Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 966 Belated compensation (1)

At night, the fragrance floats.

After the two little treasures took a bath, their white and tender little bodies were rolling on the bed. Jian Qing came over with clothes and saw the two little treasures hugging each other, shaking her head in confusion.

"Seventeen, nineteen, come here and get dressed."

The two little treasures were playing happily, and when they heard Jian Qing's voice, they crawled over.

Jian Qing helped the two little treasures put on their clothes with familiar movements. She was about to walk to the bathroom with a slightly wet towel when there was a knock on the door.

"Tuk tuk tuk -"

Jian Qing put down the towel and walked to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Ah Er's poker face came into view.

"Second Young Master is waiting for you in the study."

The mechanized voice sounded without any fluctuation.

Jian Qing raised her eyebrows and glanced back at the two little treasures, "Then please help me take a look at seventeen and nineteen."

Without giving Ah Er a chance to react, Jian Qing walked out quickly.

Ah Er was stunned on the spot, looking up at the two little treasures on the bed. Seventeen and Nineteen happened to look over, and the three of them were speechless.

A'er's body stiffened, and his expression looked a little embarrassed.

"Uncle Er." Nineteen suddenly shouted softly.

A'er was stunned for a moment, and then Wugui quickly moved over.

He stood by the bed, looking down at the two little treasures, with nowhere to put his hands.

After a long time, he held back a sentence, "You...sit obediently."

"Uncle Ah Er, toy." Seventeen stretched out his little hand and grabbed Ah Er's hand. Ah Er's black eyes trembled and his tall body tensed.

He looked down at the little guy holding his hand, and the corners of his mouth trembled slightly.

"let go."

"Cheche." Shiqi said firmly.

Finally, Ah Er was defeated and said, "I'll get it for you."

Hearing this, Shi Qi let go of his hand with a smile, and Ah Er walked to the sofa to get them toys.

Jian Qing walked to the door of the study room. Through the ajar door, a faint scent of tea overflowed. The refreshing fragrance made people relax.

She opened the door and walked in. Ana Shen was making tea.

"Here you go, sit down."

Ana Shen put down the teapot with a gentle smile on her lips.

"It's so late, what do you want from me?" Jian Qing sat down opposite him, her eyes glancing at his rosy face, her eyes twinkling slightly.

Ana Shen brought a cup of tea and put it in front of her, "Drink a cup of tea first, and I'll get something."

Jian Qing lowered her eyes and looked at the exquisite little teacup on the table. Wisps of mist blurred her dark eyes, making it difficult to see the emotions in her eyes.

After a while, Ana Shen came back with a document bag.

"this is for you."

He handed the document bag to Jian Qing. Jian Qing raised her eyes and glanced at it, but did not reach out to take it.

"What's this?"

"Belated compensation, although I know you don't lack these things, but consider it a little bit of my kindness, or a gift from my old uncle to the two little guys." Shen Yan put the document on her In front of him, he said softly.

"There is also a USB flash drive in the document bag. You can take it out and look at it when you get back."

"I appreciate your kindness, please take it back." She knew he was thinking about her, and because of this, she didn't want to embarrass him.

Helping them leave was already betraying his brother to him, and she didn't want him to feel even more guilty about Shen Hua.

"If you refuse, don't say anything anymore. These things are no longer useful to me anyway. Just keep them. If you don't want to keep them, it means you haven't forgiven me yet." Ana Shen curved the corners of her lips and looked at him gently. Look at her.

"I like these two little guys very much. This is my gift to them."

Jian Qing's eyes narrowed slightly, and for a long time, she nodded helplessly.

Seeing that she was willing to accept it, Ana Shen felt relieved, and a flash of relief flashed deep in his eyes, "Jian Qing, I have made arrangements. I will send you away the day after tomorrow."

If it wasn't for Ah Wei suddenly waking up, he would have arranged for them to leave tomorrow. But now that Ah Wei has woken up, his brother has been guarding the small garden. It is not easy for him to use his tricks to bring people out. things.

Jian Qing's face straightened, "What do you want to do?"

"The day after tomorrow, I will lie and say that I suddenly fell ill, and then lure my brother away from Xiaoyuan. Then A'er will take people to Xiaoyuan to replace Awei. You and Quan Jingwu will go to pick them up, and Anzhe will take them first. Let Seventeen and Nineteen go and wait for you on the boat. When you receive the person, you should leave immediately. Time is limited, so you should hurry up." Shen Yan said.

"When the time comes, I will ask Dr. Coson to leave with you, and Ah Er will also escort you. He is familiar with the route here, so you can just follow him."

Jian Qing's eyes deepened, "What about you?"

"I know you are worried about me, don't worry, I have my own way." Shen Yan said in a brisk tone.

Jian Qing looked at his rosy face and asked tentatively, "You look good these past two days. Are you feeling better?"

Ana Shen calmly accepted her inspection and curled her lips, "Thanks to Dr. Keson, he has developed a new drug. As long as I take it on time, I won't get sick often. Haha, maybe I can still live. to one hundred years old.”

Tsk tsk, Awei, your daughter is so shrewd, it’s really hard to hide it from her.

Jian Qing said, "Why don't you leave with us? I have a friend named Bai Jue. He is very skilled in medicine. He might be able to make a complete recovery for you."

"Haha, you still want to persuade me to leave with you." Ana Shen picked up a cup of tea and took a sip.

"Let's talk about this later"

Late at night, Jian Qing still hadn't fallen asleep.

The door lock turned slightly, and Jian Qing immediately became alert.

She put away the documents and turned around to look. Under the soft light, the man's charming face came into view.

The vigilance in Jian Qing's eyes faded, and Quan Jingwu walked slowly in front of her.

"So late and still awake?"

Jian Qing ran into his arms and nuzzled him out of habit, "I can't sleep."

Quan Jingwu raised his hand and stroked her long hair, his slender fingertips darting through her hair. He glanced at the document bag on the table from the corner of his eye, "Did Ana Shen give it to you?"

"Yes." Jian Qing raised her head to look at him and briefly told him Ana Shen's plan.

After listening, Quan Jingwu's eyes dimmed.

By doing this, Shen Yan was probably ready to die with Shen Hua.

"Go to bed early, we still have a tough battle to fight."

The magnetic voice is slightly hoarse, but it makes people feel at ease.

Jian Qing nodded and put her hands around his waist, "Yeah."

"I'll wait until you fall asleep before leaving." Quan Jingwu picked her up, lowered his head and kissed her eyebrows, "Go to sleep."

Jian Qing narrowed her eyes and found a comfortable angle in his arms. After a while, she felt sleepy and fell asleep.

Remembering that Ana Shen said he would bring the two little guys to see her, Jian Wei got up early in the morning and waited for her after breakfast.

However, instead of expecting Ana Shen to come, the person she least wanted to see came instead.

Different from his usual black shirt and black trousers, Shen Hua wore a white shirt today, with the sleeves rolled up loosely, making him more casual and less serious.

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