.

"Well, why don't you forget it, I won't eat the hot pot."

He wasn't here, so she just said it. In front of him, it made her feel like she was confessing to him, which always felt a little weird.

"It's too late to regret." Quan Jingwu moved his big hand down and directly wrapped it around her waist, not giving her a chance to escape.

Jian Qing lowered her head and bit the straw, not looking at him.

"My dear, there is a punishment for going back on your word." He lifted her chin with his fingertips, and his laughter was low and magnetic.

Jian Qing's heart skipped a beat and she said vaguely, "You are better than him in every aspect."

After saying that, she quickly pushed his hand away and ran to find Shi Qi and the others.

Quan Jingwu was startled for a moment, looking at her running back, and after recalling her words, his thin lips formed a perfect arc.

"Mommy, Nineteen, I want it." When Nineteen saw the iced coffee in Jian Qing's hand, she immediately clung to Jian Qing's arms and acted coquettishly.

"Good boy, you can't drink this at 19." Jian Qing said warmly.

When he heard that he didn't have anything to drink, Nineteen's little face fell down with a look of resentment.

"Seventeen, come here for some snacks." Quan Jingwu opened the bag. When the two little treasures heard that there was something to eat, they ran over with their short legs.

After getting the snacks, the two little treasures sat on the grass and gnawed contentedly.

"Here, it's yours." Quan Jingwu took the snack, sat next to Jian Qing, and handed the snack to her.

Jian Qing looked at the pink snack in his hand, chuckled, and reached out to take it, "Why is the one you gave me pink?"

"Want to know?"

Things have turned around, and this time it was him who said this.

Jian Qing took a bite of the snack and asked, "Is there any other allusion to this snack?"

Quan Jingwu shook his head and moved his handsome face in front of her, "Give me a reward and I'll tell you."

"Forget it, I don't want to know anymore." She rolled her eyes ungracefully and pushed his face away.

Quan Jingwu pulled his lips and smiled, lowered his head and took a bite of the snack with her hand.

"There's still some in the bag, why did you eat mine?"

"You've tasted better." He said without blushing or heart beating.


When Jian Qing heard this, she was successfully choked.

She reached for the iced coffee and took a few sips.

Depend on.

To murder her.

Quan Jingwu moved his position, hugged her from behind, and rested his chin on her shoulder, "Good boy, Ah Xuan said pink is suitable for a princess."

She was the little Gongju he held in his hands, doted on, and loved in his heart.

Jian Qing paused while biting the snack. The man's warm breath fell on her ears, and a blush crept up her neck.

She shrank her neck, her eyes averted, and she was still a little embarrassed.

"Ahem, do you want to eat?"

She lowered her head slightly, raised the half-eaten snack in her hand, and stuffed it into his mouth, trying to gag him.

Seeing the frown on her face, Quan Jingwu laughed and took a bite of the snack along the spot where she had bitten it.

"Cough cough cough -"

Although the snacks are delicious, it is easy to choke if you eat too much without drinking some water. Nineteen ate in a hurry and choked all of a sudden.

Quan Jingwu patted his back, looked at Jian Qing and said, "I'll get water for Qi Qi and the others. You stay here with them."


Jian Qing hugged Shijiu and patted his back gently, "You are a snack foodie, what are you doing in such a hurry? Don't you feel uncomfortable choking?"

"Mommy, Shui Shui." Nineteen coughed and blushed, still holding on to the snack with her little hands.

Jian Qing was helpless and flicked his forehead, "There's really nothing we can do about you. Daddy will bring you some water soon. Just wait."

After playing with the two little treasures in the park for a while, the extraordinary appearance of the family of four attracted more and more people's attention. In desperation, Quan Jingwu and Jian Qing had no choice but to go back with the two little treasures.

Back at the old house, Jian Luo and Black Jack are in the living room.

"Seventeen, nineteen, come to uncle."

Seeing the two Xiaobao, Jian Luo quickly waved to them.

For Jian Luo, the uncle who often bought them food and toys, the two little treasures liked him very much. When they saw him, the two little treasures ran into his arms with dignity.

"Oh, my babies!"

Jian Luo held the two little treasures in his arms and narrowed his eyes with a smile.

Black Jack couldn't help but tremble at the corner of his mouth as he watched the two little treasures calling each other "uncle" affectionately and completely ignoring them.

These two little scoundrels are very kind to each other.

"Luoluo, why are you here suddenly?" Jian Qing sat down opposite them and asked.

Jian Luo teased the two little treasures and said without raising his head, "The clothes and toys ordered for Shi Qi and the others yesterday were just delivered. I happened to have something to tell you, so we brought the things together."

"What's the matter?" she asked.

When it came to business, Jian Luo's face became more serious.

"After you came back, I sent people to check the place you mentioned before. When our people got there, the building was already empty."

That Ana Shen really ran away fast enough, and even managed to throw away all the people from the Underworld Army and escape without a trace.

And ha...

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