Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 942 A great gift for Quan Jingwu (1)

The door opened, and a group of doctors ran out of it, staggering as if evil spirits were chasing them behind them.

Ada rushed over with Dr. Keson. When he saw the doctors who were blasted out, Dr. Keson's heart skipped a beat.

"What are you still waiting for?" Ada pushed him and motioned for him to hurry in.

"You trash, where is Dr. Coson? Why haven't you come here yet?" The man's roar was full of anger.

Dr. Coson trembled and walked in quickly.

"Young Master!"

"Hurry up and show Ayan." Seeing Dr. Kesen, Shen Hua walked over and carried him to the bed.

Dr. Coson's heart trembled when he saw the scarlet bloodshot eyes of Shen Hua. He turned around and examined Shen Yan skillfully.

The instrument made a beeping sound, which made Shen Hua even more irritable.

He looked down at the person lying on the bed. The face that was somewhat similar to his was pale and haggard. If it weren't for his weak breathing, it would be easy for people to think that he had lost his breath.

After a long time, Dr. Coson withdrew his hand, his eyes fell on Shen Yan's pale face, and he couldn't help but frown. Worse, the situation was out of control.

"How come, why did Ayan suddenly become ill? Hasn't he been fine after the operation?" Seeing that he didn't speak for a long time, Shen Hua lost his patience and grabbed him.

Dr. Coson was so old that he could not withstand such torture. He was so frightened that he almost lost his mind. "Young Master, Second Young Master, he, he..."

"How is he?" Shen Hua asked sharply.

Cold sweat broke out on Dr. Keson's forehead. He suddenly remembered what Ana Shen said to him, and said in a trembling voice, "The second young master just had surgery not long ago, and his physical condition cannot allow him to travel back and forth. In addition, the second young master has been emotionally agitated recently. , that’s why he suddenly fainted.”

Shen Hua let go of his hand and shook him off, "Don't talk nonsense to me. What I want is for him to wake up."

Shen Hua lost control of his strength, and Dr. Keson fell to the ground, leaning forward and hitting the corner of the bedside table.

He raised his hand and touched his forehead, his fingertips were covered in blood.

"Dr. Corson, are you okay?" A'er saw the blood on his hand, stretched out his hand to help him up, and turned to look at the doctors hiding at the door. "Hurry in and bandage Dr. Corson."

Dr. Coson waved his hand, took out a handkerchief from his pocket, and covered the bruise on his forehead. "I'm fine."

"Before the sun goes down, I want to see Ayan wake up, otherwise all the doctors here will go to the sea to feed the sharks." Shen Yan said harshly, and the doctors at the door, including Dr. Coson, were frightened.

"Young Master, I have to do a comprehensive physical examination for the Second Young Master first." Dr. Coson walked up to him and said respectfully.

Shen Hua said in a cold voice, "Then go quickly."

"Yes Yes."

Dr. Keson waved to the doctors outside, and then pushed Ana Shen to the examination room together, and A'er followed.

The room suddenly became quiet, and Ada stood aside quietly.

Shen Hua raised his hand and pinched his eyebrows, "Both Quan Jingwu and Jian Qing are in country F now?"

"Yes." Ada nodded.

"How are our strongholds doing?"

"They were...all destroyed by Quan Jingwu and his men, and even our base in Country F was affected."


Shen Hua looked sharply at Quan Jingwu.

After ruining so much of his hard work, he naturally had to give him a big gift in return.

"Who is there in the capital?"

Ada was stunned for a moment, then reacted casually, "Master, does he mean Jian Qing's people?"


"Mr. Jian and Jian Luo are both in the capital, as are Jian Qing's father and Bai Jue. Black Jack has returned to country Y." Ah Da reported carefully.

Shen Hua folded his arms, with a strange smile flashing in his ice eyes, "Where are those two little guys?"

Ada said, "Jian Qing's two children have always lived in the Quan family, and they are usually taken care of by the Quan family."

Shen Hua walked back and forth for a few steps. Suddenly, his steps were steady and he snapped his fingers, "No matter what method you use to get those two little guys, you must get them to me before Quan Jingwu and Jian Qing go back." I'll get it."

It is rare that both Quan Jingwu and Jian Qing are not in the capital. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If Nen catches the two little guys, Quan Jingwu and Jian Qing will not be afraid at all.

"Yes." Ada turned and left.

Shen Hua walked to the window, raised his hand to rub the window frame, and raised a sneer on his lips.

Quan Jingwu, you have damaged so many of my troops and strongholds. The father's debt must be repaid by the son. This time, let's use your two precious sons to repay.

During the examination, all the doctors were kicked out by Dr. Coson, leaving only A'er.

The screen opened and Dr. Corson walked out.

Ah Er immediately greeted him, "Dr. Coson, how are you?"

Dr. Keson's face was heavy, "The heart that the second young master replaced during surgery had some rejection in his body at the beginning. The second young master has always asked me to use medicine to suppress it. I didn't expect that the condition would suddenly worsen so quickly. Now Those medicines have little effect on the second young master."

A'er also knew very well what Dr. Coson's words meant, because he was the only person who knew about Ana Shen's plan.

He glanced at the closed door and pulled Dr. Coson inside, "Dr. Coson, what should we do about the second young master's current situation? Can we use other medicines to control his condition?"

Dr. Coson shook his head, "I also want the second young master to get well soon, but the second young master insisted on replacing the heart, and now his condition has worsened beyond my expectation. Even if I can barely suppress it with medicine first, But it is not the way to control his condition. The best way now is to replace the second young master with the most suitable heart that we have matched before. "

Hearing this, Ah Er lowered his hands.

The most suitable heart is Jian Qing's. The second young master would never agree to this proposal at all. If he agreed to do this, why would he bother to gamble with his own life in the first place.

He raised his eyes and looked at the unconscious person on the bed, "Is there really no other way?"

Dr. Coson sighed softly and said, "Let's do it this way. I'll use the medicine to let the second young master wake up for the time being. As for the rest, I can only take one step at a time."

After saying that, he turned and left to get the medicine. Ah Er walked to the bed and looked down at the person on the bed, "Second Young Master, if you want to protect Jian Qing, you must get better quickly."

Under the light blue sky, kites danced in the wind.

From a distance, you can hear the sound of children laughing.

On this day, Rui Yi and Mrs. Quan took their two babies to the park to play as usual.

As soon as they arrived at the park, the two little treasures were like wild horses running wild and running around.

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