Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 937 I’ve made you sad for so long (3)

As soon as Shen Hua left, Shen Yan quickly walked to A'er to check his injuries.

"Ah Er, I'm the one who got you into trouble this time, I'm sorry."

Ah Er forced a smile and said, "Second Young Master, don't worry, I'm fine."

Seeing the whip marks all over his body, Ana Shen stretched out her hand to support him, "Let's go."

Before taking two steps, he looked back at the people following him and said in a low voice, "Send someone to keep an eye on my brother."

Because of the heavy losses in country F's transaction, his eldest brother was already furious. What he just said had completely angered him. If he really attacked Quan Jingwu, it would be difficult.


It was a quiet night, and occasionally I could hear the sound of leaves rubbing against each other.

On the deserted road, a silver sports car galloped past.

The convertible model allows the soft moonlight to shine unreservedly on the woman's delicate face, casting layers of charming brilliance.

After getting off the plane, Jian Qing drove non-stop.

The extreme speed shocked the car owners who occasionally passed by.

"Damn, is this guy racing a car?"

Ignoring the whispers of curses around her, Jian Qing's dark eyes were astonishingly bright under the moonlight. Her only thought now was to see that he was safe and sound as soon as possible.

"Master, that person seems to be Jian Qing."

Ah Da held the steering wheel with one hand and looked up to see the silver sports car passing their car, with a bit of surprise on his face.

The person sitting in the back row suddenly opened his eyes and looked in the direction he pointed.

The cool sports car was not Jian Qing who was let go by Ana Shen.

Shen Hua's eyes deepened, "Catch up and intercept her."


A Da sped up and Shen Hua took out two guns from under the seat.

The window was rolled down, and the cold gun was aimed at the tires of the sports car.

Pull the trigger and the bullet shoots out.


There was a loud noise, bullets embedded in the tires, and the sports car skidded on the ground uncontrollably.


The tires made a screeching sound as they rubbed against the ground, which was particularly harsh on the quiet road at night.

Jian Qing's figure swayed, and her clear eyes suddenly became cold. She glanced at the car mirror and saw the person behind her raising the gun in his hand and shaking it at her. To put it bluntly, he was provoking.

Shen Hua leaned out of the car window, met Jian Qing's cold gaze, and slightly curled his lips, "Jian Qing, we meet again."

Before he finished speaking, he aimed at the tire on the other side of Jian Qing's car and shot.

"Bang bang——"

Jian Qing hurriedly braked. Due to the force of inertia, her forehead hit the steering wheel and turned red instantly.

She raised her head, her eyes flashing with a seething anger.

She held the edge of the car window with one hand and jumped out of the car. The car behind her caught up in an instant. Shen Hua got out alone and closed the door.

Under the dark night, the two stood face to face.

Jian Qing glanced at the gun in his hand, not worried that he would shoot directly, and said in a cold voice, "Shen Hua, how dare you show up."

She didn't go to him, but he came to her by himself.

"Ha." Shen Hua looked her over and sneered, "It seems that you have not completely lost your memory. Jian Qing, do you want to know why you jumped off the cliff, huh?"

Jian Qing glanced at him and said, "It's none of your business."

"Jian Qing, the fight between us is not over yet, how about we continue now?" Shen Hua smiled instead of getting angry.

"Tsk." Jian Qing smiled disdainfully, her eyes falling on the gun in his hand.

Sensing her gaze, Shen Hua curled his lips and threw the gun to Ada.


Jian Qing pursed her red lips tightly and sneered.

She moved her steps, and in the blink of an eye, the fist wind had hit him.

After the last battle, Shen Hua no longer dared to underestimate Jian Qing, and he dealt with her without reservation.

The cold wind blew, and the two of them were fighting indistinguishably.

A Da got out of the car and stood beside the car, looking at the two people fighting fiercely not far away. Suddenly Shen Hua took a step back, and his heart tightened.

Jian Qing dodged Shen Hua's fist and felt dizzy.

Her head... hurts so much.

She frowned, not daring to let down her vigilance, but her defensive speed gradually slowed down.

Shen Hua also saw this.

"What, Jian Qing, you have no strength?" he mocked.

Jian Qing was silent, her face gradually losing color due to her headache.


Hearing Ah Da's voice, Shen Hua punched Jian Qing's abdomen with his fist.

At that moment, Jian Qing kicked his hand away, jumped into the car, and drove away quickly.

"Shen Hua, I won't let you go next time."

The cold voice was colder than the cold wind in the dark night.

Shen Hua looked at the sports car gradually going away, feeling low pressure all over his body.

He turned to look at Ada, his face turned blue.

"Master, something happened to the second young master."

The coldness in Shen Hua's eyes faded, "What's going on?"

"The people sent to keep an eye on the second young master just called. The second young master and A'er fell ill just as they were about to leave the castle. He suddenly fainted. The doctor checked and said that the second young master's condition has worsened."

After talking about it, Ada's voice gradually weakened.

Shen Hua's eyes tightened, "Deterioration, how is this possible? Ayan's health has gotten much better recently. How could it have worsened? He was not fine just now. Is he playing some tricks again?"

"Young Master, it's true." Ah Da Dao, "When I returned to the island two days ago, I heard from the servant that the Second Young Master hasn't had much rest recently and often coughs in the middle of the night."

"Turn around and go back." Hearing this, Shen Hua forgot about catching Jian Qing and quickly opened the car door and got in.

Ah Da got into the car, started the engine and left.

By the time the traffic police arrived, the place was already deserted.

Shen Hua's marksmanship was very accurate. After the hit tire managed to drive for a while, it was completely scrapped. In desperation, Jian Qing had no choice but to abandon the car.

Pushing open the car door, as soon as one foot hit the ground, a feeling of powerlessness came over me, and I fell out of the car.

On the soft grass, the fall didn't hurt much.

She held her head in pain, and her face looked horribly pale under the moonlight.


She couldn't help but growl because of the splitting headache. No one noticed her pain in the deserted suburbs.

Jian Qing curled up into a ball, cold sweat breaking out on her back.

For a long time, her black eyes trembled, and the missing blank area in her mind gradually became colored, and the blocked memories poured into her mind like a flood.

"Xiao Jing..."

He murmured like a whisper, his voice was very soft.

She twitched her lips, and the corners of her mouth curved into a slight curve.

After a while, she stood up slowly with one hand on the ground.

Shen Hua, I really want to thank you this time.

She rubbed her somewhat groggy head, but her eyes were clear.

She leaned over and picked up the cell phone in the car and made a call.

"Send someone to drive over in a car, and I'll send you the address."

After hanging up the phone, she looked up at the bright moon in the night sky and smiled lightly.

Xiaojing, I remembered it all.

Sorry for making you sad for so long!

I'll update it later if I have time, if not I'll update it tomorrow morning...

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