Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 954 Conditions: Keep an Appointment (1)

Country M, manor

"Sister, there are so many places with seas in the world, so searching for them like this is not the way to go." Jian Luo pinched the center of her eyebrows, looking a little tired.

Jian Qing also knows this truth, but now there is no other way except this method.

"If that video was sent by Shen Yan, and he helped Jian Qing time and time again, then why didn't he just return Shi Qi and the others to us?" Bai Jue said, tapping his fingertips on the small table beside him.

Black Jack glanced at him and said, "Don't forget that Shen Yan and Shen Hua are two brothers. How could Shen Yan directly oppose Shen Hua? What's more, according to Grandpa Jian's words, Shen Hua has trouble dealing with Shen Yan, his younger brother. With this strength alone, it is impossible for Ana Shen to betray him. "

As soon as the words fell, the living room fell into silence.

After a long time, the mobile phone on the table buzzed.

Jian Qing now becomes sensitive when she sees a strange number.

She picked up her phone and pressed the sound button directly.

"Jian Qing!"

The low voice was a bit cold, like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark.

Others may not be familiar with this voice, but Jian Qing will never forget it.

"Shen Hua!" She gritted her teeth.

The others' expressions darkened and they stared at their phones, wanting to go through the phones and pull out the person on the other end of the phone and beat them up.

"Hey!" Shen Hua smiled coldly on the other end of the phone, "I heard that Master Jian has returned to Country M. I will call you immediately."

"Shen Hua, where did you take my son?" Jian Qing didn't want to talk in circles with him and asked straight to the point.

"Don't worry, Master Jane." Shen Hua said in a mocking tone, "Don't worry, the two little guys are doing well here. I thought it would be better if you gave them to me."

Jian Qing frowned, Quan Jingwu's purple eyes suddenly turned cold, and he held her clenched hand.

"Shen Hua, if you don't tell secret words, what do you want?" Jian Qing asked, suppressing the anger surging in her heart.

"Of course you stole my mother away?"

Mentioning Jian Wei, Shen Hua's voice was instantly filled with a bit of venom. Even through the phone, one could feel his obsession with Jian Wei, "Wei Wei was originally mine. Back then, I just went to pick her up and bring her back to me." , why steal words?”

As soon as these words came out, Jian Qing and his group's suspicion that Jian Wei was still alive was finally confirmed. Jian Qing and Jian Luo looked at each other, with the same joy flashing in their eyes.

"Shen Hua, you tried so hard to kidnap my son. Since you called me today, you must have thought about the terms you want to make a deal with me. Tell me your purpose." She said calmly. typical.

"It's refreshing." Shen Hua laughed and continued, "If you want to see your son and your mother, just come and find them yourself. Remember, I'm talking about you coming alone."

Quan Jingwu's eyes suddenly flashed with cold light, "Shen Hua, don't push yourself too far."

"Quan Jingwu, I should return this sentence to you. If you dare to destroy my base and stronghold again, don't blame me for attacking your two sons." Shen Hua said coldly, "Father's debt must be repaid by son." you have heard."

Jian Qing held his hand, looked at him, shook her head at him, and then said to the phone, "The location."

"You wait at the foot of Soul Burial Cliff early tomorrow morning. I will send someone to pick you up then. But you'd better remember one thing clearly. You are not allowed to bring anyone with you. Otherwise, you will never see your son and mother again in this life. ”


Listening to the busy signal coming from the phone, Jian Luo couldn't help but curse.

"Damn, there is something wrong with this Shen Hua's mind. What nonsense are you talking about? Why should my mother be his? This lunatic."

Black Jack patted him on the shoulder, "That kind of person doesn't deserve your anger."

"Xiao Jing, I..."

As soon as Jian Qing opened her mouth, Quan Jingwu intercepted her words. He held her hand and directly rejected her unsaid words.


He had almost lost her once, and he couldn't bear the second time.

Bai Jue and the other three remained silent. This matter could only be decided by themselves as a couple.

Jian Qing had already anticipated his reaction, so she pulled him up, and Quan Jingwu let her pull him upstairs.

Jian Luo and the other three looked at each other and sighed softly.

Quan Jingwu stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with his hands behind his hands, a clear cold air between his brows.

Jian Qing closed the door, walked over, hugged him from behind, and pressed her cheek against his back, "Xiao Jing, I will be fine. I promise, I will take Shi Qi, the others, and my mother back safely." to your side."

Quan Jingwu remained unmoved, his eyes reflecting the starlight outside the window.


The woman's soft voice sounded behind him, and Quan Jingwu finally relented.

He turned around, clasped his hands tightly around her waist, and stared at her with lowered eyes, "Baby, you know, nothing is more important to me than you."

Jian Qing put her hands around his neck and smiled, "Xiao Jing, Seventeen and Nineteen are our treasures, and we finally learned that my mother is still alive. I can't leave them alone. Don't worry, I have Shen Yan. At least my safety is guaranteed.”

Halfway through, she took out a chip as big as a fingernail from her pocket, then took out his mobile phone and installed it in it with familiar movements.

"Don't forget my old profession. As long as there is a chance, I will definitely find an opportunity to send you the location."

She moved quickly, installing the chip in less than two minutes, and then put the phone back into his pocket.

Quan Jingwu hugged her tightly and rested his chin on her neck, "No matter what happens, if you live and I live, if you die, I will not live alone."

"Okay." Jian Qing smiled lightly and hugged him back.

At dawn, Jian Qing set out.

When they arrived at Soul Burial Cliff, there was already a plane waiting there.

There were two men in black next to the plane. Jian Qing closed the car door, threw the car keys back into the car, and walked up to them.

"No mobile phones or watches are allowed." One of the men in black said expressionlessly.

Jane glanced at them and did not argue with them. She took off her watch and threw it into the car window, along with her mobile phone.

"Any more questions?" She put her hands in her pockets and asked quietly.

The man in black looked at each other, then moved out of the way, "Please."

Jian Qing stepped onto the plane, followed closely by two men in black.

When Quan Jingwu and his party arrived, the plane had already taken off and turned into a small black dot.

"You are really careful and vigilant." Jian Luo looked at the mobile phone and watch in the car and said sarcastically.

Bai Jue walked up to Quan Jingwu, raised his hand and pressed his shoulder, "Go back, she will be fine."

Quan Jingwu pursed his thin lips tightly and stared in the direction where the plane disappeared.

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