Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 951 Where there is the sea (1)

Nineteen's brows furrowed slightly, and Shen Hua let go of his hand, curled his fingertips and flicked his forehead, "Nasty little thing."

After staying for a few minutes, Shen Hua turned around and walked out. He bumped into Shen Yan who came back at the door. He said with a serious face, "Why are you back again?"

"What about you, brother? Aren't you gone?" Ana Shen leaned against the door and looked at him meaningfully.

Shen Hua coughed twice and said, "I just dropped something in there."

"What a coincidence, I also left something in it." Ana Shen smiled lightly.

Shen Hua gave him a cold look and turned to leave.

Looking at his walking back, Ana Shen couldn't help but think of his actions in the room just now, and a slight smile appeared in his eyes.

In fact, his brother also likes Seventeen and Nineteen.

He walked in, picked up the cell phone that was left in the room, glanced at the two sleeping little guys, and walked out quietly.

The heat is rising and the chirping of cicadas is endless.

After rushing back to the capital overnight, Jian Qing was forced by Quan Jingwu to go back to her room to rest.

It's just that the two little ones haven't been found yet, so how can Jian Qing sleep peacefully? As soon as Quan Jingwu left the room, she immediately got up and took the computer to search for Shen Hua's whereabouts.

The door was ajar, and the air conditioning air continued to escape.

The air-conditioning filled the empty corridor, which was very comfortable.

The sound of footsteps came from far to near, step by step...

Jian Qing frowned, quickly closed the computer and put it on the bedside table, then lay back on the bed and pretended to sleep.

The next second, the door opened.

Quan Jingwu glanced at the people on the bed, walked slowly to the bed, and touched the computer with his big hand pretending to be casual.

The faint remaining warmth revealed everything.

Jian Qing, who was hiding under the quilt, clearly heard the man's sigh. She pulled down the quilt and Quan Jingwu sat down by the bed.

"Aren't you pretending to be asleep?"

A faint voice, helpless and distressed.

Jian Qing sat up, threw herself into his arms, put her hands around his strong waist, "Xiao Jing."

Quan Jingwu knew that she was worried about her two little treasures, so he raised his arms and put his arms around her, "If you continue like this, your body will not be able to bear it."

"I didn't find Seventeen and Nineteen. I won't let anything happen to me. Xiaojing, don't worry." Jian Qing said in a dull voice.

"There's really nothing I can do against you."

The helpless words sounded above the head, but it was still a magnetic and beautiful voice.


The phone beeped. Jian Qing came out of his arms, picked up the phone, and saw the unfamiliar number, her eyes darkened.

She clicked on the video, and the delicate little faces of Seventeen and Nineteen broke into their field of vision.

"Daddy, I hate old witches."

"Seventeen misses Daddy and Mommy."

A soft and waxy voice came from the mobile phone, directly touching the hearts of Quan Jingwu and Jian Qing.

Jian Qing's nose felt sour, and her eyes couldn't help but turn red.

Quan Jingwu took the phone and looked at the two little treasures in the video, his purple eyes filled with coldness, "This should be from Ana Shen."

The expressions of the two little treasures were very relaxed, and they were not afraid of being kidnapped at all. The person who took this video should be Ana Shen.

And judging from the room in the video, the two babies should not have been abused.

Jian Qing blinked, pushing back the fog in her eyes, then took her phone back and started tracking the location of the video.

However, she was disappointed.

Tracking the other party's mobile phone turned out to be nothing.

She clicked to start the video again, looking at the little faces of the two babies in the video, she wanted to see through the video and hug them tightly.

"Ana Shen sent this video. At least Seventeen and the others are safe now, and it seems that Seventeen and Nineteen have not been abused by them. Don't worry." A man's deep voice came from beside her, and Jian Qing looked up. He nodded slightly.

"Xiao Jing, who do you think the old witch among the nineteen people will be?" Jian Qing's heart softened when she saw the little guy frowning and pouting when he mentioned the old witch.

"Chen Hua." Quan Jingwu's thin lips curled up slightly.

"But isn't the old witch a woman?" Jian Qing was stunned.

"Nineteen is an eccentric person. He calls anyone who is mean to him an old witch." After many days, Quan Jingwu finally showed a smile.

This was what he discovered by chance when he took the little guy to the park to play last time.

A slight smile appeared on Jian Qing's lips. She watched the video intently and played it over and over again. She didn't feel bored after watching it several times.

Suddenly, she frowned slightly and turned the volume of her phone to the highest level.

"Xiao Jing, did you hear the sound of the waves?"

Quan Jingwu leaned closer to the phone and listened carefully. There was indeed a bit of the sound of the waves in the little guy's crisp voice.

Although the sound was almost inaudible, it was still definitely the sound of the waves.

"It seems we are going to search where there is sea." Jian Qing said thoughtfully.

Quan Jingwu took out his mobile phone and dialed Shen Hao's number. Jian Qing sent the video to Jian Luo and briefly explained the situation to them.

the other side

Shen Yan also didn't expect that Jian Qing would find a big loophole in a video. He had been trying to persuade Shen Hua for two consecutive days.

On this day, Ana Shen came to see Shen Hua as usual. As soon as he approached the study, he heard Shen Hua's angry voice coming from inside.

Ada was standing guard at the door. When he saw Ana Shen coming, he stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Second Young Master, the master is busy with something, you'd better go back first."

"What happened?" Shen Yan saw the broken vase fragments on the ground through the ajar door, and his eyes flashed slightly.

Ah Da hesitated and whispered, "Quan Jingwu and Jian Qing destroyed several of our bases and strongholds, and now we can't even get the goods out."

Without going into details, Ana Shen also knew the consequences of this matter.

If the goods cannot be delivered as scheduled, the partner will definitely come out and make a fuss. Then it will not be as simple as compensation for liquidated damages.

"I understand. Open the door and I'll go talk to him."

Ah Da still blocked him, "Second Young Master, I really can't let you in."

"Let him get in." Shen Hua's suppressed voice came from inside, and his raging anger could be felt through the door.

Adala opened the door and Ana Shen walked in without hesitation.

Carefully avoiding the mess on the ground, Ana Shen walked to the desk.

"elder brother."

In response, a bunch of documents were thrown at him.

Ana Shen looked down at the documents scattered on the ground, with no emotion on his face.

"Take a good look at it for yourself." Shen Hua stood up and said angrily, "Quan Jingwu and Jian Qing have gone too far and ruined so much of my hard work. How do you want me to let them go?"

Ana Shen opened his mouth, but was interrupted by him before he could speak, "If you want me to let them go, no way, they dare to ruin my hard work, fine, then I will operate on their son."

Ana Shen's expression changed, and her eyes followed him closely, "Brother, what do you want to do?"

"Ah Da." Shen Hua ignored him and shouted towards the door.

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